• Reference
  • Title
    Will of Nathaniel Hogan of Whipsnade, rector.
  • Date free text
    Made 1 December 1675 proved 8 November 1678
  • Production date
    From: 1675 To: 1678
  • Scope and Content
    'In the name of God Amen The ffirst day of December in the Seaven and thentyeth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God of England Scotland ffrance & Ireland Kinge defender of the fayth &c Annos Dnd 1675. I Nathanaell Hogan of Whipsnade in the County of Bedford Rector being in perfect sence and memory thanks be therefore given unto Allmighty God, but calling to minde the certainty of this present life doe therefore make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in mannor and forme following that is to say ffirst & principally I doe comend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator hoping and faythfully beleevieing through the onely merritts of Jesus Christ my saviour & redeemer for free pardon and foregiveness of all my sins and to be made partaker of everlasting life. ffor my body I doe comitt the same to the earth in decent manner to be buryed, And for such wordly goods and estate as it hath pleased Almighty God of his goodness to lend mee I doe give will and beqeath the same as followeth. In prs I doe give unto Mr James Paddon of Houghton Regis in the said County of Bedford Clerke tenn shillings or B:p Andrewes sermons, which he please. Item I doe give unto Steven Hogan my sonne Tenn shillings. Item I doe give unto William Hogan my sonne ffive shillinges. Item I doe give unto Edward Hogan my sonne Tenn shillinges. Item I doe give unto Benamin Hogan my sonne ffive shillinges. Item I doe give will & bequeath to John Hogan my sonne the sume of three pounds of lawfull money of England to be payed unto him by my execturixes out of my personall etate within six monthes next after my decease. Also I doe give unto the said John my sonne my biggest brasse pott. Item I doe give unto Ann Hogan my daughter the feather bedd on which her mother dyed with the bolster blankett & coverlett belonging to it. Item all the rest & residue of my goods chattels and personall estate whatsoever (unbequeathed) I do give will & bequeath unto Elizabeth Hogan my daughter & the said Anne Hogan my daughter equally betweene them to be devided. And I doe ordaine and make the said Elizabeth Hogan and Anne Hogan my daughters to be joynt execturixes of this my last will and testament provided allwayes and my will is that if any difference shall arise between my said children or any of them concerneing this my will or any thinge herein contained that then I doe appoint the said Mr James Paddon and Richard Atkins of Eaton Bray in the said county of Bedford yeoman to heare & determine all & every the said differences so arising betweene my said children or any of them as aforesaid. And if my said children or any of them shall refuse to obey fullfill & keepe the finall and judgement of the said James Paddon & Richard Atkins concerning the same Then he shee or they so refusing shall have & enjoy the one moitie or halfe part onely of his her or their said legacie or legacies, Any thinge herein contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. Item I doe give unto the said Richard Atkins one booke namely Mr Samuell Hieron his sermons. In wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale the day & yeare first above written.' Witnesses: Hen. Blacknell & Thomas Standbridge.
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