• Reference
  • Title
    3 cottages, Kingsbourne Green, Abstracts & Deeds 1809-1860
  • Admin/biog history
    In 1809 John Cookson of Luton, Carpenter bought the site of a cottage called the 'Windmill' and a close adjoining (1Acre in size) [LHE88] On one part of the site [Tithe No 2093 see AT 30/1, part 1] he built himself a cottage for his own use and one for leasing, sometime between 1809 & 1821. After the death of John's wife Pheobe, it was left to John's son John [LHE89]. In 1845 he sold the 2 cottages to Samuel Ivory of Thrales End, farmer. He built a 3rd cottage between 1845 & 1860 and sold the 3 cottages to John Shaw Leigh of Luton Hoo on 28 January 1860 for £350. [LHE96]. On another part of the site John Built a further two cottages. After the death of his Phoebe these passed to William, son of John. In 1842 [Tithe No 2093a. see AT 30/1, part 1] they were owed by William and occupied by William Biggs & others. In 1860 [LHE 96 they are described as being 'premises formely of William Cookson late of William Farr. Cookson also did speculative building in Park Street, Luton. In his will made 1821, he mentions 8 cottages in Park Street and 2 'in Luton' without specifying the street. In 1842 the family still held Tithe No's 1065 &1070 & clearly he built most of the property on the west side of Park Street ,south of Chobham Street and North of Bailey Street.
  • Level of description