Scope and Content
i) Samuel Vesey/Veasey, Baldock, Herts, gentleman
ii) Charles Veasey, Huntingdon, Esq
iii) Mark Norman, Blunham, miller
iv) William Hunt, Deeping Fen, Lincs, grazier, and wife Elizabeth
v) Mary Norman [illegitimate], spinster
vi) Robert Parr, Deeping Fen, farmer, and wife Ann
vii) George Henry Cooper, late of Shefford, draper, but now of Clifton, gentleman
viii) John Carter, Spalding, Lincs, gentleman.
Reciting will of Mark Norman, grandfather of i) , his death on 15 April 1838, his burial at Southill, and the proving of his will in PCC on 15 May 1838.
Also reciting the death of William Norman, the father of i) on February 1838 and his burial at Blunham.
Reciting that Ann Parr and Elizabeth Hunt are sisters of iii).
Sophia Norman did not execute deed of 24 and 25 March 1840 and of 17 April 1841 and died under age of 21 in 1842, and was buried at Blunham, reciting that Charles Veasey has not yet been admitted to the copyhold property of the Manors of Langford and Holme with Landford reciting will of William Norman of 3 November 1834 by which he devised all his property to his son, iii) , subject to payment of certain legacies to four daughters, Elizabeth, Ann, Mary and Sophia. Wife, Elizabeth, and son, iii), appt executor and executrix. Will proved (PCC) on 4 April [1838?]. Reciting death of Elizabeth Norman, widow, in 184- and her burial at Blunham reciting also release of 12 June 1839 between Mark Norman and George Henry Cooper certain property (as in 2nd schedule) were mortgaged to secure £1850 and interest at 5% p.a., and any extra which may be paid out as legacies (up to £2150).
By deed of 24 July 1841, Elizabeth Norman acknowledged receipt of legacy of £400 and released Mark Norman from any claim regarding it. Said legacy was in part paid by George Henry Cooper, by deed of 29 June 1847, Mary Norman and Ann Norman acknowledged receipt of their legacies of £400 each, and with Elizabeth, their share of Sophia's legacy.
Various other financial transactions and considerations mentioned now in consid of :
£820 (being £500 and £320) secured to i)
£800 secured to ii)
£1483 12s paid to vii) for prems in 2nd schedule
£186 11s 3d residue to iii)
£903 5s 7 1/2 and £903 5s 71/2 (total £1806 11s 3d being shares of v) and vi)
having been paid by iv)
i) to vii) release to viii)
- premises in 1st schedule except piece of land recently sold to Great Northern Railway Co in Langford [as in plan on deed]
- freehold prems in 2nd schedule except piece of land sold to Great Northern Railway Co [as in plan on deed]
to be held by viii) intrust for Hunt if necessary.
Also i) to vii) according to their interests covenant to surrender into the hands of the Lords of the Manor
- copyhold property comprised in 1st and 2nd schedules [as in plan on deed, coloured yellow, pink and green]
to be held to the use of William Hunt,
also i), ii) and vii) at request of iv), v) and vi) release to iii)
- copyhold property covenanted to be surrendered
discharged from mortgage debts of i), ii) and vii).
1st schedule:
1st division
- 68acres 3 rds 26p (including 3rds 28p recently sold to Great Northern Railway Co) in Langford
North (pt) enclosed allotment to William Norman, deceased
North (rem pt) copyhold allotments of 2nd and 3rd divisions of said schedule
East Biggleswade
South Montague Earle Welby, clerk
William Wells Gardner
Sim Robinson
William Endersby Squire
William Edwards
end of private road
South (rem ) }
West } Peregrine Piper, deceased
- all other freehold property which constituted part of estate of Mark Norman, deceased, and now in occupance - Gudgin
2nd division
(copyhold - Manor of Langford)
- farmhouse etc in Pepper End in Langford
North Three Tuns
- Bayes Close adjoining to said messuage on South (3 acres)
- 6 acres 1 rd 38p, 9 acres 12p, 2 acres 20p, 13 acres 2 rds 26p, 5 acres 2 rds,
2 acres 4[?] rds, and 2 acres. Total 41 acres 1 rd 16p, in Langford and adjoining each other.
North enclosed allotment to George Nigel Edwards
East premises in 3rd division
South freehold allotment in 1st division
South West William Norman, deceased
- all other copyhold lands of Manor of Langford, once the estate of Mark Norman, deceased, and now in occupance of --?- Gudgin
3rd division
(copyhold - Manor of Holme with Langford)
- allotments (3 acres, 1 acre and 6 acres 2rds 24p) in Langford
North enclosure allotment to George Nigel Edwards
East Biggleswade
South land in 1st division
West land in 2nd division
awarded to Mark Norman, the grandfather, at enclosure
- all other lands formerly property of Mark Norman, grandfather all which freehold and copyhold allotments, tog with those in 2nd schedule, lie together, and are now divided into 4 enclosures [ as in map on deed]
2nd schedule:
1st division
- allotment in Langford, inclusive of a strip of land containing 3 rds 6p
recently sold to Great Northern Railway Co, (22 acres 3 rds 8p)
North George Nigel Edwards
East allotment in 2nd division of this schedule
South freehold allotment to Mark Norman, the grandfather
West old enclosures of Peregrine Piper, Montague Earle Welby and John Croft and by end of Mill Lane
awarded to Mark Norman at the enclosure in lieu of rights of common
2nd division
(copyhold of Manor of Langford)
- 5 acres 2 rds 32p in Holme Field
North George Nigel Edwards
North East }
South } Mark Norman, deceased
West allotment in preceeding division
awarded to William Norman under enclosure act in lieu of open field land
Signatures i) to vii)
Endorsed George Austin, solicitor, Shefford
John B Carter
J. Wisher, his clerk
Thomas Lovell, Huntingdon, estate agent
Thomas Veasey, solicitor, Baldock - 18 Apr 1849 Also endorsed with acknowledgement of consent by Elizabeth Hunt and Ann Parr - 25 Apr 1849