Declaration and Conveyance in Trust to be sold. (Copy).
Date free text
7 Aug 1741
Production date
From: 1741 To: 1741
Scope and Content
(i) Ralph Ashton of Philadelphia esquire and wife Susan.
(ii) Honourable Thomas Penn esquire one of the proprietors of Pennsylvania.
(iii) James Steel and Lynford Lardner both of Philadelphia gentlemen.
Recites Patent of the governors, 6 August last, reciting that there was surveyed and laid out to Ralph Ashton 4,029 acres in the county of Philadelphia, and thereby granting the land to him in consideration of £624. 10s.
Ralph Ashton declares that the £624. 10s was the proper money of Thomas Penn, and that the lands were purchased in trust for him. Thomas in consideration of the many good offices care and service done by Richard Hockley deceased late of London, and the affection he has for Samuel, Thomas and Ann Hockley children of Richard, has agreed that the property shall be conveyed to James Steel and Lynford Lardner in trust to be sold for the use and benefit of Samuel, Thomas and Ann.
-- several tracts of land:-
One tract on the northeast side of the Schuylkill river about 8 miles west of Cley, beginning at a walnut tree marked on the bank of the said river and extending thence by vacant land north 70° east 400 perches to a white oak and south 20° east 300 perches to a white oak and south 70° west 300 perches to a walnut tree by the river thence to the place of beginning, containing 700 acres and the allowance of 6 acres % for roads etc.;
One tract on a branch of the river, formerly called Andinihelia, now Maiden Creek, beginning at a post at the corner of Francis Parvin’s land, extending thence by the same and by vacant land south 60° west 350 perches to a post, thence north 30° west 207 perches to a post thence north 60° east 300 perches to a post thence by Moses Starr’s land southeast 104 perches to a post and northeast 25 perches to a post thence by vacant land south 30° east 114 perches to the beginning, containing 405 acres and allowances;
One tract on a branch of Maiden Creek beginning at a corner marked white oak and extending thence by vacant land southeast 400 perches to a post and southwest 100 perches to a post, southeast 76 perches to a post, southwest 200 perches to a post, northwest 116 perches to a post, thence by Jacob Oldbright’s north east 140 perches to a small hickery sapling thence by Jacob Oldbright’s land and vacant land northwest 360 perches to a hickery tree thence by vacant land northeast 160 perches to the place of beginning, containing 500 acres and allowances;
One tract in township of Oley beginning at a black oak at a corner of Abraham Ashman’s land extending thence by the same south 70° east 30 perches, thence south 20° west 276 perches to a post and north 70° west 24 perches to a post thence south 20° west 135 perches to a post thence north 70° 193 perches to a post thence northeast 65 perches to a post thence by vacant land north 20° east 304 perches to a post and south 70° east 160 perches to a post and north 20° east 48 perches to the beginning,containing 400 acres and allowance;
One tract on the northeast side of the Schuylkill river beginning at a post on a bank of the river and extending thence by Francis Parvin’s land north 60° east 286 perches to a black oak thence north 30° west 46 perches to a post thence north 60° east 300 perches to a post thence by Moses Starr’s land northwest 254 perches to a post thence by Jeremiah Starr’s land south 60° west 263 perches to a post thence northwest 228 perches to a post thence by John Houlton’s land south 60° west 170 perches to a black oak on the bank of the river thence down by the same to the beginning, containing, 1,000 acres and allowances;
Containing in the whole 3,005 acres.
Witnesses: not given.
Level of description