• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of Title of the trustees of the will of Walter Jarvis to freehold hereditaments in Bedford and Kempston
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    From: 1874 To: 1917
  • Scope and Content
    Abstract of Title of the trustees of the will of Walter Jarvis to freehold hereditaments in Bedford and Kempston (I) Mortgage of 17 Oct 1874 Parties: (i) Thomas Jarvis of Bedford, common brewer; (ii) Robert Page Jarvis of Bedford, common brewer; (iii) Lewis Page Jarvis of Bedford, common brewer; (iv) Edward Plane Middleton of Hindringham [Norfolk], esquire; Charles Foster of Norwich [Norfolk], gentleman; Walter Overbury of Norwich, gentleman Operative Part - (i)-(iii) borrowed £28,000 at 5% interest from (iv) secured on (a)-(e) amongst other properties Property: (a) public house on the north side of Well Street, Bedford, called the White Horse, formerly in the occupation of George Flood, then James Guest with brick built malting house and barley steep, barley and malt chambers adjoining formerly in the occupation of Sir William Long, then Robert Newland, then Bingham Newland, then (i)-(iii); with large yard and outbuildings; (b) public house in Pilcroft Street, Bedford called the New Haycock, since called the Haycock with stabling, outbuilding, yards and garden formerly in the occupation of Joseph Bandy, then John Wells Barker, then Harrison; (c) public house in Saint Cuthbert's Street, Bedford called the Wrestlers formerly in the occupation of Samuel Britton, then Eliza Clarke; (d) beerhouse at Green End, Kempston with outbuildings, garden and orchard in the occupation of Bradshaw, then Folkes, now John King [the Leg of Mutton, Kempston Rural]; (e) beerhouse at Wood End, Kempston formerly in the occupation of James Howe, then James Allen, now Chancy [the Cross Keys, Kempston Rural] (II) Mortgage of 17 Oct 1874 Parties: (i) Thomas Jarvis of Bedford, common brewer; (ii) Robert Page Jarvis of Bedford, common brewer; (iii) Lewis Page Jarvis of Bedford, common brewer; (iv) Walter Overbury of Norwich, gentleman Operative Part - (i)-(iii) borrowed £6,000 at 5% interest from (iv) secured on (a)-(e) in (I) above (III) Acknowledgement of 18 Nov 1879 by Walter Overbury of repayment of £4,000 as thus: £1,000 in Oct 1876; £1,000 in Oct 1877; £1,000 in Oct 1878; £400 in Jun 1876; £600 in Oct 1879 - £2,000 still being outstanding (IV) Conveyance of 17 Feb 1883 Parties: (i) Thomas Jarvis of Bedford, common brewer; (ii) Lewis Page Jarvis of Bedford, common brewer; (iii) Robert Page Jarvis of Bedford, common brewer; (iv) James Peter Piper; (v) Lewis Page Jarvis; Robert Page Jarvis; Walter Jarvis Reciting: - (i) and his sons (ii) and (iii) were in partnership as common brewers in Midland Road Bedford and that various properties had been purchased and conveyed to (i) alone although for the benefit of the business as a whole, (i) acting as trustee for himself, (ii) and (iii); - (I) above; - (II) above; - on 31 Mar 1882 (i) retired from the partnership to be continued by (v) (Walter Jarvis being another son of (i)); - on 31 Mar 1882 (i) advanced "considerable sums of money as absolute gifts" to (v) Operative Part - (i), by request of (ii) and (iii) conveyed the business and all its property to (iv) subject to the two outstanding mortgages Habendum - to (iv), to the use of (v) as joint tenants, in trust for (v) (V) Mortgage of 26 Jun 1883 Parties: (i) Thomas Jarvis of Bedford, common brewer; (ii) Robert Page Jarvis of Bedford, common brewer; (iii) Lewis Page Jarvis of Bedford, common brewer; (iv) Rev. John Patteson; John Francis Penyston; (v) Walter Overbury Reciting: - mortgage of 22 Oct 1874 in which certain insurance policies were mortgaged by (i)-(iii) to (v) to secure the £6,000 mortgage (II) above) Operative Part - (i)-(iii) borrowed £3,000 from (iv) secured on the business and its properties (VI) John Francis Penyston died on 7th Jun 1893 (VII) Assignment of Mortgage of 19 Nov 1894 in which (V) above was assigned to John Patteson, Edward Thomas Partridge and James Carlos Patteson (VIII) Assignment of Mortgage of 17 Apr 1899 in which (VII) was assigned to Sarah Elizabeth Arnold (IX) Will of Lewis Page Jarvis of 1 Jul 1891 devising all real estate to his wife and sole executrix Ada Maud Jarvis (X) Death of Lewis Page Jarvis on 10 Jun 1900 (XI) Proof of the will of Lewis Page Jarvis on 28 Jun 1900 in Northampton DPR (XII) Conveyance of 6 Feb 1905 by Ada Maud Jarvis of her interest in the real estate of the business to Robert Page Jarvis and Walter Jarvis reciting that Lewis Page Jarvis had retired on 30 Apr 1897 (XIII) Reconveyance of all real estate by Helen Maria Overbury of Old Catton [Norfolk], widow and Campbell Steward of Norwich, solicitor to Robert Page Jarvis and Walter Jarvis trading as Jarvis & Company on redemption of the mortgage at (II) above and reciting the death of William Overbury on 2 Sep 1903 and proof of his will on 1 Jan 1904 (XIV) Assignment of Mortgage of 9 Feb 1905 in which the remaining £20,000 of the mortgage at (I) above was transferred from Charles Foster to Charles Foster and Charles Blackwell Foster; reciting the death of Edmund Payne Middleton on 29 Mar 1903 (XV) reconveyance of 6 Jan 1909 from Charles Blackwell Foster to Robert Page Jarvis and Walter Jarvis on redemption of the remaining £20,000; reciting the death of Eliza Jarvis on 19 Oct 1905 and the death of Charles Foster at Thorpe Saint Andrew [Norfolk] on 9 Nov 1906 (XVI) Reassignment of 15 Dec 1909 by Sarah Elizabeth Arnold to Robert Page Jarvis and Walter Jarvis of insurance policies securing the agreement at (V) above (XVII) Will of Robert Page Jarvis of 3 Sep 1898 appointing his wife Louisa and John James Bedney Arter as executors (XVIII) Death of Robert Page Jarvis on 9 Feb 1912 (XIX) Proof of the will of Robert Page Jarvis in PPR on 9 Mar 1912 (XX) Death of Louisa Jarvis on 15 Oct 1913 (XXI) Will of Walter Jarvis of 20 Oct 1914 appointing his wife Mary and Henry Young junior of Bromham Road, Bedford, architect and surveyor as executors and trustees (XXII) Death of Walter Jarvis on 2 Jan 1915 (XXIII) Proof of the will of Walter Jarvis on 10 Apr 1915 in Northampton DPR (XXIV) Conveyance of 4 Dec 1915 Parties: (i) John James Bedney Arter; (ii) Mary Jarvis; Henry Young junior Reciting: - Robert Page Jarvis and Walter Jarvis had been partners in the brewing and wine and spirit merchant business; - death of Robert Page Jarvis; - Walter Jarvis had come to a settlement with (i) in respect of the share of Robert Page Jarvis in the firm; - death of Walter Jarvis Operative Part - (i) conveyed Robert Page Jarvis' share in Jarvis & Company, including (a)-(e) to (ii) for an unspecified sum of money Property [amongst others]: (a) public house on the north side of Midland Road called the White Horse formerly in the occupation of James Guest, then J. Rainbow, then Frank Wheeler with brick built malting house and barley steep, barley and malt chambers adjoining formerly in the occupation of Bingham Newland, now Jarvis & Company with large yard and outbuildings (b) dwellinghouse in Cauldwell Street, formerly the Haycock, with stabling, outbuildings and workshops formerly in the occupation of A. Monk but now unoccupied; (c) dwellinghouse in Saint Cuthbert's Street, Bedford "recently a public house known as the Wrestlers" formerly in the occupation of Eliza Clarke, then Elizabeth Ivett; (d) beerhouse in green End, Kempston with outbuildings, gardens and orchard formerly in the occupation of G. Breed, then Edward Keech also a cottage and premises adjoining in the occupation of H. B. Howe; (e) a beerhouse formerly known as the Royal Oak at Wood End, Kempston, but now unlicensed formerly in the occupation of Ashpole, the William Beard (XXV) Order in Chancery in Walter Jarvis deceased and Arnold v. Jarvis 1915 J. 1918 on 23 Jun 1916 to was ordered that (a)-(e) in (XXIV) above be sold - the Haycock being divided into two lots, the vacant former beerhouse itself and the outbuildings in connection with it and known as 34a Cauldwell Street, let to George Neal as a bootmaker's shop on a quarterly tenancy at £10 per annum rent (XXVI) Certificate of 6 Jul 1917 by the Master in Chancery that the sale had had the following result: • Harry Wakefield Clifton of Midland Road, Bedford. Outfitter had bought the White Horse, Midland Road, for £850; • Thomas Simpson Porter of 38 Mill Street, Bedford, solicitor, had bought 4 Saint Cuthbert's Street, formerly the Wrestlers, for £180; • John Blakeman of Saint John's Street, Bedford, dealer had bought 34 and 34a Cauldwell Street for £300; • Alfred James Odell of 210 Bedford Road, Kempston, master tailor, had bought the former Royal Oak, Kempston Wood End for £115; • Elias Carter of 13 Brereton Road, Bedford, retired fishmonger had bought the former beerhouse at Green End, Kempston and the next door cottage for £185
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