Scope and Content
-- The manor of Hashill, Somerset;
2 messuages, 14 acres land, 5 acres wood, in Pentridge, Eastwoodyake, Cramborne Chase, Dorset;
5 doles of meadow in Tingrith in the occupation of William Newman; a barn, toft and close in [place not given], Bedfordshire, late in the occupation of Anthony Stybbinges, gentleman;
the rectory of Ulcombe, Kent, with glebe lands and tithes; all in the occupation of Edmund Bredyman;
the manor of Tingrith and messuages and lands thereto appertaining;
the manor of Podington;
lands called Ancells in Milton;
except :-
the site of the capital messuage of the manor of Podington; land called Ste Pierse in Hinwick;
a messuage called Goodwynes in Tingrith, with lands thereto belonging, late in the occupation of John Lowen;
and all other lands in Tingrith and Eversholt late in the occupation of Edward Kyrke;
the manor of Byckfolde alias Byckfoldes Moreton in Compton Martyn, Somerset;
and messuages and lands in Byckfold and Byckfoldes Morton and Mendip, Chiewstake, Compton Martin, Westerpt’ye Oble and Mydsomer Norton, Somerset; late in the occupation of Francis Roydon, gentleman;
the manor of Moorton, alias Moreton Raughton, with appendages in Compton Martin and (?) Chemston, Somerset;
the manor of Stowey alias Stawaye in Chewe; 13 messuages, 2 cottages, a water mill, 200 acres land, 100 acres meadow, 120 acres pasture, 40 acres wood, 100 acres heath in Stowey, Chewe, Sutton, Suttonswycke, Henton and Eamebly, Somerset;
the manor of Pentrydge, 10 messuages, 4 tofts, a water mill, 150 acres land, 100 acres meadow, 80 acres pasture, 30 acres wood, 100 acres heath, in Martyn, Wymborne St. Gyles, Upper Wymborne, and Crambourne, Dorset;
Vendor will do or cause to be done such further act as shall be reasonably required by purchaser’s learned counsel.
Witnesses. Richard Sympson, Robert Byrcham, Thomas Goodhende. 31 July 1584.
List of 15 bonds or debts by Edmund Bredyman for sums varying from £20 to £5,000, on last page.
Endorsed: “Indenture inter Southwell and Bredyman, the original being in the custody of Mr. Still, Mr. Roynon and Mr. Jones and other the purchasers of Bredyman’s lands in Somerset.”)..