• Reference
  • Title
    Lease & Release
  • Date free text
    1715, 1716, 1720, 1723, 1724, 1732, 1742, 1743, 1744, 1745, 1747, 1750, 1751, 1752
  • Production date
    From: 1715 To: 1752
  • Scope and Content
    1) Hon George Hamilton of City of Wells, Somerset, Esq. & Bridget his wife, John Hamilton of Epsom, Surrey, Clerk. Sir Edmond Isham of Lamport, Northants, Bart. (Executor & Trustee of Will of John Hastings) 2) Rev Decimus Reynolds of Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks.,Clerk. Edmond Lacon of Grays Inn Middlesex, Gent., Rev Octavian Reynolds of Harpenden alias Harding, (Executor of Thomas Reynolds) Herts, Clerk, Rev William Loggin of Beoley near Hendley in Arden, Warwicks (Henley in Arden),Clerk. William Draper of Foy, Hants. Esq.,John Maire of Grays Inn Esq,Anthony Wright of St. Paul, Covent Garden, Middlesex, Banker (Maire & Wright Executors of Thomas Metcalfe)3) Barbara Hastings of Hackney, Middlesex, Spinster.4) William Brydges of the Strand, Middlesex Esq (Purchaser)5) William Wescomb of Cheveralls Green, Herts.6) Rev John Brydges of Much Corvarne, Herefordshire, Clerk. a) recites Mortgage in £300 (see 1st recital a) in LHE 109 but should be 75A & not 120. Lands listed in LHE 108 (Messuage late Thomas Smith was then occupied by Henry Stanner) & Thomas Hawes), 16 march 1715 (1716). b) Mortgage in £410 (Lease for 500 years) see 1st recital LHE 101. Lands described in detail in LHE 101. 7 Dec 1720 (2/3rds Manor of Peppyshull etc).c) Mortgage in £1500 by lease for 1000 years,LHE 106, lands described in LHE 105, 19 Mar 1723 (1724). (Messuage late in tenure of John Cruke & John Osman).d) Various Endorsements on c). e) Mortgage in 650 by Lease for 500 years.1) Joseph Osman, Peter Griffis,Tim Smith 2) Godman Jenkin of Harpenden Esq, 2/3rds Manor of Peppyshull 1 Ap 1724 f) Mortgage in £400 by 500 year lease (whole of Manor Peppyshull) LHE 104, 12 May 1724. g) BOND in £1400, John Hastings of Grays Inn, to Francis Loggin of Middle Temple Esq, to pay £700 & intererr, 6 July 1732, long since past.h) Mortgage in £3,136 (lease for 1000 years). 1) John Hastings (Mortgagor) 2) Francis Loggin (Mortgagee) 29 Sept 1732. i) Purchase by Hastings of Osman 2 closes of customary arable land called ""Long Popnutts"" & ""Gt Further Popnutts"" (15A) sometimes in tenure of Thomas Osman, abs South Coles Lane Flamstead. Admission 13AP 1731 (LHE 112) j) Will of John Hastings, Grays Inn, (died Jan 1732 (1733). To good friends Dr Hincham, Chancellor of London. John Isham of Ormerod St, Esq, Sd Sir Edmund Isham (then Dr Isham of the Commons) Dr Thomas West, of Red Lyon Sq, real & personal estate in Great Britain or the Indies as Trustees to pay debts then residue to Mrs Bridgett Hamilton wife of George (his niece) then to John Hamilton (George & Bridgett's son & Hastings godson) made 17 Dec 1732, proved PCC 29 Jan 1732 [ 1733].k) Decree of High Court of Chancery in case John Hamilton,(infant v George & Bridget Hamilton, Sir Edmond Isham, Fracis Loggin. Ordered to sale to to raise money, 1stly to pay Loggin and then pay rest of debts of Testator then rest not needed to be sold to follow dictates of the will, 26 June 1742 l) Assignment of Mortgage of 29 Sept 1732, Subj to reassignmnet of £2090 paid (i.e. a Mortgage on a Mortgage) 1) Francis Loggin (Mortgagor to Thomas Reynolds, but mortgagee of Mortgage of 29 Sept 1732) 2) Thomas Reynolds (Mortgagee) 16 Nov 1743 m) Will of Thomas Reynolds (died soon after 5 Mar 1743) due to him £2000 & interest due to Decimus Reynolds & Edmond Lacon in trust for Octavian Reynolds to receive interest, divide principal between child/children of Octavian. Octavian & Decimus Reynolds Made 5 Mar 1743 [1744] proved P.C.C 28 Mar 1744. n) Assignment in trust to pay debts 1) Francis Loggin (debtor) 2) Edward Pigot of Whitton, Mi ddlesex Gent, William Loggin, 7 Nos Rawlings of St Bridges London, Gentleman(trustees)All 1)'s Personal estate 1 June 1745 o) Deed to create Tenant to Precipe in Common Recovery 1) George Hamilton & Bridget his wife 2) Prue of Inner Temple, Gentleman, Philip (demandant) 3) Isaac Strutt of Bream's Buildings in Chancery Lane, London, Gent (Tenant to precipe) 23 June 1747.p) Death of 2 trustees of deed of 1745, William Loggin only alive. Death of Fracis Loggin intestate. Admin granted to William Draper, P.C.C, John Hamilton files Bill of Revivor & Supplemental Bill in High Court of Chancery against William Draper & William Loggin, revived by Order of 24 Apr 1750.q) Thomas Metcalfe Esq., filed Bill V the Hamiltons, Octavian Reynolds, William Loggin & William Draper, sues £3000 secured by Mortgage of 29 Sept 1732, proper monies of Thomas Metcalfe, recites Deed Poll of Francis Loggin of that date to support it. Name was used in trust for Thomas Metcalfe prays £3000 be paid to him, Trinity 1750 [Octavian Reynolds in answer insists Thomas Reynolds actually advanced £2000 on Assignment of Mortgage without notice of Metcalfe's prior claim r) Will of Thomas Metcalfe, appts John Maire & Arthur Wright executors. [Arthur Wright refuses probate] made 8 June 1750, Proved P.C.C no date given. s) John Maire files Bill of Revivor, proceedings revived by Order of Chancery 15 Ap 1752. Suit undetermined, but John Maire & Arthur Wright (executors of Metcalfe) agree with Decimus Renolds,Edmond Lacon & Octavian Reynolds (Trustees & executors of Thomas Reynolds, that Trustees of Reynolds entitled to £2000 & interest (under Assignment of 16 Nov 1743) BUT right to remaining £1000 and interest 29 Sep 1732 NOT ascertained between Trustee & representative of Francis Loggin & Executors of Thomas Metcalfe.t) Report in ""Hamilton & Hamilton"" approves of William Brydges of The Strand, Middlesex, Woollen-Draper as Purchaser of Manor of Pepishall, Flamstead, Herts (covered by deeds 1-7 left with the Master [i.e LHE 105a (1) LHE 105b (2) (LHE 108) (3) LHE 109 (4) LHE 110 (5) ] for £4,400 having a good title, made free of incumbrances, Made 20 June 1751, Confirmed by Order u) Report in above Case due for principal & interest from Loggins Mortgage of £3000 - £3,3884, 14s 6d [£2,130, 16s 3d & £1722, 16s 6d] & £973 9s 1d due on Bond for £700, 29 Ap 1751 v) Order in Hamilton v Hamilton, Brydges should pay whole £4,400 into Bank of England to be placed to credit of these causes & subject to further order of the Court. All proper parties involved in dispute should join in deed, 4 July 1752 w) Devisees of Trust of Will of John Hastings all dead except for Sir Ed Isham, Manor of Pepyshule, Flamstead etc, Capital Messuage, Old Hall & Gibralter, Flamstead + lands. Messuage now or late in occupance of Henry Stanner & Thomas Hawes and lands. Consideration £4400 paid by Brydges into Bank of England, Also incl Covenant to Levy fine. Assignment of various terms of 500 and 1000 years [above Mortgages] 21 Oct 1752 "
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