Date free text
10 Oct 1868
Production date
From: 1868 To: 1868
Scope and Content
i) Thomas Bushby
ii) John Conquest, Biggleswade, gentleman
Reciting mortgage of 6 [ sic ] April 1868 and that said £400 is still owing
now in consid of £250
i) conveys to ii)
- plot of ground in Hitchin Street, Biggleswade
- 8 cottages recently erected on part of said land and in occupance of Walter Waters, Josiah Pitts, David Humphries, William Hawkins, Elizabeth Medlock, James Hawkins, Thomas Bushby, Two -
to be held by ii) subject to the payment of said sum of £400, and payment of 5% p.a. interest to ii)
premises to be insured
Signatures both
Endorsed receipt
Witnesses: William Conquest, 23, Stopford Road, St Heliers, Jersey
Level of description