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    Abstract of Title:
  • Date free text
    1808,1826, 1827, 1829, 1785, 1798, 1807, 1821, 1825, 1804, 1837, 1832, 1837, 1835, 1837, 1841, 1850, 1851, 1854
  • Production date
    From: 1808 To: 1854
  • Scope and Content
    1) Release. 1) Francis Coupees, the elder, of Luton, straw Hat Manufacturer ( vendor) 2) William Burr of Luton, Common Brewer (purchaser) 3) Thomas Roberts of Kings Walden , Herts, Gent (trustee) property incl. piece of inclosed arable land pt of Common Field called Blackwater Field 8a Abs N Way from Luton to Crawley Green, S Close therein next described ,E land theretofore of Sir John Napier & now of Ashton's Charity Trustees ,W Way leading from Blackwater Bridge to Someries.Consideration for whole £799.1s.Od. paid by 2) to 1). 6 Oct 1808. 2) Will of William Burr of Luton, Common Brewer to wife Elizabeth until eldest son 21 or be married with consent but if all sons die to wife for life. Capital Messuage, tenement or dwelling house wherein testator resides at Luton with garden offices etc. but if sons 21 etc then property below to wife Elizabeth for life. Mesuage or tenement etc and premises at Luton which he had lately purchased of Joseph Brown .To wife, brother Thomas Burr, brother in law Henry Crabb and friend Rev James Horseman, Clerk, all his messuages etc & real estate purchased of Joseph Brown (except above Life Interest of wife Elizabeth) AND all stock in Utensils of Trade of the Brewery & the Malting & farming businesses & all his household goods & furniture, plate, china & Linen & ready money & securities for money, debts to him & all other goods & chattels & personal estate. Trustees to pay £100 for her own immediate use & should select up to £300 value of household goods etc that should be in messuage or dwelling house at Luton in which he then resided have use of remainder until eldest son 21 to pay £400 pa to Elizabeth his wife raise £2000 for each child being at 21 or marriage of beneficiary or death of wife further £2000 for daughters on death of wife £4000 to each son (eldest sons who are to run Brewery excepted) £120 pa to be raised for the maintenance of children till legacies etc paid & when payable should bear interest at 4% to carry on Business of Brewer, Malster & farmer for benefit of 2 eldest sons till 21 then convey to 2 eldest sons except messuage purchased from Joseph Brown if wife still alive provisions for wife & children intended to bar claims as result of Marriage Settlement £100 each to 3 executors ( except wife) made 3 Oct 1826 . Codicil gives power to appoint new Trustees, 8 Feb 1827 proved P.C.C. 25 Aug 1829. 3) Conveyance as part of Settlement under will of William Burr 1) Elizabeth Burr, widow, 2) Rev Thomas Sikes of Luton, Clerk & Helen, his wife ( nee Burr), William Senhouse Gaitskell of Stamford Street, Blackfriars Surrey, solicitor & Emily his wife ( nee Burr) 3) Elizabeth Burr as administratrix of Arthur Burr 4) Mary Burr of Dunstable, Spinster 5) Mary Burr & James Horseman as executors of Thosas Burr 6) Frederick Burr & Charles Burr (ultimate owners) 7) Thomas Sikes & William Senhouse Gaitskell (trustees to protect share of Edward Burr- a minor) 8) James Ewbank of South Place, Stoke Newington, Middlesex Esq. recites Thomas G. Burr was a Brewer & Malster at Luton & farmed certain of lands in Schedule 1 & possessed of considerable capital in businesses incl Brewery & Public Houses (1st division 1st Schedule). Will of Thomas Godfrey Burr ( died 1 Jan 1798) to wife Mary for life, remainder to all children living at his decease in equal shares, all his messuages etc, to wife Brewery Stock in trade, debts, to enable her to carry on the business of Brewer & Malster to maintain herself & family till 2nd son Thomas or 3rd &4th sons Jonathan till 21. THEN £500 to wife, residue to children living in equal proportions wifes Thomas Roberts executors made 22 Feb 1785 proved P.C.C. undated. Some lands in schedule 1 Division 2) not subj to will purchased after publication of will leaves 5 surviving children William, Thomas, Jonathan, Soloman & Mary all over 21 premises purchased prior to will being published to 5 children in equal proportions. BUT premises purchased AFTER to William alone as eldest son AND Deed of Transfer & Settlement 1) William Burr 2) Mary Burr & Thomas Roberts property purchased by Thomas Godfrey Burr after will published to be treated as property purchased before except No. 1 ) & Chalk Dell Close pt of 5 'the same though conceived to be embraced by the general words thereof were not included .... by inadvertance"". to Mary Burr for life and then lawful for Robert to sell all until does so divide in 5 equal portions. EXCEPT Rose & Crown & Wheatsheaf Public House in tenures of Hon Taylor & Edmond Barret Luton to go to 1) 3 Sept 1798. Recites:- 1795-1804 Brewery business (formerly carried on at Luton by late Thomas Godfrey Burr) carried on by his widow Mary & children for benefit of the family - ( made purchases out of general funds) 1804 William & Jonathan Burr take over the Trade purchase shares of Thomas, Solomon & Mary Burr (all children of Thomas Godfrey Burr above) Valuation made,other 3 paid but no formal conveyances made, death of Mary Burr, widow Apr 1810. 1804-1811 William & Jonathan run Brewery Mortgage in £2000 ( by Demise for 1000 years. 1) William & Jonathan Burr ( Mortgagors) 2) Charles Bacon ( Mortgagee, 13 Feb 1807. 1811 Solomon Burr replaces Jonathan as partner , deed of 19 & 20 Nov 1811,( Jonathan's shares was £12842.2s. 7d. minus £1000 (moiety of £2000) means £11842 net share. Mansion house & plot belonging valued at £3500 ( from which was to be deducted the sum of £1000 which Soloman Burr was to pay to William as satisfaction of other moiety of £2000 by these deeds above properties etc were conveyed to the partnership ) recites Marriage Settlement , 1) Solomon Burr ( Marrying Party). 2) Frances Elizabeth Granby Richardson ( Marrying Party) 3) Thomas Burr & John Hadley ( Trustees) Mansion House then became his residence for term of £300. Trusts for raising £6666.13s.4d. 3% Consolidated Annuities OR £4000 in money for Trustees after death of Solomon to the raising the same to pay £200 pa to those entitled to dividends 14 Mar1821. No part of £6666.13s.4d. 3% stock or £40000 paid death of Solomon intestate June 1825. William enters into possession of Mansion House Agreed by all family except Jonathan who continued incompetent to transact business that William should take on whole business & whole personal estate of Soloman on a valuation net personal effects after debt owing by Soloman to Jonathan under 1811 Agreement --------- £5131.10s ( divisible between wife and Next of Kin) £2665 belonged F.E.G. Driver or Edward Driver in her right and equal 1/8th pt belonging to William Jonathan, Thos & Mary Burr (641.8s.9d each) Fund for Marriage Settlement in effect £200 annuity , William secures widow £300 annuity to discharge Marriage Settlement Also should pay her £500 ( not paid) Thomas & Mary get their share ,Jonathan credited with it in books of the company recites William added to the property of the trade by purchasing several public houses Mortgage in £2000 & interest at 4%. 1) William Burr ( Mortgagor) 2) Richard Hartley Crabb ,Thomas Nicholas, Henry Crabb ( Mortgagees) , 17 May 1825 ref to Will of William Burr Marriage Settlement. 1) William Burr (Marrying Party) 2) John Crabb ( father of 3) 3) Elizabeth Crabb (Marrying Party) 4) Thomas Burr, Solomon Burr, Smyth Churchill ( Trustees) £4000 charged on 1) 'S estates in Bed & Herts entitled to £300 worth household goods or £300 in money , 14 July 1804. Only Thomas Burr gets £100 for being Executor & Trustee from William's Will, others declining to serve, Helen married Sikes 29 Dec 1829,Emily married Gaitskell 22 May 1830 better provision under Will than under Marriage Settlement ,widow enters into residue ,2 daughters get £2000 on Marriage, Arthur & Edward had likewise paid them £120 each. Arthur's principal died, a minor . Recites Release of Settlement 1) Thomas Sikes & Helen his wife, William Senhouse Gaitskell & Emily, his wife Frederick Burr, Charles Burr 2) Mary Burr 3) Mary Burr, James Horseman 4) Frederick & Charles Burr again ( release share in Ma) 5) Elizabeth Burr 6) Thomas Sikes & Helen, William Senhouse Gaitskell & Emily. 1837. Bond for £500 entered by William Burrr's executors to secure Solomon's widow's £500 Settlement 1) Thomas Burr & John Hadley ( Trustees of Marriage Settlement) 2) Solomon Burr's Widow 3) Elizabeth & Thomas Burr 4) John Sam Story ( Trustee for Residue of 300 years ) arrears of £300 pa annuity paid. Consideration £500 paid by 3) to 2) 8oct 1829 Indorsement on above deed, death of Jonathan Burr intestate Sept 1831, leaving Thomas & Mary Burr & 6 children of brother William his heirs at law. Admin granted P.C.C. 1832 from Solomon Burr Capital of partnerships House, Share due from Solomon Burr's estate to Jonathan £641.8S.9D. Share in Trade (incl 5% on Solomon's share 1811) Total £23,940. All to estate of William Burr. Recites Release ( quit claim) 1) Frederick Burr ( person quit claiming) aged 21 on 6 Mar 1832 2) Elizabeth Burr 3) Thomas Burr, Mary Burr( administrators of estate of Jonathan. All that part of or share in real estate used in Partnership which descended to him as heir at law of Jonathan Burr EXCEPT lands at Stewkley, Bucks not used for partnership purposes & .. treated as private property of Frederick Burr 29 Aug 1832. Release (Quit Claim) confirming Account 1) Thomas Burr (Administrator of Solomon & Jonathan Burr) 2) Edward Driver, Frances Elizabeth Granby Driver formerly widow of Solomon Burr (then wife of Edward Driver)3) Mary Burr ( one of administrators of Jonathan Burr) 4) Rev. Thomas Sikes & Helen, his wife, William Senhouse Gaitskell & Emily, his wife, Frederick Burr, Charles Burr, Edward Burr, Arthur Burr 5) Elizabeth Burr, widow , ref to valuation on estate of Solomon Burr of £5131.10s. shares of Frances Eliazbeth Granby Driver, Thomas & Mary Burr satisfied and whole partnership relinquished to William on his having undertaken to pay Jonathan's share ref to £23, 940 of estate of Jonathan, Frederick agreed to treat real estate as personality Lease & Release 1) Frederick Burr ( heir at law of Jonathan) 2) Elizabeth & Thomas Burr ( executors & trustees of will of William Burr) Jonathan Burr's share 1/5th share of hereditaments devised by will of T.G. Burr 1/2 share in business etc Property which Jonathan held unshared ( lands at Stewkley Bucks excepted) Conveyed by 1) to 2) 28 & 29 aug 1832. Assignment of Leases 1) Thomas Burr ( administrator of Solomon Burr)2) Mary Burr 3) Elizabeth Burr4) John Sam Story ( trustee)1) assigns to 1) & 2) lease for 500 years & moiety of 999 years ( as executors of Jonathan Burr other moiety to 4) to assign to 1) & 3) as executors of William Burr 29 Aug 1832. Assignment of Lease 1) John Samuel Story 2) Elizabeth Burr ,Thomas Burr , 500 & 900 years 29 Aug 1832 [NB slight inconsistency between this deed and its predecessor] At this date Charles, Edward & Arthur all minors .. unable to join as parties to the deeds ,death of Arthur Burr 18 Ap 1834 (intestate and unmarried). Administration P.C.C. 28 Aug 1834 Deed Poll ( indorsed on deed of 29 Aug 1834) BY Elizabeth Burr as admininstrator of Arthur Burr to Elizabeth Burr in her own right Thomas Sikes & Helen , his wife, William Senhouse Gaitskell & Emily his wife, Frederick Burr, Charles Burr, Edward Burr all claims under will of William Burr as rel to Arthur , 28 Mar 1837. £23940 paid (Jonathan Burr's estate) by executors, Thomas £7980 one third share, Mary £7980 1 third share, Thomas Sikes & Helen his wife £1330 ) 2/6ths of remaining 1/3, William Senhouse Gaitskell & Emily his wife £1330 , Arthur's £1330 (been divided between Elizabeth Burr, Thomas Sikes & Helen his wife, William Senhouse Gaitskell & Emily his wife, Frederick, Charles & Edward Burr £221.13s.4d. to each relative. Frederick & Charles's share extinquished when succeeded to William Burr's estate. Edward (infant) £1330 & £221.13.4d. still unsatisfied recites death Frances Eliabeth Granby Driver no date given & Bond for securing Annuity released. Elizabeth & Thomas Burr carry on trade till death of Thomas & then Elizabeth alone till Charles 21 when trade given up to Frederick & Charles, Ref to will of Thomas Burr (died 13 July 1835 appts Mary Burr, James Horseman & James Ewbank ( who in fat does not prove will) as executors, proved p.c.c. 2 Dec 1835. Elizabeth sole executrix of William Burr's will on Thomas death but because died intestate so far as copyhold was concerned descend to Frederick Burr as eldest son of eldest brother on 24 Mar 1837 Charles 2nd son 21- Frederick & Charles take over Brewery under father's will & residue of estate except 1) household goods of £300 to Elizabeth or value 2) £400 to Elizabeth 3) £4000 to Edward on 21 4) £2000 each balance of portions to 2 daughters on death of Elizabeth 5) £120 to Edward during minority 6) £60 each to daughters till get balance of portions 7) payment of Edward's share of Jonathan's estate £15511.13s.4d. Do not get Messuage purchased from Joseph Brown of Elizabeth life interest. William Burr's Messuage become exclusive property of William's eldest son Frederick. Thomas Burr's executors join in Deed to show consent to arrangments. Property listed in Schedules not included in this Abstract BUT 3rd schedule No 4 is included :- piece of arable land theretofore part of common field called Blackwater Field 8a lying between N a way leading from Luton to Crawley Green, S Close of land, E land of Ashton Charity Trustees, W Way from Blackwater Bridge to Someries ( purchased 6 Oct 1808 during joint partnership of William & Jonathan) subject to mortagages & trust of sikes & Gaitskell toprotect Edward's share of £1551.13s.4d ,28 & 29 Mar 1837. 4) Deed Poll (indorsed on 3) of Edward Burr (21 on 17 April 1840) releasing to Frederick & Charles Burr consideration £1551.13s.4d. & 4% interest (Edward's share) received by him, 25 Mar 1841. 5) Release, 1) Charles Burr of Luton Esq ( retiring partner) 2) Frederick Burr ( future sole partner) 3) William Senhouse Gaitskell of Streatham Surrey Esq ( Trustee).Break up of Partnership between 1) & 2) moiety of property owned by the partnership ( still subj to Elizabeth's £400 pa annuity & 2 sums of £2000 each to her daughters on her death Consideration £10, 000 paid by 2) to 1), 12 NoV 1850. 6) Demise for 1000 years 1) Frederick Burr 2) Thomas Sikes & William Senhouse Gaitskell 3) John Sikes of Sudbury, Suffolk, Esq., Smyth Churchill ( Trustees to pay annuity to Elizabeth & £2000 each to dauhters .Brewery with Brewhouse, cooling house, Clerks house, Malthouse and other buildings adj in Luton fronts on Park Street or Highway leading from Luton towards the Brache abs one side St Ann's Lane (formerly called Sunning's Lane) & on the other side by messuage & premises then or late in occupance of George Gardener AND mesuage called 'The Cock' Luton in occupance of Sarah Woodward & then or late of William Clark, fronts E High Street or Park Street, N Messuage late of Anthony Sherlock with yard, stables, buildings etc. AND piece of land formerly garden ground adj ( 75 feet in length & in breadth 48ft) & 2 cottages sometime erected on it. late in occupance of Edward Cain and George Crewe and then of Joseph Keeling and James Manlove AND freehold messuage or Inn called 'The Bull' in occupance of Samuel Carter with stables, yard & garden, in S.E. of Luton fronts E Park street abs W at back on close of Frederick Burr called Meeting House Close AND freehold messuage or Inn called 'The Crown', Luton with stables, outbuildings, etc., then in occupance of James Burge AND freehold messuage or Inn called the Wheatsheaf with stables and yard belonging in occupance of Mrs Dymock with cottage adj in occupance of Joseph Hunt all in Church Street, Luton fronts Highway Cross Pond towards the river AND freehold messuage or Inn called 'The Two Brewers' with barn, hogstye & yard, in occupance of William Sargood, Dunstable Lane , Luton subj to right of way for William Hampson to and from the street or highway on S.W. side of premises in trust to pay annuity and legacies and for 1) to continue in possession, 20 Mar 1851 Marginal note prepared by Benning of Dunstable, 1854
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