Tithe: 'Transmissio processus in causa St. Eloy contra Keep de Marston Moretain. 1727'
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From: 1727 To: 1727
Scope and Content
pp. 9-107 extracts from act-books, fortnightly adjournments (p.17 to the Swan) (Marston) 29 Mar 1726 -16 Oct. 1727
pp. 108-126 statement by Thomas Keep of Marston, husbandman; Act 13 Elizabeth prohibited leases of tithe by non resident clergy; penalty, forfeit 1 year (to be distributed to poor). M.G. St.Eloy was inducted into Marston Feb 1711/12, but has not resided, but leased tithes; Keep appoints proctors; Samuel Cart, William Weale, John Goodall.
pp. 195-205 List of 14 receipts for tithe paid by Webb
pp.216-241 statement by St.Eloy - he leased tithes to Thomas Webb; the following have not paid:- William Prior, Mary Dawburn, John Pearce, Richard Taylor, Thomas Keep, Thomas Lane, William Wheeler, Widow Hudson, Joseph Monk, John Bosworth junior and senior, William & John Fair, Thomas Irons, John Wilkinson, John Berry, Thomas Pulley.
pp. 241-255 List of receipts from Thomas Irons, Mr Butcher, Mr Prior, Thomas Keep, William Farr, John Berry senior, John Farr, for thihes
pp.298 Excommunication of Thomas Webb for contumacy in not attending.
folio, bound vellum, 300pp
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