Scope and Content
(i) Sir Phillip Monoux of Sandy baronet.
(ii) Ambrose Reddall of Eversholt esq. and wife Judy (daughter and heir of John Wells of St. Margarets, Ivinghoe, Bucks.), and Elizabeth Reddall, their daughter.
(iii) Reverend Richard Reddall of Eversholt clerk, Reverend Lewis Monoux of Sandy clerk, John Dennis of Kempston esq.
- capital messuage in Sandy lately erected by Humphrey Monoux esq. deceased; close of pasture adjoining called the Place close; several tofts, crofts and closes lately divided, now lying together purchased by Humphrey Monoux deceased of Sir Humphrey Monoux baronet, Blanch Hooker widow and William Randall, containing (5 ac.), churchyard and parsonage gardens E., common street next the mansion house W., Church Lane N., street to Sandy Mills S.; toft, croft or orchard lying near the mansion house (1 1/2 ac.), purchased by Humphrey Monoux deceased of William Hill; piece of ground on the NE. side of the river in Sandy near the mansion called the Reedbed or FishPonds, purchased by Humphrey Monoux of Sir Humphrey Monoux baronet; manor house or capital mansion called the Parsonage in Wootton, late in the occupation of John Sawell, now John Berry, close adjoining (10 ac.), 61 ac. in the fields of Wootton; the rectory of Wootton and tithes in the occupation of John Berry; messuage in Wootton late John Fensham, now Gilbert Cockerton, closes adjoining called the Grove and Oldstead; Barn close, Common Pightle, Russell's pightle, Church close, and 126 ac. in the fields in the occupation of Gilbert Cockerton; messuage late John Wheeler, now John Neale, Home close adjoining, Blakesland, Hovell, Claves closes, the Pightle, Great Pasture, the first Half close, Second Half close, Third Half close, all in the occupation of John Neale; messuage late John North, now John Aspland, Kiln close, Swaines orchard, Great Brown Breach, Little Brown Breach, the Meadow, Fourth Half close, Turnip close, Little Close, Studleys, Sheepscroft, Great Stockings, all in Wootton in the occupation of John Aspland; messuage in Kempston Hardwick late John Adams, now James Ambridge, 3 pightles adjoining, the Homestead (7 ac.), Marshall's pasture, New field, Rawlinsidefield, Rawlins close, grove of wood adjoining New field, 8 ac. in the fields of Kempston Hardwick and Elstow in the occupation of James Ambridge; and property in Ivinghoe, Bucks., and Great Gaddesden, Herts. [listed in detail]
Witnesses: Phillip Monoux, John Rotherham (clerk to Mr. Reddall).