• Reference
  • Title
    Enclosed lands in Further Lydia Field ,near the Southgate of Luton Park; Northmead; White Meadow, enclosed meadow near River Lee/Lea, [all closes near River Lee/Lea]. 1st Fishers Close (near Ashwell Bridge) 2nd Fishers Close. Piece of land in Middle Shot of Great Hyde Field and 2 in lower shot of Great Hyde Field & 1 in between the two 2 pieces of common field in Little Hyde Field. Messuage or farmhouse at New Mill, Little New Mill Field, Mill Field (enclosed), 'The Pightle' 'Great New Mill Field Close' piece of common field in Cradle Field. Piece of common field in Upper Shot of Ashwell Field, 1 piece in Lower Shot & 3 in Lower Side of Ashwell Field. Clover piece in Upper side of Ashwell Field. 2 pieces of Common Field in Middle Shot of Ashwell Field, 1 piece in Hyde Mill Field, 1 piece in Cradle Common, Luton, by exchange,
  • Date free text
    12 Jun 1778
  • Production date
    From: 1778 To: 1778
  • Scope and Content
    Memorandum of Exchange. 1) Rt John Earl of Bute, Rt John Viscount Lord Mountstuart, Baron of Cardiff Castle. 2) John Sibley of Chiltern Green, Luton, Yeaman, Susan Sibley wife of John Sibley, Rev John Sibley the ynger, Rector of Parish of Walcot, Somerset (here spelt ""Summerset""!) granted by 1) to 2) enclosed field called Camps Close, near Chiltern Green. Luton, Abs SW & N land of belonging to E land leading from Chiltern Green to Kimpton (1A2ROP/ b) enclosed field & spring called Insey Croft, Abs E enclosed land belonging to 2), N Newmill to Chiltern Green, W enclosed land belonging to 1) S Common field belonging to 1) & Common field land belonging to 2) /3A3R12P/ c) enclosed field & spring called Spring Close adj b) on W. N lane leading from New Mill End to Chiltern Green W enclosed land belonging to 1) S Common field land belonging to 1) /7A3R23P/. d) piece of Common field land in Great Dippel Field adj to S side of above close (c) Abs W & E enclosed land belonging to 1) S Common field land belonging to 2) /3R35P/. e) piece in middle of Gt Dippel Field Abs E & W Common field land belonging to 2) N & S enclosures belonging to 1) /3R29P/. f) 2 other pieces in Gt Dippel Field lying together, Abs E & W Common field land belonging to 2), S enclosed land belonging to 2), N enclosed land belonging to 1) & enclosed land belonging to 2) /2R12P/. g) piece lying in East Shot in Gt Dippel Field, abs W & S & N. by commonfield land belonging to 2) E by inclosed land belonging to 2) /1R26P/ AND h) piece in South Shot in Gt Dippel Field abs E&W. inclosed land of belonging to 1) N. Commonfield land belonging to John 2) S. Commonfield belonging to John Ivory /3R38P/ i) field called Little Dippel Field abs N. hedge that parts Gt & Lt Dippel fields & Road from Ashwell Bridge to Chiltern Green. S. inclosed land belonging to 2) W. inclosed land belonging to 1) & Hedge that parts it from Upper Cradle field E land belonging to Dr Bettesworth /18A3R30P/. j) another inclosed piece called 'New Field' abs S & W. lanes leading from Ashwell bridge to Chiltern Green N. land belong to 1) & hedge that div it from Cradle field E. land belonging to 1) & inclosed land belonging to 2) /9A2R9P/ k) piece of commonfield land lying in the Upper Shott in Cradle field abs N. Commonfield land belonging to 1) W. Commonfield land belonging to 2) E. land belonging to 1) S. inclosed land belonging to 1) & commonfield lands belonging to 2) /2R1P/ piece of commonfield land lying on N. Side of k) abs.N. commonfield land belonging to 1) E. inclosed land belonging to 1) W. commonfield land belonging to 2 /2R24P/. m) piece lying on N side of L) abs N & W. Commonfield land belonging to 2) E. land belonging to 1) /2R36P). n) one piece in the upper Shot in Cradle Field abs.E. inclosed land belonging to 2) W & N. Commonfield land belonging to 2) S. Road Ashwell Bridge to Chiltern Green & Commonfield land belonging to 2) /1A1R26P/ o) piece in Cradle field lying S. from m) abs N. inclosed land & commonfield land belonging to 1) E & S. commonfield land belonging to 2). W. Commonfield land belonging to 2) & a hedge that parts Ashwell field & Cradle Common /3A1R33P/ . granted by 2) to 1) 1) piece of inclosed land called Further Lydia field lying near South gate of Luton Park. 5) inclosed arable close called 'Whites close'. abs E. by 4), W. Lane from Luton Park to Ashwell Bridge, N&S. inclosed land belonging to 1) /1A2R25P/ 6) inclosed meadow on east side of River Lee abs E. Road leading from Luton to Wheathamstead N. inclosed land belonging to 1) S. inclosed land belonging to Dr Bettesworth, W. River Lee /3R20P/. 7) piece of inclosed land called 1st Fishers Close abs E. lane leading from Luton Park to Ashwell Bridge, W. Lt Hyde Common, N. Gt Hyde Common, S. inclosed land belonging to 2) /2A2R23P/. 8) piece of inclosed land called 2nd Fishers Close abs E. Lane leading from Luton Park to Ashwell Bridge S. 'Leather Bottle & a lane leading from Ashwell Bridge to West Hyde W. Lt Hyde Common, N. inclosed land belonging to 2) 1A1R30P/. 9) piece of Commonfield lying in the Middle Shot in Gt Hyde field abs N. Commonfield land belonging to 1) E. Commonfield land belonging to William Hale ,S. Commonfield land belonging to William Bacon, W. Headland belonging to John Ivory, /3R2P/. 10) Piece of Commonfield land lying in Lower Shott in Gt Hyde field abs S,W,N. Commonfield land belonging to 1), E. lane leading from Luton Park to Ashwell Bridge /1A3R16P/. 11) piece of commonfield land lying in last mentioned shot abs N&W. Commonfield land belonging to 1), S. Commonfield land belonging to John Ivory, E. lane leading from Luton Park to Ashwell Bridge /3R12P/. 12) piece of land (being a headland piece between the middle and lower Shots in Gt Hyde Field, abs N&S. Commonfield land belonging to 1) /1R31P/. 13) piece of commonfield land lying in the White Shot in Little Hyde Field, abs N. Commonfield land belonging to 1) ,S. Commonfield land belonging to Poor of Harpenden & Wheathamstead and commonfield belonging to 1) W. by commonfield land belonging to William Bacon, E. inclosed land belonging to John Sibley, /3R20P/. 14) piece of commonfield land lying in Little Hyde field & crossed by a Road leading from Ashwell Bridge to W. Hyde, abs N&W. by Commonfield land belonging to 1) S. Commonfield land belonging to William Hale, E. inclosed land belonging to John Sibley & commonfield land belonging to Earl of Bute /2A2R12P/. 15) Messuage or farmhouse at New Mill with outhouse belonging and orchard & yards abs E. Road from Luton to Wheathamstead ,W. River Lee, S. land belonging to 1) N. by land belonging to Thomas Smith, /1R33P/. 16) Piece of inclosed land called Little Newmillfield, abs E,W,N. by inclosed land belonging to 1), S. lane leading from Chiltern Green to Newmill End /1A1R35P/. 17) piece of enclosed land called Millfield abs W. Road from Luton to Wheathamstead, N. Lane leading from New Mill End to Chiltern Green, E. enclosed land belonging to 1) S. Commonfield land belonging to 1) in Ashwell field, /1A3R8P/. 18) Piece of enclosed groud called the 'Pightle' abs. E&S. Commonfield land belonging to 1) W. inclosed land belonging to 1), N. Lane leading from New Mill End to Chiltern Green /2R12P/ 19) piece of enclosed land called 'Great New Mill field Close'. abs E.W&S by enclosed land belonging to 1), N. North Lane leading from New Mill End to Chiltern Green /6AOR20P. 20) Piece of Commonfield land lying in Cradle field abs N&E by inclosed land belonging to 1), W&S Commonfield land belonging to 1) /2AOR2P/. 21) Piece of Commonfield lying in Upper Shot in Ashwell field, abs N. inclosed land belonging to 1) E,W,S. by commonfield land belonging to 1) /2A1R25P/. 22) Piece of Commonfield land in Lower Shot in Ashwell field abs N&S. Commonfield land belonging to 1), E. inclosed land belonging to 1). W. Road leading from Luton to Wheathamstead /1AOR4P/. 23) piece of commonfield land lying in Lower side of Ashwell field abs NE, SW, NW by Commonfield land belonging to 1) SE. Commonfield land belonging to 2) . 24) piece of commonfield land lying SE from 23), abs J.E by commonfield land belonging to Poor of Wheathamstead & Harpenden & land belonging to William Hale NW. Commonfield land belonging to 1) & above piece (23), NE. Commonfield land belonging to 2) /2A1R1P/. 25) piece of commonfield land lying at the Top of 24) in Ashwell field abs S.W. commonfield land belonging to Poor of Harpenden & Wheathamstead & Commonfield land belonging to 1) NW, NE & SE by commonfield land belonging to 1) /1A1R20P/ 26) Cloverpiece in upperside of Ashwell field adj hedge that parts Ashwell field & Cradle field abs NW Commonfield land belonging to 1), SW Commonfield land belonging to 2) & 1), SE. Hedge that divides it from inclosed land belonging to Poor of Harpenden & Wheathamstead, /4A2R10P/. 27) piece of Commonfield land lying in the Middle Shot in South side of Ashwell field abs W. Common field land belonging to Dr Bettesworth, E&S by common field land belonging to 1) N. Common field land belonging to 2) /1A1R28P/ 28) piece of Commonfield lying in the same Shot with 27) abs S&W Commonfield land belonging to 1) E. By Commonfield lands belonging to William Bacon N. by Commonfield land belonging to 2) /1AOR28P/. 29) piece of commonfield land lying in Hyde Mill field abs E. Commonfield land belonging to 1) W. by commonfield land belong & commonfield land belonging to Poor of Harpenden & Wheathamstead & Commonfield land belong to William Hale, N. Commonfield land belonging to Thomas Newman & William Hale, S. Commonfield land belonging to Dr Bettesworth, /1A1R5P/. 30) piece of commonfield land lying in Hyde Mill field abs E. by Commonfield land belonging to John Watkins, W. Commonfield land belonging to 1) N. by commonfield land belonging to poor of Harpenden & Wheathamstead, S. land belonging to Dr. Bettesworth (late Nicholls) 2R11 /2R11P/ 31) Piece of common field land lying in Hyde Mill field abs N,S,&E by common field land belonging to Dr. Bettesworth W. by inclosed land belonging to the said Doctor /2R31P/. 32) one other piece of common field & lying in the north side of Cradle Common abs.S. by line of division running parallel to the North hedge 4A2ROP/, Total 53A2R21P Red Bundle No. 37. Note: Where in the abuttals above property is described as 'belongings to 1) it is intended that this refers to Lord Bute alone & not the Baron of Cardiff Castle, Similarly '2)' refers to John Sibley alone
  • Level of description