Letter from Evelyn Chaldecott, sent from Roorkee United Provinces.
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11 Oct 1918
Production date
From: 1918 To: 1918
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Arrived last Monday after rather bad journey. Coolies tiresome at Kasauli and therefore late leaving. Difficulty in getting seats on the Roorke train. Willie has had wire to go to Faridhot to mobilise the Sappers there. Thus had to cope alone in a strange place with new servants. Willie had forgotten to order any curtain poles. Lots of things broken which had to be repaired and bungalow only half matted. Bungalow not raised as they usually are but are flat on the ground and then garden is a jungle. Has been out to tea with thye Sedgwicks, who were at Kasauli, “There I met several very second rate people who seemed most unfriendly and scarcely said a word.”
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