Scope and Content
( i ) Charles Henry, Earl. of Peterborough & Monmouth, son of Charles, late Earl; and greatgrandson of Charles, also Earl of late of Peterborough, formerly Viscount Mordaunt, gds. of John, formerly Earl of Peterborough.( ii) John Higgins of Weston Underwood, Bucks., gentleman -- A Farm known as Eyle's late farm, now in occupance Thomas Battams;on an 8 yr lease; Croswell Field, (22acres), Mountain Land (12acres), Mountain Pightle (2acres), Willow Tree ground (8 ac), Covington's close (9ac), Hall Piece (10acres, 15acres) Harrisons land (16acres) bounded North by Ouse, East by Letts close; Garden Field Farm, lease to Thomas Battams for 8 yrs; homestead (2acres) (late Woodings); Water Furrows (28acres;) Upper causeway (21acres), Caprons close
(23acres); Jades pasture (6acres); Cox's Great (10acres),middle (6acres), Arable (6acres) and Corner (6acres) closes;
Fowler's late farm in occupance Thomas Battams on an 8yr lease; homestead (1acre); Church pightle (1acre); Workhouse
pightle (1acre); The Meadow (44acres); 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Gravel closes (15, 19,19,23,20 acres respectively) Luggins Leys (2acres); Press mead (10acres) Grove mead (14acres); in all 174 acres bounded North West by the Ouse , South East by the Turvey-Carlton road; all 3 farms were let by the Earl of Peterborough to Thomas Battams in 1785 for £259 p.a. 2 messuages known as Horse Close Farm, in occupance Thomas Battams on a 7 yr lease from 1786; the Homestead; Pond close and spinney, 19acres; Corner close, 13 acres; four acres, 5 acres; Lower Horse close, 33acres, Middle Horse, close 20acres, Great Horse close 26 acres; Horse Close Lane 2 acres; UpperHorse Close field, 25acres ; Horse close Hill, 15acres; Hillls pightle, 2acres; Turners close & spinney, 2acres; the pightle and lane, 1acre; Orchard Close 2acres; Hills close 7acres.; the Staggers and pightle, 20acres; Hills pightle, 3rods.; Great close, 8acres.; the spinney; the pightle; Barn close, 4acres; Crumbs close, 1acre; the spinney, 3 rods.,
Great close, 7acres; in all 239ac. West Field farm in occupance Thomas Davison at £52 (rent payable at Michaelmas and Lady Day "old stile"); the further West fields 10acres; Middle West Fields 7acres; Lower West field, 11acres (bounded North by the Ouse); Lower Barn close 11acres; Upper Barn close 8acres; Upper West field 7acres; Letts close, 23acres (bounded North by Ouse); 1acre (bounds given) which is to be fenced off by John Higgins. The Tinker in occupance Robert Eyles at £10; cottages in occupance Joseph Wooding, James Richards, John Pridmore, Sarah Rose, William Estick, Uriah Johnson, Daniel Roberts, Robert Laurence, Samuel Tysoe, William Tysoe, Henry Taylor, Susan Gaskin, widow Churchman, Edward Pinkerd (2), John Pain, widow Wooding, Enoch Green, John Tysoe, Sarah Tysoe, Richard Tysoe, John Odell, Robert Johnson, Martin Wooding, Jane Shelton, James Wooding, Benjamin Tysoe, Mary Odell, William Shelton, William Ayres, (shop), John Abraham, Robert Wooding, Elizabeth Cox, Thomas Lightfoot, William Smith (& Shop), William Toll, Thomas Pally; 38 in all with rents amounting to £23.16s.6d pa; all in Turvey
witnesses John Hogarth and Chm Woms (?) of Staple and Lincoln's Inn respectively.