Grant: Roger de Northwode, son and heir of John de Northwode, knight, son and heir of Roger de Northwode, knight, to Thomas Chycche of Balverley, Gilbert Manfelde, citizen of London, Nicholas Potyn, John Dreylonde, William Emery, and William de Makenhade. The reversion of the manor of Horton near Canterbury, with appurtenances in Chartham and Peckham, which Christopher de Shukkeburgh and wife Agnes hold for Agnes' life; being part of Roger's inheritance, by grant of Richard Sheme and Peter Hadland lately made to Roger's grandfather Roger and his wife Agnes by fine to Edward III. Witnesses: Thomas Seyntleger, William Sutton, Richard Sentler, Laurence atte Done, Simon atte Bergh
Date free text
14 Dec 1384
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From: 1384 To: 1384
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