Scope and Content
(i) George Birch of Middlesex, esq.
(ii) Sarah Birch of Kent, widow of Charles of London, merchant
(iii) Elizabeth, Ann & Penelope Birch, spinsters, of Holborn; John Birch of Westminster, surgeon;
(iv) Robert Campbell of Greenwich, esq.
(v) William Jones of Woburn, gent.
1769 recovery & settlement on children of Charles & Sarah Birch;
1769 will of T. Birch (£2,000 to be divided among 5 children, Elizabeth, Ann, George, John & Penelope;
1769 Further fines;
1774 death of Thomas Birch
1790 death of Elizabeth Birch
1777 will of Charles Birch (executors Thomas Farr, who died 1791, & George Birch, who died soon after);
William Jones has contracted to purchase; & legacies under T. Birch's will have been paid;
- - a messuage & farm in Chauley End, Caddington; pightle, 4 a.; 138 a. in closes (Home, Seven Acres, Beech-acre, Bellamore, Luton acre, Bride, Eight Acres (near north Field), Twelve Acres (near North Field, abutting north on way to Souches), Peter's Park, Calves, Grove, Ravenswick (abutting east on lane), Crabtree: a close in Middle Field abutting on the Dunstable road; and other closes without specific
names, one abutting on Boundway & others lying under the downs in Street Field, abutting on Houghton way, near High Bush, in Greenland shott, in field next Luton beneath the hill, in Rushmore Field, in Hargamal shott abutting on Wicket lane, Whitleys land;
all late occupied by Mrs. Aslin.; but excepting area not exceeding 5 a. exchanged 1712, conveyed
by Thomas Lockington, citizen & fishmonger of London to John Coppin of Markyate in exchange for New close, Whittys land & Middle Shott furlong;
the above are now known from modern survey as cow pasture, Home close, Crabtree close, Peters park, Horse mead, Horse close, Twelve Acres, Eight Acres, Pound Park, New close; and 50 a. in low Hill Field; 15 a. in Rushmore Field; 5 a. in Mead Field;
owners & occupiers adjoining;
formerly Sus. Symonds, widow, Jonas Briggs, Edward Taylor, John East, William Thebright, Mr. Bloe, John Winch, Thomas Albright, William Bridgman, Mr. Bigge, Mr. Parrott, William Pedder, Thomas Wale;
witnesses: John Gotobed, John Hanson.