• Reference
  • Title
    Articles of covenants and agreements made 2 February 1649/50 between: (1) Nicholas Francklin of Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex, esquire (2) Walter Carter, Staploe, Eaton Socon, Bedfordshire, hopdresser. Lease by (1) to (2) to be made in consideration of £3 from (2) of four acres of Woodground now newly digged up lying at the bottom of a close of pasture belonging to the Manor of Bushmead, usually called Rameclose, from 29 September last for 10 years. [Details of agreements given]
  • Date free text
    2 Feb 1650
  • Production date
    From: 1650 To: 1650
  • Scope and Content
    Details of agreements: (2) covenants to 'digge and dresse the aforesayde fowre acres of woodgrounde and make the same fittinge to plant hopps thereupon and alsoe to provide a sufficient Quantitie hopp rootes to plant the same grounde withall And Likwise the plant and sett the same there this yeare and everie yeare dureinge the sayde terme of ten yeares if the gounde continue fittinge to plant Hopps thereupon soe long'. (1) shall provide half of the poles that shall be used 'and alsoe the one halfe of the Compaste and Dunge that shall be spent in and upon the same', (2) to provide the other half of both poles and dung. If (2) shall leave any part of the four acres unplanted with hops this year 1649, then (1) can use it to sow with any grain he shall consider proper, and to take profit of the grain. If Nicholas Francklin can spare soe much 'Compast and Dunge' out of his yards belonging to the Mansion House of Bushmeade as will serve and be fittinge for the manuring and dunginge the said four acres of hop ground every year, Walter Carter will carry at his cost the compast and dung, and pay (1) 8d a load for half the dung carried. Both parties shall share in the fencing of the four acres. (1) shall find half the charges 'belonginge to the taking downe of the hoppoles and pickinge the hopps from off the same att such time and times as the same shall be readie ... every year ... and the Croppe of Hopps (with the Vines) and other the appurtenances to be equallie devided betweene the sayde parties before such times they shall be Carried from off the grounde yearelie'. If ground suitable for hops during the first five years only, then (1) can reenter. If ground continues suitable for six years and no longer, then (2) can convert to tillage and plant, and then divide crop with (1).
  • Level of description