• Reference
  • Title
    Manor of Stevington Admission of Major Henry Court as heir of James Court
  • Date free text
    20 April 1835
  • Production date
    From: 1835 To: 1835
  • Scope and Content
    --- Cottage, east end of Pavenham with kitchen, barn, stable and pightle 1 1/2 acre (as AL80) --- Allotment of 10 ac 21 p, Town Field and Elland Meadow (as AL80) --- 1ac 36p (as in AL105) --- 2ac 3r 24p to which James Court was admitted under will of Mary Sanders. Property as in AL108 viz: --- farmhouse, West End, Stevington, home close, home stall (4ac 1r 8p) --- cottage & close (4ac 10p) --- Clay Close (4ac 3r 8p) --- allotment West End green (34p) --- the Stripes (1ac 3r 6p) --- Wilbons close (1ac 5p) --- allotment Woodcroft field. (33ac 2r) --- close adjoining Clay close (3r 19p) with cottage on it --- Little Farkes (3r 12p) --- reed bed (3p) --- allotments:- Woodcroft field: 1ac 2r 28p; 1ac 3p; 3ac 1r 12p ---allotments:- Dancing Meadow Holm 2r 29p ---Woodcroft field 23ac 2r; 16ac 3r 17p; 3ac 2r 16p to which James Court was admitted 24 Dec 1816 on surrender of Ann Wootton
  • Reference
  • Level of description