• Reference
  • Title
    Assignment of Mortgage
  • Date free text
    10 Jul 1735
  • Production date
    From: 1735 To: 1735
  • Scope and Content
    For £5,000. (i) Sarah, Duchess of Marlboro', Francis, Earl Godolphin (exors. of John, Duke of M.). (ii) Roger Coningesbye of Lincoln's Inn, esq., Humphrey Fyshe of Ickwell, esq., Henry Fyshe Palmer, esq. (iii) George Fothergill of Queen's Square, Middlesex., esq., Robert Meese of New Inn, gent. (iv) Anne Colmore (widow of Charles Colmore, salter & citizen of London.) (v) Edmund Colmore of Magdelen College, Oxford, DCL., John Heaton of Sherbourne Lane, London, gent. -- (A.) 2 messuages, 2 closes (10 acres), Broome spinney in Southill, occupied by ..... Deene, widow; 140 acres dispersed in common field, 10 acres meadow, occupied by same. Cottage, smithy, close & 2 groves in Broome, occupied by Nicholas Blewett; cottage, shop, hempland, close (2acres), occupied by Thomas Albanin same; cottage & hempland occupied by Thomas Gibbs; cottage occupied by Robert Field, all in Broome. (which were purchased by Humphrey Fyshe from John Cumberland, gent. and were conveyed to James Forrester & John Dell in trust, in consideration of mariage of Humphrey Fyshe & Anne Stillingfleet.) Messuage in Bedford, occupied by Humphrey Colton, apothecary; capital messuage in Ickwell, Wellhead close, & Calves close (3 acres), the Moat closes (5 acres), Broad Meadow close (5 acres), Broxes Close (6 acres), 2 groves (2 acres), in same, occupied by Humphrey Fyshe the grandfather. Cottage & close (1acre), occupied by John Swinscoe. Cottage & smithy & close (1acre), occupied by Edward Hospital. Cottage (1acre), occupied by Richard Wiltshire. Cottage (1acre), occupied by William Alban. Cottage & hempland (3 roods), occupied by John Topham. Cottage, hempland & close (1acre), occupied by Thomas Tingee. Cottage, hempland & close (1acre), occupied by Lawrence Peck. Cottage (1acre), & 1/2 acre. arable, occupied by John Rush. All in Ickwell. Cottage, close (3 acres) in Northill occupied by John Lawe. Cottage & hempland (1acre) in Caldecot, occupied by Benjamin Squire. Cottage & close (1acre), occupied by John Wiggins. 7roods arable, 4 acres meadow dispersed in common fields of Over & Nether Caldecot, occupied by William Halfhead, at annual rent of £3. Moiety of rectory of Southill & greater tithes, late occupied by Henry Upwood, Thomas Upwood, Thomas Inskipp, & then by Thomas Dilly & Thomas Inskipp. (which were conveyed by Margaret Gardener of Islington to Roger Coningesbye & John Pedley in trust for Humphrey Fyshe for life, then to be held by Robert Raymond & Samuel Robinson, in trust to raise up to £600 for H. Fyshe's daughters Katherine & Ann.) (NOTE: This property is listed in Lease & Release of 16, 17 May 1695.) -- (B). Messuage, 14 acres pasture (Home Close (3a.), Ramsey's Close & Cows Close (8a.), Wiltshire Close (3a.)), in Ickwell, 135 acres arable, 15 acres pasture, 7acres 1rood meadow, dispersed in common fields of same, occupied by Alice Clerk. Messuage, close (3 acres), Covins Close (6 acres), Harvey Close (2 1/2 acres), in Over Caldecot, late occupied by John Abbis & John Day, now by Humphrey Fyshe, Richard Miles & William Tompion. 152 acres arable, 5 acres pasture, 16 1/2 acres meadow dispersed in common fields, late occupied by John Middleton, & now by above. Cottage, close (4 acres), common balk adjoining, in Ickwell,. 1 acre meadow in Caldecot, occupied by Stephen Thomas at annual rent of £7.6s. Cottage, hempland, close (2 acres), in Ickwell, occupied by Richard Lawes at annual rent of £5.10s. Cottage, slaughter house & close (2 acres), occupied by Mary Pateman at annual rent of £6. Cottage & 2 closes (2acres, 1 1/2 acres), in Northill, occupied by John Wray at annual rent of £6. Cottage & 2 closes (2acres, 1 1/2 acres), 'acre hook' and swarth' of meadow, in Caldecot, occupied by Thomas Jellyons at annual rent of £5.10s. 40 acres pasture, formerly part of Park Wood & 2 messuages built on it, pightle called Dansibowers, in Warden, occupied by William Gilman. And all lands of Humphrey Fyshe, except Park Wood in Old Warden (141 acres), cottage in Northill, occupied by James Jennings at annual rent of £6.19s, (which were to be exchanged with Thomas Bromsall esq., and are assigned to Roger Coningesbye, in trust to secure £100 annuity toHumphrey Fyshe.) (NOTE: This prop. is listed in Assignment of 10 July 1724.) Recites: (1) Lease & Release of 16,17 May 1695, between (i) Humphrey Fyshe & wife Catherine & son Humphrey, Roger Coningesbye, & John Pedley. (ii) William Dobyns of Lincolns Inn, Richard Bentley, Keeper of H.M. Library, Robert Raymond of Gray's Inn. (iii) Edmund, Bishop of Worcester, daughter Anne Stillinfleet, son James (iv) Thos. Brown of Arlesey, James Forrester of Broadfield, Herts, John Dell of Woodford, N'hants, clerk, Edward, Bishop of Gloucester, Richard Palmer of Wookingham, Berks., Samuel Robinson of Cheshunt, Herts. --- Of property (A) above (2) Mortgage of 18 July 1702. For £500. Trustees above, to Margaret Strange of London (3) Recites that this property then vested in James Oades of Bartletts Buildings, Holborn. (4) Assignment of 12 July 1721. Oades to John Dimsdale, gent., with addition of cottage in Northill, occupied by John Cooke, & orchard & close (1 1/2 acres). (5) Property then vested in Roger Coningesbye. (6) Assignment of 23 Feb. 1722/3, by Roger Coningesbye to Stephen Ashby of London, gent, to hold in trust for John Dimsdale. (7) Assignment of 10 July 1724, for £2,723.12s. By Dimsdale to (i) Sarah, duchess of Marlborough & Earl Godolphin, with additionn of further £2,276.8s. (ii) Roger Coningesbye. -- Of property (B) above. (8) Release of even date, to George Fothergill & Robert Meese, of the reversion in trust of property (A) & (B). Property is assigned (a) by Duchess of Marlborough to (iii), (b) by Godolphin to John Heaton, in respect of the property assigned him by Stephen Ashley. (c) by both to Edward Colmore & John Heaton in respect of property assigned to them by John Dimsdale. (d) by Roger Coningesbye to Edward Colmore, in respect of Park Wood & the 3 cottages. --- To hold in trust for Henry Fish Palmer. Witnnesses: Henry Morris, John Hill. 10 applied seals (arm.).
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