• Reference
  • Title
    Articles of Agreement. (i) Wm. Fowler of St. Neots, Brewer. (ii) Hen. Verrall of Potton, Surgeon & Apothecary.
  • Date free text
    17 Jun 1786
  • Production date
    From: 1786 To: 1786
  • Scope and Content
    (i) at his own costs & 'for the convenience and habitation' of (ii) has agreed to build a house & outhouses on copyhold site of (i)'s in King Street, Potton. Site recently bought from John Dennis. To be built with bricks and tiles. Specifications of site. North is next the gateway 'adjoining the premises belonging to George, Earl Spencer and leading into the Rose & Crown Inn Yard,' west abutts. land of (i) 'which is used and occupied with the said... Inn.' Cellar specifications. At front 'there shall be an handsome well finished and elegantly painted six raised panneld door, door case, a good large spring brass lock and rapper and a suitable frontispiece with a far light to consist of at least three squares of the best crown glass. 'Specifications of Passage from door to interior rooms & yard. To right of door 'there shall be made compleated and elegantly finished a good dining parlour...... to be wainscotted chair high and to be called the best parlour. 'Chimney & fireplace there 'with a well finished handsome marble or ketton stone chimney piece and a slab with proper and suitable cap thereto and also a neat corniche around the room and well finished cieling and floor.' Left side of passage shop to be made. 'Venetian Sash Windows of good groun glass' for both rooms. Lean-to Surgery to be built at back of shop with window, shutters, chimney, cupboards etc. 'Well finished stair-case with handrail handings.' Chamber over best parlour with fireplace with 'six panneld door neat corniche and recess for 'a Cloaths Closet.' Similar chamber over Shop. Dressing Room over front passage between 2 chambers. Another Dressing Closet at head of stairs over pantry. 2 'Garretts with one common glass Window and Casement in each room.' Passage from foot of stairs to pantry & kitchen 'with convenient shelves, dresser and other necessary fixtures' etc. Chamber and Garret over Kitchen. Washouse & Brewhouse next to Kitchen. Loft over washhouse with ladder and pump and sink. West of these room for cleaning knives & a Coalhouse. Stable adjoining with 3 stalls with 'sufficient racks and mangers.... pitched with pebbles and compleated with a Loft... to contain Hay and Straw.' | Outhouse for storing wood & Faggots. 2 Offices. Details of 2 fences. All buildings to be 'well and sufficiently glazed tiled and plaistered.......... with an handsome ornamental and neat brick corniche in the front of the said house.' To be ready for (ii)'s occupation on or before 5 April, 1787. Work when finished to be subject 'to the judgement and inspection of any indifferent Surveyor or Masterbuilder versed in Architecture.' (ii) to choose paper & paper-hangings. Garden to be fenced and enclosed. (ii) covenants with (i) to take premises for 21 yrs. from 5 April 1787 for yearly rent of £16-16s. Lease with Consent of Lord of Manor and at costs of (ii) & (i). Provisos to be contained in Lease. Rent by half yearly payments, (ii) to pay parish rates & taxes - except Land Tax. (i) to keep in repair except glass & windows. Windows and all fixtures to be left by (ii) at end of lease. (ii) can let or assign to 'reputable persons.' Bond to be made between (i) & (ii) in £50 for keeping agreement. Witnessed: J. Hinson
  • Reference
  • Level of description