• Reference
  • Title
    Copies of Correspondence. copies of letters from Longbourne, Longbourne and Stevens (hereafter abbreviated to LL and S.) 7 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, relating to Helen Maria Burton’s Trust. 23 June – 25 September 1880. copies of in-letters relating to the same John Hawkins Gascoigne to Messrs. Longbourne. 25 June – 26 August 1880. copies of letters from Samuel Warren Burton to LL and S. and Mrs. Burton. 13 July – 25 September 1880. [the letters from Burton are confused and contain copying errors]
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1880 To: 1880
  • Scope and Content
    page 1 Thomas Stevens to Samuel Warren Burton £4,499.11s. funds of Mrs. Burton’s settlement invested as part of £22,878.11s. secured on mortgage of property of Mr. Theobalds in Essex. He has other mortgaged property in Essex; desires to amalgamate the charges and further advance of £17,000 in one mortgage for £58,000 on his entire Essex estate. Requests consent of Samuel Warren Burton as trustee to conversion of share in present mortgage to share in proposed mortgage which is to be secured on property worth twice as much. Income is more than double the interest on £58,000 at 4%. 23 June 1880. page 2 LL and S. to General John Hawkins Gascoigne as page 1. 23 June 1880. page 3 LL and S. to General John Hawkins Gascoigne acknowledges letter on page 29 will ask Mrs. Burton to nominate new trustee: arrangements mentioned in letter of page 2 do not entail creation of new trust, merely change of investment. 26 June 1880. page 4 Samuel Warren Burton to LL and S. received letter of page 1 on 6 July due to absence; requests value of whole estate if placed at public sale “as the value of land in England is so rapidly falling now, after three bad harvests, and the cheap and easy importation of corn and cattle” If co-trustee has consented to consolidation, it is without Samuel Warren Burton’s knowledge or opinion. at Hotel du Grand Miroir, Belgium 13 July 1880. page 5 Thomas Stevens to Mrs. Burton Mr. Theobalds instructions to Thomas Stevens oblige Thomas Stevens to offer Mrs. Burton’s trustees alternative of taking share in larger sum with other lenders or being paid off; trustees prefer latter course. ThomasStevens hopes to offer them another security at 4% for the £4,499.11s when Mr.Theobald pays them off on 10 December 19 July 1880. page 6 Thomas Stevens to Samuel Warren Burton, Hotel de Grand Miroir, Anvers, Belgium. acknowledges letter on page 8. Auction value of estate circa £100,000; freehold, near enough to London to grow rapidly in value; largely built on already; rental over £4,800. However, has heard from co-trustee that consolidation is to be declined; will send details of another security. 19 July 1880. page 7 LL and S. to General Gascoigne acknowledges letter of 16 July; Mr. Theobald must pay off on 10 December; trustees entitled to six months notice or interest in lieu if no suitable substitute security found. 19 July 1880. page 8 Thomas Stevens to Mrs. Burton requests signature to enclosed proposal for advance of trust funds to Duke of Hamilton at 4%; to forward proposal to trustee. 28 July 1880. page 9 [Samuel Warren Burton] of Hotel de Grand Miroir, Anvers Belgium to Helen [Burton] son Sydney is with him. letter on page 5 informs Samuel Warren Burton that Gascoigne has declined proposal without informing Samuel Warren Burton of his decision; proposal was declined too rapidly. Could not bind settlement. “in this Kettleburgh Hall Gardens and Shoemakers shop etc.” without counsel’s opinion on original deed. £230 per annum rent small even for 4% mortgage as security. 31 July 1880. page10 [Samuel Warren Burton] of Hotel de Grand Miroir, Anvers Belgium to Helen [Burton] refuses to sign new proposal “as the same would bind you, your children and me, to a thing which might turn out far from security” Will instruct Henry Wakeham Purkis of 1 Lincoln’s Inn Fields to inspect deed of settlement. Ample time for reinvestment from 10 December. Hopes Katie enjoyed her trip. “I am between Derby and Warminster about a future school for dear little Sydney.” Friday 7 August 1880. page 11 Thomas Stevens to Mrs. Burton has heard nothing from trustees about loan to Duke of Hamilton; will Mrs. Burton ask them to inform Thomas Stevens if they will accept. 17 August 1880. page 12 Samuel Warren Burton to[Thomas Stevens] Hotel du Miroir, Antwerp with reference to above letter, delay due to approval of security required in place of the Theobald security. Mr. Purkis will communicate with Thomas Stevens on his return from Switzerland. 21 August 1880. page 13 [Samuel Warren Burton] to [Helen Burton] Mr. Purkis left England for Munich en route for Switzerland by Harwich route. Samuel Warren Burton sent Helen Burton original of Purkis’s letter. Helen Burton had signed proposal sent by her solicitor Mr. Stevens, without consulting trustees. Absence of two weeks with his daughter after three years painful residence here caused Samuel Warren Burton to neglect acknowledgement of page 1, has since written only one letter. Concluded that money invested on this security [?Theobalds] by Messrs. Orlebar of Bedford at consent of your father Captain Orlebar could not be preducially affected by further encumbrance. The solicitor [? Purkis] well known to Samuel Warren Burton and the legal world, friend of present Lord Chancellor and is at present in Switzerland. 21 August 1880. page 14 Thomas Stevens to Mrs. Burton Requests visit. Samuel Warren Burton does not object to new security but wishes further time for consideration. 23 August 1880. page 15 Thomas Stevens to General Gascoigne With reference to page 29, Mrs. Burton is filling vacancies in trusteeship caused by death; if General Gascoigne wishes to be replaced cheaper to do so now. 25 August 1880. page 16 Thomas Stevens to Mrs. Burton Will tell Samuel Warren Burton by letter of Mrs. Burton’s intention to relieve him of his duties, making it seem to be under Thomas Stevens’s advice and because of absence abroad. 25 August 1880. page 17 Thomas Stevens to Mrs. Burton Gascoigne wishes to resign from trusteeship. Encloses for completion settlement deed with Appointment of new trustees endorsed. Offers partners as trustees if Mrs. Burton cannot find four. Samuel Warren Burton “will not now be able to give any trouble in relation to the proposed reinvestment.” 27 August 1880. page 18 Thomas Stevens to Samuel Warren Burton Acknowledges page 13; regrets trouble caused to Samuel Warren Burton by trust. Thomas Stevens could probably have satisfied Samuel Warren Burton of suitability of changed investment if could have discussed it. Mrs. Burton will appoint new trustees in place of those who have died and Cascoigne who is retiring and will exercise power under settlement in event of any trustee going abroad. 27 August 1880. page 19 Samuel Warren Burton to Thomas Stevens Refers to page 18; trust has given no trouble. . . . power vested in Mrs. Burton by settlement in event of trustee going abroad could have been applied to Samuel Warren Burton when in Turkey in 1854, but is not residing abroad, only on the continent with two of his children, hopes to be in England in a few weeks and to reside in future with his family. 28 August 1880. page 20 Thomas Stevens to Mrs. Burton Requests extracts from letters of Samuel Warren Burton relating to trust. when he asked for letters had not realized they contained other material. Received letter from Samuel Warren Burton on previous day “not quite in the strain I should have liked best” May name Mr. Longbourne as trustee. 31 August 1880. page 21 Thomas Stevens to Mrs. Burton Thanks for loan of Mr. Burton’s letters now enclosed. Approves Mrs. Burton’s choice of Mr. Smith, whom has seen today, as trustee. 2 September 1880. page 22 Charles R. Longbourne to Mrs. Burton willing to act as trustee of marriage settlement. 4 September 1880. page 23 Thomas Stevens to Mrs. Burton Thanks for return of settlement with endorsed deed completed; acknowledges two letters of Monday. 9 September 1880. page 24 Thomas Stevens to Samuel Warren Burton By Indenture of 8 September 1880 Mrs. Burton appointed four new trustees; Samuel Warren Burton is now released from responsibilities. Will produce deed of appointment to Mr. Purkis and satisfy him that it is in accordance with settlement. 16 September 1880. page 25 Thomas Stevens to General Gascoigne Refers to General Gascoigne’s letter of 26 July. Mrs. Burton has appointed four new trustees, one to succeed General Gascoigne 16 September 1880. page 26 Samuel Warren Burton to LL and S. Refers to page 24; drawn LL and S.’s attention to letter of cousin Mrs. Burton and letters of Samuel Warren Burton and LL and S. of 28 August[page 19] and 15 September. 17 September 1880. page 27 LL and S. to Samuel Warren Burton Received letter of 15 September. If Mr. Purkis will call on LL and S. it will be explained why Samuel Warren Burton’s request cannot be complied with and he will be able to tell Samuel Warren Burton what his position is in relation to the trust and what his responsibilities are (if any). 18 September 1880. page 28 Samuel Warren Burton to LL and S. Refers to letter received from Messrs.Purkis and Peny; protests about removal from trust on grounds of residence abroad “such is not the fact as my own Affidavit would at once prove – irrespective of Mrs. Burton being placed upon her oath.” Came abroad for a few months after the greatest bereavement that could befall a man with a family; has been abroad nearly three years passing four months at M. Greens Solicitors, Middleton House, Middleton, Ireland and a few weeks in London. Future address: Westcomb Cottage, Upper Walmor, Kent. 25 September 1880. page 29 John Hawkins Gascoigne, Little Park Wickham, Southants. to LL and S. Is aged 70, has been trustee for Mrs. Burton for more than half that time; wishes someone else to take place in new trust. Sees no objection to proposal. 25 June 1880. page 30 John Hawkins Gascoigne, Little Park Wickham, Southants. to LL and S. Replies to page 15; wishes to be released on account of age. 26 August 1880. page 31 John Hawkins Gascoigne, Little Park Wickham, Southants. to LL and S. as new trust not contemplated will continue as trustee and assents to proposed alterations. 27 June 1880
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