• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance of mortgaged estate:
  • Date free text
    13 Oct 1875
  • Production date
    From: 1875 To: 1875
  • Scope and Content
    i) ) Archibald Campbell, Lord Bishop of London Charles Richard, Lord Bishop of Winchester Richard Chenevix, Lord Archbishop of Dublin Benjamin Harrison, Archdeacon of Maidstone, Kent ii) Elizabeth Browne, Goldington, widow James Herne Wade, Alphington, Devon, esquire, a Major unattached in H.M.Army iii) Thomas Twining Wing, Bedford, esquire Henry Charles Dudley Long, Hampton Lodge, Surrey, esquire by an indenture of even date with SL1/306 and made between same parties, such of hereditaments purchased by William Kenworthy Browne and not subsequently sold to Robert Elliott, were conveyed to William Kenworthy Browne recites: Mortgage of 2 December 1847 a) Robert Elliott b) Thomas Barnard consideration - £8000 - premises as in SL1/306 : will of Thomas Barnard made 14 October 1852 sons Talbot Barnard and Thomas Barnard appointed executors and residue of estate devised to them and also all such real estates vested in him by way in mortgage, to be held in trust He died 3 June 1853. Will proved (PCC) on 29 June 1853 : Indenture of 23 February 1859 A) Talbot Barnard Thomas Barnard B) Isabella Henrietta Theodora Long, spinster C) Talbot Barnard Thomas Twining Wing Turner Arthur Macan Henry Charles Dudley Long - premises in mortgage of 2 December 1847 granted to C) subject to equity of redemption : Talbot Barnard died 15 December 1867 : enclosure award of Goldington, 7 September 1852 valuer appointed for the enclosure set out to Robert Elliott in part of his allotment in respect of lands etc. conveyed to him by indenture of 1 December 1847 - land no 43 on enclosure map, to be a place of recreation for Goldington valuer set out to churchwardens and overseers of the poor - no 48 in trust as an allotment to the labouring poor, subject to a rent charge of £11 - premises allotted to Robert Elliott set out in schedule and also said rent charge of £11 : Deaths of Robert Elliott, his wife and daughter Harriett : ii) are guardians of surviving daughter – Florence Anna Maria Elliott : Is apprehended that legal estate in premises allotted to Robert Elliott at enclosure is vested in i), who at request of ii) and ii) have agreed to convey same and old enclosures in Goldington as originally formed part of said security of 9 October 1846 and were not conveyed to William Kenworthy Browne now i) by direction of ii), grant to iii) - all such premises which are now vested in them to secure £6000 and interest, including 1) appoints 3) as trustee in place of Thomas Barnard, who was desirous of being discharged : Annual sum of £300 has been duly invested and James HerneWade, Robert O’Hara and Charles Burton have proposed to i) to pay £2000 out of said fund in part satisfaction of sum of £8000, and that i) should re-convey premises as below, the other hereditaments as in deed of 2 December 1847 being sufficient security for £6000 now i) grants to ii) - all hereditaments in within written indenture and all other hereditaments in Goldington to uses and trusts as in settlement deeds to remain in custody of i) and they covenant to produce them signatures i) endorsed receipt witnesses Charles Gray, Bedford Office, Bloomsbury William Smail, solicitor, Bedford
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