• Reference
  • Title
    Minutes & accounts. Folio vol., orig. binding, 176 pp. General: beautifully kept; replies to queries given; sufferings entered from p.54; marriage entries full & repetitive.
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1703 To: 1724
  • Scope and Content
    At end: pp. 2-4, 13: accounts, 1703-19, 1719-20 5 abstracts of YM epistles, 1692,1695,1706 Front cover: constituent meetings: Flaunden & Watford Chorley Wood & Rickmansworth Hempstead & Wood End Albans Minute 7 9th 1716: those not inuunity with this MM to withdraw. p.1 statement as to the beginning of this MM: Watford, Hempstead & Albans have for several years had a concern to have an MM for west Herts, and to join Herts. QM "to which they did formerly belong"; but the QMs did not concur; the matter was referred to YM, which established it by YM minute; MM to be first 6th day in every month, beginning at Watford, 11th hour. (names of 23 Friends). Hempstead. 4/4/1703 Routine business: Appointment of reps. YM epistle Queries (answers given, e.g. 44,49,59,63,66 etc) Removal Marriage Indications as to organisation: QM reps. vary from 4 in 1703 (p.5) to 11 in 1718 (p.110) p. 41 each MM to report at QM state of "truth", 1709 p. 46 any Friend prevented from going to get substitute p. 47 2 Hemel, 2 Watford, 2 Albans sufficient 1710 p. 60 QM finds inconvenience from persons frequenting it that are not in unity with the MMs to which they belong - no such to be admitted 1712 (see also MM p.94) pp.103, 145 v. small 1717,1722 p. 111 large & peaceable pp.153-4,157,159,161 proposal to hold twice a year at Albans; 1723 Difficulty in attending, esp. in the short days, by reason of the length of the way; eventual decision against - "unwilling" 1724 p. 28 MM Jos. Stirredge retires from being joint clerk, replaced by Jn. Owen (other Jos. Skidmore); 1706 p. 57 Jn.Owen sole clerk 1712 p 161 registrar: Jn.Owen in place of Jos.Skidmore (see pp. 4-5 for keeping of registers, p.51: form of marr. cert.) 1724 School: p. 10 proposed in or near Hempstead 1704 p. 11 7 apptd. to meet Friends of Markyate MM to discuss p. 12 schoolmaster Jn. Owen "may come & settle his school as soon as he pleases... to teach all Friends' children within the two MMs. all the learning he is capable of (except merchants' accounts); for 30s. p.a.; in Hempstead mtgho. till another place found; if his income does not reach £20 p.a. the 2 MMs will make it up. p. 27 schoolmaster marries. (note p.28 he is clerk) 1706 p. 33-4 ref. to Zach. Wallis, lately schoolmaster at Rickmansworth, now High Wycombe 1708 Travelling Friends: p. 78 Mich. Tirpin: south of nation 1714 pp.98-9 Jn. Thornton (statement on): b. 12/6/1656 Newport Pag. of Friend parents; 1678 reluctantly called to bear public testimony, "gt. cross"; -83 laboured in ministry, visiting meetings; 1683-8 Aylesbury gaol (not paying tithes) 1696 moved to Hempstead; visited Essex, Suffolk, Hunts., Beds., Surrey, Warwicks., Leics., Northants., Ox., Glos., Bucks., Wales, Hants., I.O.W., Berks.; illness & sore affliction; 1716 (17 Jan.) d. at Hemel, bur. Wood End Miscellaneous: p. 3. Jos. Skydmore of Rickmansworth goes for brief visit to Ireland 1703 p. 13 memories of early Friends to be collected: cttee. of Phil. 1704-5 Tompson, Jn. Edmonds sr., Mich. Turpin sr., Wm. Loddington, Jos. Meade, Jn. Edmonds jr. p. 18 "they cannot find anything material but what is already in print" pp. 27-8 referees apptd. in disagreement between 2 Friends over legacy settle the matter 1706 p. 46 affirmation: Friends apptd. to be available 1709 p. 58 Jn. Thornton jr., Hempstead, goes to America 1712 p. 84 meetings smaller than heretofore (divers Friends removed by d.) 1715 p. 89 in some places visible decrease 1716 Finance: p. 2 collection to be established qtrly. for a general stock 1703 p. 3 treasurer apptd. p. 32-3 good balance in hand: reduce the several mtgs.' contributions 1708 p. 102 collection asked for by QM for YM 1717 pp. 125-6 treasurer Jn. Weedon v. weak; succ. by Wm. Tomson 1719 Individual Friends: Tho. Brown of "Welling" (?Welwyn), s. of Dan. of Podington, husbn. dcd. marries (he is a baker). Beds. Barton (p.39) Discipline: pp. 29-30 Nat. Nash of Hempstead, maltster (apparently attender) has been taken defrauding excise; but did not disown him, as he himself handed in at histrial a paper to clear Friends 1707 pp. 35-6 Hen. Stephens of Albans to explain his financial actions - he does so in sorrow 1708 pp. 38-40 marriage out of society: Wm. Humble, Albans, acknowledges Friends' love & desires their prayers 1709 pp. 63, 66 bankruptcy: Jn. Edmonds, Albans; he acknowledges 1712-13 pp. 77, 79-82 scandal: Wm. Prior (disown) 1714 pp. 90, 92-3 marriage by priest: Sar. Mitchell; she is sorry; but statement to be drawn up 1716 pp. 105-112 Mary Spring, Redbourn: in danger of going to priest for husband: eventually disowned 1717/8 pp. 107-12 Anne West al. Walsh, Hempstead, married by priest; she declared she was v. well satisfied & easy in her mind; dis. 1717/8 p. 108 Jos. Weedon of Rickmansworth repents of mar. by priest 1718 pp. 112-4 marriage out of society feared: Mary Bedford 1718 (Takes place 1722 - p. 146) pp. 117-9 Moses West (s. of Moses West of Hempstead, dcd.) hath of late run out into divers evil practices (drinking, swearing) to be visited (details continue) 1718/9 135-9 insolvency of Tho. Packer: family to be maintained (see poor) 1721 p 146 Tho. Hill, Hempstead, ungodly & immoral - he repents 1722 Poor: p. 100 widow's son apprenticed (wid. Brittain, Watford) £5 from MM stock. £4 Watford Friends 1717 pp. 135-9. children of Tho. Packer: adjudged as bel. to Albans mtg.; charge £3.5.0 a quarter; Hempstead & Watford each bring £1.19.4; Albans refuses, but Hen. Stevens of Albans brings 18s. of his own & 2s. from neighbours, and Hempstead & Watford make up the difference; eventually a cttee. visits Albans to try to make up the disagreement; MM agrees "for peace sake" to accept Albans' money for the future & remit what is unpaid (they do this partly because Albans may have to fit up a women's room if QM held there) 1721 Books: pp. 3-5 arrangements to be made 1703p. 8 Fox pp. 23, 32 Jn. Neale to receive books from QM; one for each MM; sell rest 1705 p. 34 mistake in number brought - care to be taken 1708p. p. 55 Jos. Mead brings in 1711 pp. 57-8 enquiry as to whether Wm. Loddington d. left MSS to print? no. 1711 p. 77 life of Tho. Ellwood 1714 p. 91 Jn. Thornton relinquishes book service from infirmity: Zach. Wallis instead 1716 p. 97 Robt. Barclay 1716/7 p. 129 Wm. Sewell's history of Quakers 1720 p. 131 enquiry as to MSS. left by ancient Friend, Alice Hayes, Waltham Abbey, dcd. 1720 MM pp. 41-3 does not approve proposal at QM to have at Hertford each summer an annual mmeting for worship (but carried) (10 after mids. QM) 1709 p. 64 visitation of families 1712 p. 94 persons at MM not in unity to withdraw 1716 p.102 divers Friends come in very late...earnestly desired all keep exactly to time - 11th hour 1717 pp. 104-5 membership: Ste. Humble of Albans used to think Friends' marriage arrangements wrong; now agrees; "it is. v. acceptable to hear of such good desires raised in him" 1717 p. 130 Albans wants MM held sometimes at Albans (this minute continued, but decision not found) 1720 p. 135-9, 155-7 difference with Albans originally arising over the care of the children of Tho. Packer, bankrupt (see poor); 1721 There has been for some time "a visible difference"; 1723 3 Friends visit Albans in endeavour to make it up; agreement reached over the children; "nevertheless it is our sense & judgement that for any particular meeting to come to any resolution amongst themselves contrary to MM, the same is disorderly & tends to separation & division" 1724 PMs (see also meetinghouses) pp. 34-5 each particular meeting to have a meeting for all (men, women, servants, young) to hear YM epistle (because of difficulty of communication to Friends that do not frequent our usual meetings of business); this meeting to be every six-months at the weekly meeting (called preparative) before MM; 1708 - it appears (p.52-3) these six-monthly meetings were held only at Hemel & Watford; and (p.55) particular meetings were left their liberty on the matter 1711 Marriage:- These entries are v. full & regular, the particulars being repeated at each appearance; p. 4 Jos. Cooke of Albans expresses regret for disregarding Friends' rules in 1691 1703 (see also Ste. Humble above, p.104-5) t is also usually noted that affairs were "prudently" or "decently" managed at the house afterwards (e.g. p.102, 109) Sufferings:- p. 7 Friends apptd. in each PM to keep each other up to the mark and to list 1703/4 p. 8 lists to be regulated p. 37 Phil. Tomson, one of Friends responsible, "neglect in not coming to MM" to be visited (he dies p.38); 1709 Flaunden shows "some shortness" in paying tithes p. 54 to be entered in book (this is done henceforward) 1711 p. 60 Edm. Neale's wrong behaviour in redeeming his tithes, Redborn; visited; he cannot see but they are lawful - alienated from 1712 p. 75 ecclesiastical use to civil; but MM declares disunity from such practices 1713 pp. 96-7 statement on tithes 1716 Meetinghouses & meetings:- pp. 9-10, 18 Wood End: trustees mostly now dcd.; new deed; writings (listed but without dates) to be kept 1704-5 p. 19 by Edm. Neale; burial ground inconvenient pp. 35-6 Bishop's Stortford: need help in building mtgho. - present place inconvenient; £6 1708 pp. 40-1 Flaunden's discontinuance discussed; 1709 At first mention, not many here of those most concerned - Watford & Rickmansworth; decided to have a monthly meeting for worship on last 6th day each month, instead of 1st day; pp. 51, 60-1 very remiss - to be visited; 6th day mtg. monthly cont. 1711 pp. 70, 73 very low, but still continue 1713 p. 105 visited 1717 p. 124 talked to member about tithes 1719 p. 69 Flamstead End: this MM contributes £1.4.1 1713 pp. 119, 124, 129 support continued 1718/9 p. 130 no further contribution: Friends there seem v. cool & indifferent 1720 p. 113 Hempstead: purchase of gd. for burial; build a new mtgho. there (finding themselves under several difficulties & inconveniences with present mtgho.); meetings asked to help, also help & approval of QM. (This minute is continued & no one is ready). 1718 p. 116 at QM: "no meeting prepared to say what they had or would do, save only Cottered MM, and they collected nothing.". p. 121 contributions: 1719 Hertford & Ware £10 Hitchin £3.10.0 Bishop's Stortford £7.10.0 Albans £7.8.0 Women's meeting:- p. 16 YM epistle about not letting children observe idle times & so called holy days referred to women's mtg. pp. 24, 26 their collection by some considered needless, but resolved to be made & used for poor only 1705-6 pp. 25-6 women's QM proposed & agreed 1706 p.30 "ancient public Friend" Eliz. Stirredge d. aged 72 pp. 48-9 women's QM suggested to be for business as well as worship, but this MM thinks not needed 1710 p. 68 women hold up certificate 1713 p. 162 no suitable place at Watford: women Friends have long had difficulties & inconveniences; suggest Albans, 1724 162 but Rickmansworth & Watford v. unwilling to comply; can Watford make better accommodation? 1724/5
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