• Reference
  • Title
    Volume of photographs
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1973 To: 1977
  • Scope and Content
    Indexed volume of photographs, which have a number of different images black and white stuck onto each page. Entries below are as follows: location - page numbers - description of photographs - Bedfordshire County Council photography unit negative number - date: Oxendon House Children's Home, Leighton Buzzard - 1 - seventeen photographs of the architect's model - PU380/95 - 1975 30 and 32 High Street, Sharnbrook - 2 and 3 - fourteen interior photographs - PU259/75 - 1975 Maidenhall Infants School, Luton - 4 - ten exterior photographs of gate access etc. - PU414/75 - 1975 Luton Police Headquarters, Stuart Street - 5 to 7 - fourteen interior and seventeen exterior photographs of progress - PU65/1973 -1973; 20 and 21 - seventeen interior and twelve exterior photographs of progress - PU65/73 - 1973; John Bunyan Upper School, Bedford - 8 - ten photographs of repair work - PU360/75 - 1975 Lea Manor High School, Luton - 9 and 10 - twenty photographs of tennis courts - PU83/76 - 1976 Vandyke Upper School, Leighton Buzzard - 10 and 11 - fourteen photographs of progress - PU209/75 - 1975; 22 to 24 - thirty four photographs of progress - PU209/76 - 1976; 29 and 30 - seventeen photographs of progress - PU209/75 - 1975; 56 and 57 - seventeen photographs showing progress - PU209/1976 - 1976; 91 - six photographs showing progress - PU209/75 - 1977 Wootton Upper School - 12 - fourteen photographs of progress - PU293/74 - 1974; 31 - ten photographs of rubbish left on site - PU187/76 - 1976; 36 and 37 - twenty one photographs of site condition - PU293/74 - 1974; 51 - eleven photographs of the site and progress with Phase 2 - PU293/1976 - 1976 Whitefield Infant School, Luton - 13 - nine photographs of access road on proposed site - no negative number or date Kempston Police Headquarters, Woburn Road - 14 to 15 - twenty one photographs of progress - PU127/76 - 1976; 27 and 28 - twenty four photographs of progress - PU127/76 - 1976 Luton Magistrates' Court, Buxton Road - 16 to 19 - fifty nine photographs of progress - PU40/76 - 1976; 25 and 26 - twenty one photographs of progress - PU40/76 - 1976; 40 and 41 - twenty photographs of progress - PU40/1976 - 1976; 54 and 55 - twenty two photographs showing progress - PU40/1976 - Nov 1976; 82 to 86 - forty two photographs showing progress - PU40/1976 - Jan 1977 Houghton Regis Upper School - 32 - ten photographs of access roads - PU183/76 - 1976 Highways Depot, Brewers Hill Road, Dunstable - 33 - thirteen photographs of chain link fencing - PU147/76 - 1976 Site between Anglers Inn and 11a Saint Mary's Street, Bedford - 34 - four photographs - PU144/76 - 1976 Kingsbrook Middle School, Bedford - 34 - five photographs showing condition of roadway - PU199/76 - 1976 Austin Cannons Ambulance Depot, Bedford - 35 - twelve photographs of access road - PU198/76 - 1976 Sharnbrook Upper School - 38 and 39 - sixteen photographs of damage to sports hall - PU167/76 - 1976 Flitwick Community Home - 42 - seven photographs of the site and buildings - PU195/1976 - 1976 Samuel Whitbread Upper School, Clifton - 43 to 46 - thirty six photographs of access roads - no negative number or date The Barns Children's Home, Kempston - 47 to 49 - thirty six interior photographs showing neglect - PU265/1976 - 1976 Lancot Drive, Dunstable - 50 - eleven photographs of the general area - PU282/1976 - 1976 Abbey Middle School, Elstow - 52 and 53 - nine photographs of playing fields - PU27/1977 Manshead Upper School, Caddington - 58 to 63 one black and white photograph of a classroom interior and five colour photographs of exterior of buildings - PU68/1976 - 1976 Southcott Lower school, Linslade - 64 to 69 - two interior and four exterior colour photographs - PU66/1976 - 1976 Whitefield Junior School, Luton - 70 to 75 - two interior and four exterior colour photographs - PU67/1976 - 1976 Eileen Wade Lower School, Upper Dean - 76 to 81 - two interior and four exterior photographs - PU177/1976 - 1976 Biddenham Upper School - 87 to 89 - thirty five photographs of the site before work began - PU190/1977 - 1977 Greys House Special School, Kempston - 90 - ten exterior photographs showing damage - PU178/77 - 1977 The Cedars Upper School, Linslade - 92 - fifteen photographs showing road conditions etc. - PU186/77 - 1977
  • Level of description