• Reference
  • Title
    Lease and Release: (1) Peregrine Nash, Bedford, common brewer, and Mary his wife (2) Bedford Improvement Commissioners. Conveyance (1) to (2) - the messuage formerly known as The Wrestlers now the Coach and Horses heretofore in the occupation of Elizabeth Smith, widow, since George and Elizabeth Allen, now William Wright, with the stable yard in Stonehouse Lane formerly belonging to Edward Hawkins, then Henry Hurst, to be fenced on East by Peregrine Nash from said piece of ground containing 21 feet with buildings reserved by Peregrine Nash, abutting: North - on Stonehouse Lane; East - on part of yard and buildings reserved by Peregrine Nash; South - on Church Alley; West - on messuage lately purchased by Commissioners of Joseph Green and his wife. Endorsed 'No 41'
  • Date free text
    3,4 Oct 1805
  • Production date
    From: 1805 To: 1805
  • Scope and Content
    Reciting that the Commissioners have purchased divers messuages in Stonehouse Lane. Reciting that Peregrine Nash is seised of a messuage in Stonehouse Lane called the Coach and Horses, which the Commissioners wish to acquire. Reciting that in part exchange Peregrine Nash wishes to have part of Commissioners purchase in Stonehouse Lane, such exchanged premises to be altered and rebuilt agreeable to the Commissioners' plan, and that Nash shall pay to the Commissioners £201 10s for equality of difference. Reciting order of Commissions at meeting on 6 September last for conveyance to Mr Peregrine Nash of 'entire premises lately known by the name of the Spread Eagle, and also of the two tenements in Church Alley lately purchased by the Commissioners of Thomas Webb and John Ames and wife, and also of the dwelling house and premises purchased by the Commissioners of Mr Levi Lavender, and of the whole space of ground included between the aforesaid premises severally described and the Church Wall north of the parish church of St Paul, in exchange for £201 10s and the Coach and Horses, with the exception of 21 feet of ground with the buildings standing thereupon on the West of the house late Levi Lavender's, drawing a line from the street to the Church Wall' From the Commissioners' Minutes: - 2 Dec 1803 The purchase of the house called the Coach and Horses belonging to Mr Peregrine Nash will not be necessary, provided Mr Nash will engage to rebuild the same on a line with the house of Mr Lavender upon a plan approved by the Commissioners. If such agreement should take place, and in consideration of the ground given up by Mr Nash in front of the premises for the use of the public, then the plot or space of ground between the Coach and Horses and the Church Wall be conveyed by the Commissioners to Mr Nash and his heirs. - 3 Aug 1804 Application of Mr Peregrine Nash to exchange the house belonging to him called the Coach and Horses for that belonging to the Commissioners known by the name of the Spread Eagle be acceded to, he the said Mr Nash defraying all expenses incident to the said exchange. - 2 Nov 1804 The space of ground included between the South end of the house late Spread Eagle and the Church Wall, and a plot or space of ground to the West of the said house now belonging to the premises purchased by the Commissioners of Mr Levi Lavender and forming a projection into a room on the North side of the said house, be comprehended in the premises known by the name of the Coach and Horses. - 5 Apr 1805 Offer to the Trustees of the Harpur Charity of £200 for the whole of the premises in Stonehouse Lane known as the Coach and Horses, excepting 20 feet more or less adjoining to the premises now or late the property of Levi Lavender. - 7 Dec 1807 Mr Peregrine Nash to have the option of two tenements in Church Alley lately purchased of Mr Thomas Webb and Mr John Ames at price given for same, that is £81 10s.
  • Level of description