Lease for 12 years : Rent £29.10.
Date free text
1 Aug 1702
Production date
From: 1702 To: 1702
Scope and Content
(i) Rob. Jenkyn of Harpenden Herts. gent.
(ii) Thos. Newson of Leagrave ymn.
- - Mess. in Leagrave occ. by T.N., Abraham Newson, & Thos. Evans.
Closes of arable land, pasture & meadow (100 ac.) in Luton, Leagrave, Chaul End, Limbury, Caddington & Toddington.
Tenant not to ' crosscropp or sowe above two yrs. together' the arable land, but to leave it fallow every 3rd. yr.
Not to sell straw or compost but use it on the land.
Timber reserved. Tenant to pay addit. £5 per acre for pasture ploughed.
Witns. Michaell Heyden, Jn. Grover.
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