• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of Title of Settlement Trustees on Marriage of William Husband Paddon & Mrs S.J. Bawn, widow to estate at Luton & Harpenden:
  • Date free text
    1773, 1765, 1832, 1841, 1843, 1845, 1851, 1850, 1852, 1858
  • Production date
    From: 1765 To: 1858
  • Scope and Content
    1) Lease & Release, 1) Elizabeth Biscoe of Inner Temple, London Esq (vendor 2) Willam Bacon of St Alban(s) in Herts, Grocer -purchaser. Freehold messuage or tenement and farm standing at Thrales End, Luton etc. AND 2 closes or pightles of arable land called 'Sawpitt Field' [1 1/2A] AND Close of arable called 'Lower Reddings' (4a) - Road Luton to St. Albans lying on one side AND close of arable called 'UpperReddings' (7a) adj pt Lower Reddings & Hudds Lane on the other between 2 common fields called Hyde Field Common near Ashwell Bridge AND 3 closes of arable [10a] called 'Holdicks' & lying together next in part to Hyde Field Commons AND 3 closes of arable called 'New Closes' [18a] abs Cross Green AND Close of arable called 'Barn Field' [4a] lying next the messuage AND Close of arable adj last close [2a] AND 12 pieces of land lying dispersed in the Hyde Field Commons next Ashwell Bridge [12a] AND 6 pieces of arable (9a) lying in the other common field called Hyde Field Common near to New Mill End. AND Piece of arable (4a) in Smay Croft Common Field abs on one end Hyde Field Common AND piece of arable (1/2a) in common field called Ashwell Field AND Spring or piece of woodground [1 1/2A] lying between above 2 closes called Reddings & parting them at one end. AND close of arable called 'Seven Acres' (8A) lying next Saw Pitt Closes - Hudd Lane lying between the close & Upper Reddings. AND 1 close of arble called Rick Close [6A] adj to 'Seven Acres' & Saw Pitt Closes' AND 1 small pightle of pasture ground [1R] adj Hudd's Lane AND one close of arable called 'Cross Green Close' [3 1/2A] lying between Rick Close & Cross Green AND one close of arable called Little Cross Green Close [1 1/2A] on other side of Cross Green AND close of arable called 'Bleachmore' [7 1/2A] abs Lane from Cross Green to Ashwell Bridge on one side. AND 1 close of arable called Charrack Hill [3A] lying next Tittucks Wood on one side all in Luton, Bedforshire, theretofore in tenure of Joseph Adams & Daniel Adams & then of Joseph Robinson or his undertenants AND field or close called Aldcocks [5A 3R 0P] Abs S Lane leading from _____to Little Hyde Field, NE some pt of lands above, SE Little Hyde Common, NW lane leading to Gt Hyde Field AND piece of land lying in Smecket Common field, Luton [2R 16P] Abs NE other pt of lands above, SE Lane leading to _____ SW & NE lands of John Earl of Bute, Aldocks & piece of land in Smecket Common field [total 6A 1R 16P] then in tenure of John Robinson, following conveyed by John Earl of Bute to 1) by Deed of Exchange for 3 pieces of land then late of I E Biscoe vizt a) one field or close lying in Gt Hart Common Field, Luton [4A OR 14P] then lately conveyed to Elisha Biscoe as piece of arable land (4A) lying in Gt Hart Common Field having a large dell with bushes in it b) field or close called Smeckets, Luton [1A 2R 26P] then lately conveyed to Elizabeth Biscoe as one close of arable called 'Ninings' 2A land late of Sir John Napier's (belongings to Hyde Farm) next on every side c) piece of land in Lydia Common Field [2R 16P] then lately conveyed to Elisha Biscoe as piece of arable in common field called Lyddy Field [1/2A] Luton 24 June 1773 AND 2 closes of arable adj together called Ashwell Bridge Close [10A] AND close of Meadow called Ashwell Bridge Mead AND close of arable theretofore called Readings & then Ivey Field [7A] AND close of arable called 'Six Acres (6A) all of which closes etc lie in Harpenden Herts then in occupance of Joseph Robinson & all other messuages in Luton & Harpenden & Wheathamsted. Consideration £2010.10s. paid by 2) to 1) & Covenant to produce a) Bargain & Sale (inrolled in Court of Common Pleas Trinity 5 Geo III) 1) Sarah Nicholl of Hillingdon, Middlesex, widow of Samuel Nicholl of same, Esq, deceased 2) Edgar Edlyne of Parish of St Andrew Undershaft, London, then of Dean St, Fetter Lane, London, Gentleman. 3) Samuel Nicholl ('h' deleted) Edlyne 4) James Garth of Inner Temple, London, Gentleman. 5) Elisha Biscoe 15 May 1765. b) Lease & Release 1) Samuel Nicholl Edlyne then late of Emberton, Bucks then of James St, Westminster, Gentleman (only surviving son of Edgar Edlyne) 2) Elisha Biscoe (purchaser) 13 & 14 June 1765. c) Bargain & Sale above parties 14 June 1765, 5 & 6 July 1773. 2) Release (effect of Quit Claim) 1) Emma Bacon of York Place, City Road, Middlesex, Spinster, 2) Rev Charles Richard Pritchett, then late of Charter House, City of London & then of Little Halingbury, Essex, Clerk. Charles Pritchett Bousfield of Cheapside, City of London, Silk Manufacturer recites will of Samuel Owtram Bacon (died 15 Ap 1832) recites:- Lease & Release to Appoint New Trustees 1) Samuel Wilson & Joseph Gibbs Barker (old Trustees) 2) Mary Bacon, widow 3) John Newball Bacon 4) Charles Richard Pritchett ,Charles Pritchett Bousfield (new Trustees of moiety) 5) John Newball Bacon, Charles Richard Pritchett & Charles Pritchett Bousfield ) again, 30 & 31 Oct 1832 Death of John Newball Bacon 25 May 1833 without issue, recites Emma 21 yrs old 18 Feb 1841, Consideration £150 paid out of £600 27 Feb 1841. 3) Release, 1) Sarah Bacon of York Place, City Road, Middlesex, Spinster (beneficiary) 2) Charles Richard Pritchett & Charles Pritchett Bousfield (Trustees) estates, Thrale End farm, Luton, Consideration £150 out of £600, 16 Jan 1843 4) Release, 1) William Bacon of Hampstead, Middlesex, Gentleman (beneficiary) 2) Charles Richard Pritchett & Charles Pritchett Bousfield (Trustees) Consideration £150 put of £600, 6 Jan 1845. 5) Release, 1) Jemima Bacon of Midhurst, Sussex, Spinster (beneficiary) 2) C.R. Pritchett & C.P. Bousfield (Trustees) Consideration £150 out of £600, 2 Aug 1851 6) Marriage Settlement 1) William Husband Paddon of 1 Tennison St, York Road, Lambeth, Surrey, Gent (marrying party) 2) Sus Johanna Bacon of same, widow (marrying party) 3) Rawden Somerset Campbell Neynoe of Camborne, Cornwall, Bankers Clerk, John Paddon, the younger of Truro, Cornwall, Edwin Henry Row of Wimborne, Dorset recites Will of Samuel Bacon then late of the Columbrie, Island of Jersey, Gent deceased (died 23 Ap 1851) leaves to wife Sus J. Bacon real property in Beds & Herts. Dan Pagett, of St. Peters, Island, sole executor, made 11 Dec 1850, proved in Ecclesiastical Court of Island of Jersey, 30 Ap 1851 P.C.C. 14 May 1851. Messuage, Tenement or Farm at Thrales, End, Luton etc. 2 closes or pightles of arable called Saw Pitt Field [1 1/2 A] Close of arable called 'Lower Reddings' [4A] lying next Road leading from Luton to St Albans on one side AND close of arble land called 'Upper Reddings' [7A] adj in pt Lower Reddings on one side & Hudds Lane on the other AND spring or piece of woodground [1 1/2A] lying between 2 closes called 'Reddings' & parting them at one end AND close of arable land called 'Seven Acres' [8A] lying next Saw Pitt closes (Hudd Lane lying between the close & Upper Reddings AND close of arable called 'Rick Close' [6A] adj 'Seven Acres' & Saw Pitt Closes AND one small pightle of pasture ground [1R] adj Hudds Lane AND close of arable called Cross Green close [3 1/2A] between Rick Close & Cross Green Close AND close of arable called Little Cross Green close [1 1/2A] lying on other side of Cross Green ""aforesaid"" AND close of arable called Bleachmore [7 1/2A], lane leading from Cross Green to Ashwell Bridge on one side AND close of arable called Cherracks Hill [3A] lying between 2 common fields called Hyde Field Commons called Ashwell Bridge AND 3 pieces of arable [10A] called Holdicks lying together next in pt to Hyde Field Commons AND 3 closes of arable [18A] called 'New Closes' abs Cross Green AND Close of arable called Barn Field [4A] near aforesaid Messuage AND 12 pieces of arable lying dispersedly in Hyde Field Commons near Ashwell Bridge [12A] AND 6 pieces of arable [9A] in other common field called Hyde Field Common near to New Mill End AND piece of arable (4A) in Smay Croft Common Field & abs at one end last mentioned Hyde Field Common AND piece of arable (1/2A) lying in Common Field called Ashwell Field, Tittucks Wood lying on one side. All above premises formerly on occupance of Daniel Adams & then late of Joseph Robinson and then of _____ Peppercorn [A William Peppercorn, farmer was listed under Hyde in the 1854 Commercial Directory] AND Field or close then or theretofore called Altorcks, Luton [pencil note Aldocks] [5A.3R.OP] Abs S Lane from ___ to Little Hyde Common, NW lane leading to Great Hyde Field AND piece of land in Smeckett Common Field Luton [2R 16P] Abs NE on other pt of land above, SE land _____, SW & NE lands of John Earl of Bute AND 2 closes of arable adj called Ashwell Bridge Close [10A] AND close of meadow called Ashwell Bridge Mead [2A] AND close of arable land theretofore called ""Readings"" & then 'Ivey Field' [7 A] AND close of arable called 'Six Acres' [6A] in Harpenden, Herts. late occupance Joseph Robinson, then of ____ Peppercorn, yearly rent of £112 pa. [N.B. Marginal Note ""These closes are not now part of Thrales End Farm. There are now only 9A in the Parish of Harpenden see Mr Farr's declaration who says the lands have been as they are now for 60 years and upwards except the exchange with Lord Bute. If any other exchange has taken place it must have been between 1773 & 1794 W.F.A."" note probably made c 1859.] and all freehold messuages etc in Luton and Harpenden and Wheathamsted. 16 Oct 1852. AND Queries by John Rudall 4 Stone Buildings, 29 Dec 1858
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