• Reference
  • Title
    Open letter from The West India Committee, 40 Norfolk Street, London, WC2; regarding "Pleasure Island" by Esther Chapman, Jamaican Journalist.
  • Date free text
    July 1951
  • Production date
    From: 1951 To: 1951
  • Scope and Content
    "Pleasure Island" - Prospective visitors to and settlers in Jamaica are advised to obtain a copy of "Pleasure Island" by *Esther Chapman, the eminent Jamaican Journalist. This recently issued comprehensive and up to date work is not merely a guide book. The main body of the compilation, while not a travelogue, is written in an agreeable style. The first three chapters tell the story of Jamaica's history in fact and legend, three more deal with the geography, climate and topography of the island. Then follows information and advice on houskeeping and an account of cultural activities, after which the narrative turns naturally to the discussion of Jamaica folklore, language, proverbs and place names. The work concludes with a copious appendix containing the usual tourist infomoration as well as a useful bibliography for readers who wish for more detailed information on particular aspects of the Jamaican scene; also a selection of recipies for Jamaican food dishes and drinks. *Obtainable at the offices of The West India Committee, 40 Norfolk Street, London, WC2, price10/6 net or post free 11/-.
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