• Reference
  • Title
    Articles of Agreement for a Marriage Settlement. Marriage intended between William Horne and Ann Hesse
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1799 To: 1846
  • Scope and Content
    (i) William Horne of Lincolns Inn, Middlesex (ii) Ann Hesse of Chiswick Middlesex spinster aged 19 (iii) George Brooks of Chiswick Middlesex, guardian of Ann Hesse, John Woodley of Lincolns Inn Middlesex whereas: Ann Hesse is entitled to £1,000 bequeathed by Solomon Hesse late of Norton Folgate, London, her grandfather, deceased and is entitled as one of the two coheirs of James Hesse her father deceased, to an undivided moiety of several freehold and copyhold estates in Bedfordshire. also on death of her mother and her own majority, to £2,257.12s.6d reduced bank annuities (by settlement of 1761, [see V152]) is also entitled by V155 (her parents marriage settlement) to moiety of £12,203.17s.8d. consolidated bank annuities part of the produce of the £10,000 settled by V155, and to moiety of several free- and lease-hold estates in Bedfordshire purchased with the remainder of the produce; with benefit of survivorship if her sister Martha die in minority. -- bequest of £1,000 to become property of William Horne rest to be settled as follows: on majority will convey to (iii) estate to which she is entitled under aforesaid Indentures to following uses:- -- interest in free- and copy-hold estate to William Horne and Ann Hesse and the survivor; remainder to their children; with remainder as to share of Ann Hesse in freehold estate in Radwell and Felmersham formerly estate of Ann Hesse (now Brooks, wife of George Brooks) whereof a fine was levied by the mother with her husband James Hesse deceased to their use for joint lives, remainder to heirs of James Hesse. -- moiety of copyhold tenements in Ampthill, formerly belonging to her mother’s father to use of said Ann Brooks -- other shares of Ann Hesse in free- copy- and lease-hold estates if she survive William Horne to use of her and her heirs. If she predeceases William Horne without issue to use of Martha Hesse and her husband and issue; ultimate remainder to heirs of Ann Hesse. -- moiety in monies and stocks in trust to permit William Horne and Ann Hesse to receive profits, then in trust for their children as they appoint. . . . whereas: Ann Hesse is entitled under will of Humphrey Dell of Flitwick Doctor of physic deceased to remainder on death of her mother without male issue, but subject to the life estate of George Brooks her present husband to a moiety therein; will on death of Martha Hesse without issue be entitled to the other moiety now: Ann Hesse will permit to be conveyed to (iii) all said estates in Flitwick and elsewhere on trusts. . . . 8 August 1799. Endorsement 1: Memorandum. since execution of above, purchase of lease-hold lands abandoned, as lease found only to be good for 21 years. Purchase money given for this was £1,600. Free-hold lands lay intermixed with lease-hold and other property unconnected with this trust and as they had to be sold in future to satisfy trusts of above articles and Mr. and Mrs. Bold’s articles, the whole family desired to reconvert this purchased property (free- and lease-hold) into money. Free-hold lands valued by surveyor at £7597. 10s.9d. purchaser offered to take free- and lease-hold together for £9197.10s.9d.; money laid out in purchase of £14,834.14s.9d. 3% bank annuities; is in names of George Brooks of Twickenham and wife Ann, John Brooks; William Horne. money originally taken from settlement and invested in purchases was £7,900 3% consolidated bank annuities money brought back was £9,197. 10s. 9d. which produced £14,834. 14s. 9d. 3% consolidated bank annuity. not dated. Endorsement 2: Deed Poll of Appointment. Sir William Horne. marriage was solemnized. Ann Horne died year 18?? issue: Arthur; Francis Woodley; George and several other children. The £14,834.14s.9d. 3% consolidated bank annuitie mentioned in Endorsement 1. then standing in names following: (a) £3,956.14s.3d. : George Brooks, Ann Brooks and Sir William Horne (b) £10,878.0s.6d. : Ann Brooks, Sir William Horne, John Thomas Brooks, Reverend Arthur Bold - still in these names (a) plus £3,460.13s.2d. annuities, part of (b) (and making together £7,412.7s.4d) considered as moiety of £14,834. 14s.9d. subject to trusts of within articles. on 14 November 1834 (a) sold and produced £3,595.14s.3d. paid as follows: :£3,000 to Arthur Horne :£595.10s.8d. to Francis Woodley Horne but no appointment executed. Sir William Horne appoints that the two last mentioned sums should be absolute property of Arthur and Francis. So much of the £3,460.14s.2d. annuity as according to Market Price on day of presents, would raise £904.9s.4d., to be absolute property of Francis Woodley Horne; and as would raise £600 to be absolute property of George Horne. 22 August 1835. Endorsement 3: Deed Poll of Appointment. Sir William Horne, one of his Majesties Counsel Learned in the Law. Ann Horne, George Brooks and John Woodley are all dead. appoints Charles Ranken of Grays Inn, Middlesex, Francis Henry Brooks of Chancery Lane, Middlesex as trustees. Witnesses: John Lewis, Lincolns Inn, William T. Longbourne, Grays Inn 25 August 1835. Endorsement 4: Deed Poll of Appointment. Sir William Horne, one of the masters in Ordinary of the High Court of Chancery. recites endorsement 2. said sums of £904.9s.4d. and £600 were raised on 24 November 1835 by sale of £1,538.1s.8d (corrected in pencil to £1,680.19s.4d.) 3% consolidated bank annuitie part of the said £3,460.13s.2d. annuity which were reduced by the sale to £1,779.13s.10d. 3% consolidated bank annuity. recites: endorsement 3. now: appoints sale of so much of the £1,779.13s.10d. annuity as will raise £250 to be absolute property of George Horne. Witnesses: William T. Longbourne Grays Inn, William Young Grays Inn. 27 March 1844. Endorsement 5: Deed Poll of Appointment. Sir William Horne sums appointed in endorsements 2 and 4 paid and George, Arthur and Francis Woodley Horne had also received further sums. appoints that moiety agreed to be settled of the free- and copy-hold estates formerly of James Hesse deceased and monies subject to the provisions of the above articles, should be vested in William Horne subject to the life estate of Sir William Horne. 17 November 1845. Endorsement 6: Indenture of Appointment. (i) Sir William Horne (ii) Charles Ranken, Francis Henry Brooks, trustees of above articles, appointed by endorsement 3. (iii) Henry Egerton of Lincolns Inn, Middlesex Sir William Horne appoints Henry Egerton trustee jointly with Ranken in place of Francis Henry Brooks who has resigned. Trust estates remaining consist of moiety which descended to said Ann Horne decease of the hereditaments referred to in the said articles and £6,101.18s.10d. 3% consolidated annuity and £802.3s.7d. 3% reduced annuity together with £3000 advanced on mortgage to Sir William Horne. sum of £20,000 covenanted by said articles to be paid by Sir William Horne by reason of marriage settlements of Martha Vernon and Ellen Tallents. the £6,101.18s.10d.and £802.3s.7d to be transferred to new trustees. Sir William Horne revokes his appointment to William Horne to give validity to Sir William Horne’s claim to retain the £3,000 and exonerate his estate from payment of the £20,000. 13 May 1846
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