• Reference
  • Title
    Letter to Herbert & Hilda Janes from Doris & Billie Janes, 5 Conduit Road, Bedford [Billie - Albert William, nephew of H C Janes]. Letter headed paper, previous address 2 Ellis Road, Bedford, crossed out.
  • Date free text
    27 January 1952
  • Production date
    From: 1952 To: 1952
  • Scope and Content
    Dear Uncle & Aunt, I don't know whether this letter will catch you up on your travels or whether it will be at the bottom of a mountain of correspondence when you get back home but in either case we do want to say thank you very much for the lovely Christmas present. with which we were delighted - it is a real "family" gift. I was told that you would be away for Christmas and so didn't prepare my usual Christmas card, but I believe you were at home after all. It wasn't that we had forgotten you! I expect you have been having a wonderful time since then and that you will be bringing back material for many a talk and lecture. And some pictures perhaps? We have been busy getting our new abode into shape, and Doris is still hard at it making rugs, carpets and so on. Our main object in moving was to be near the High School, where Margaret will be going next if she passes the entrance examination. The less young children have to thread their way through our Bedford traffic in these days the better. I haven't seen Dad since Christmas, when he was quite as well as we expect to find him nowadays. He "keeps going" - and as long as he can manage that we must be thankful. The news generally doesn't get any more cheerful: at the moment we seem to be heading for another financial crisis. There will have to be some drastic economies before long if we are to avoid a crash and just now we are wondering what Churchill will have to tell us on his return from USA. In the meantime we walk in faith, even if without much confidence! We shall look forward to seeing you both when you get back: don't fail to look us up when next you come this way. So , wishing you fair winds, a prosperous voyage and safe return. Yours ever sincerely Doris & Billie.
  • Exent
    double sided letter.
  • Level of description