• Reference
  • Title
    Feoffment of a piece of meadowland called the Clossett in the parish of Leighton Buzzard, Beds. Parties: Mr Thomas Baskerfeild & wife & others to Mr David Willis.
  • Date free text
    31 Oct 1795
  • Production date
    From: 1795 To: 1795
  • Scope and Content
    Full transcription: This Quinguepartite made 31st day of October in the year of our lord 1795 and in the Thirty Sixth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth BETWEEN Thomas Baskerfeild of the City of Worcester Stationer and Ann his wife Robert Baskerfeild now or late of Hatton Garden Holborn London Oil man Ann Baskerfeild of Evershot in the county of Bedford Spinster Mary Margaret Baskerfeild of Cranfield in county of Bedford Spinster and Catherine Baskerfeild of Park(?) Street Grosvenor Square Spinsters (which said Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild are the only children of the body of Abraham Baskerfeild late of Leighton Buzzard in the said county of Bedford maltster of the body of Catherine his late wife late Catherine Oswald Spinster both deceased and also Tenants in common in the Tail general of the piece or parcel of land and hereditaments hereinafter mentioned and intended to be hereby granted and enfeoffed among other lands and hereditaments under and by virtue of certain Indentures of lease and release bearing date respectively the Ninth and Tenth days of July One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty One purporting to be a settlement and made previous to the marriage of the said Abraham Baskerfeild Catherine Baskerfeild of the first part James Dell of Leighton Bussard aforesaid Butcher of the second part John Collins Millard of Leighton Bussard aforesaid Innholder of the third part John Stone of Leighton Bufsard Draper of the fourth part and David Willis of Leighton Bussard aforesaid Gentleman of the fifth part Witnesses that for the and in consideration of the sum Thirty Pounds of lawful money of Great Britain unto them the said Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild in and with truly paid by the said David Willis at or immediately before the Sealing and Delivery of their presents (for the absolute purchase of the piece or parcel of land and Hereditaments hereinafter mentioned and described) the receipt and payment of which said sum of Thirty Pounds They the said Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild do hereby severally and respectively acknowledge of and from the same and every part thereof do and each and every of them do quit release and discharge the said David Willis his heirs and Executors and Administrators and every of them by these presents they the said Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild HAVE and each and every of them HATH (according several and respective part or shares under rights and Interest in and to the said piece or parcel of land Hereditaments and premises) Granted Bargained sold aliened enfeoffed and conformed by these present DO and each and every of them DOTH (according to such their respective parts of shares estates rights and Interests as aforesaid) Grant Bargain sell alien enfeoff and confirm unto the said David Willis and to his heirs THAT piece or parcel of meadow land called Closett lying and being in the middle field of Leighton Bussard aforesaid containing by estimation two acres (to the same more or less) the brook on the west east and north parts thereof and now in the occupation of land Hereditaments and premises have been are or may be called known or described Together with all hedges Ditches Ways Waters Watercourses Commons profits privileges advantages Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said premises belonging or in any wise appertaining or accepted reputed taken or known as part parcel or member thereof or of any part thereof and the reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Yearly and all other Rents issues and profits of all and singular the said premises and of every part and parcel thereof and also all the Estate right Title Interest property Claim and Demand whatsoever both at Law and in Equity of them the said Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild or either of them of in and to the said piece or parcel of land Hereditaments and premises and every or any part thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said piece or parcel of land or meadow Ground Hereditaments and all and singular other the premises hereby granted and enscoffed (?) or mentioned so to be each their and every of their Appurtenances unto the said David Willis his heirs and Afsigns To the only proper use and behoof of the said David Willis his Heirs and Afsigns absolutely forever AND for the further and better conveying and assuring the said piece or parcel of Land Hereditaments and premises mentioned and intended to be hereby granted and enfeoffed into the said David Willis his Heirs and Assigns and for the more effectual satisfying and confirming the conveyance hereby intended to be made the said Thomas Baskerfeild for himself and his heirs and for the said Ann his wife And the said Robert Baskerfeild for himself and his heirs and the said Ann Baskerfeild for herself and her heirs and the said Mary Margaret Baskerfeild for herself and her heirs and the said Catherine Baskerfeild for herself and her heirs do and each and every of them doth severally and respectively Covenant promise and agree to and with the said John Stone that they the said Thomas Baskerfeild and his wife and the said Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild shall and will as of Trinity Term last Michaelmas term next coming or in or as of some other subsequent term at the costs and charges of them the said Thomas Baskerfeild and Ann his wife Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild acknowledge and levy in due form of Law before his Majesties Justices of the court of Common Pleas one or more fine or fees [??] to be engrossed recorded and such forth with proclaims XXX for assurances of Lands in such Cases used unto the said John Stone and his heirs of all the said piece or parcel of land hereditaments and premises mentioned and intended to be hereby granted enfeoffed together with those lands Tenements and Hereditaments late estates of the said Abraham Baskerfeild and now of them the said Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild by such descriptions as will effectually comprize the same and shall in that behalf be thought requisite And it is hereby declared by all the parties to these present that the said fine or fines so Covenanted to be levied as also from and after the perfecting thereof and all and every other fine or fines Common recovery and Recoveries Conveyances and assurances in the law whatsoever at anytime heretofore had made levied suffered or executed or hereafter to be made levied suffered or executed of and concerning the said piece or parcel of land Hereditaments and premises by and Between the said parties to there presents or whereabouts they or any of them are or ever shall be parties or a party or in any privy shall be and enure and shall be ajudged Construed deemed and taken to be and enure and is and are hereby and all the said parties hereunto declared and agreed to have been at the time of the making levying suffering and executing thereof mentioned and intended to be and enure. As for and concerning the said piece or parcel of Land Hereditaments and premises hereby enfeoffed or intended so to be and every part thereof with the Appurtenances To and for the only proper use and behoof of the said David Willis his heirs and assigns and to and for no other use intent purpose whatsoever AND the said Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild for himself herself and themselves and her his and their heirs Executors and Administrators severally and respectively and not jointly or the one for the other or others of them or for the acts or deeds of the other of them covenant promise and agree to and with the said David Willis his heirs and Assigns by these presents in manner following (that is to say) that for and notwithstanding any act matter or thing whatsoever by them the said Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild or any or either of them or any of their Ancestors made done committed or executed or wittingly permitted any act to the contrary They the said Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild at the time of sealing and delivery of these presents are and stand or some or one of them is and standeth lawfully and rightfully Seised of and in the said piece or parcel of Land Hereditaments and premises hereinbefore mentioned to be hereby granted and enfeoffed and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their appurtenances of and in good sure perfect and Indefeazible estate of Inheritance in fee simple or fee Tail in Possession without any manner or condition. Page 2 has 7 short lines and the rest full up to line . CONTINGENT Proviso Power of Limitation of new or other use or uses or other restraint matter course or thing whatsoever to defeat change charge make void or determine the said estate and also that for and notwithstanding any such act matter cause or thing as aforesaid They the said Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild and Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild or some or one of them now have or hath in himself herself or themselves good right full power and XXX and absolute authority to grant Bargain sell enfeoff and convey the said piece or parcel of meadow Land Hereditament and premises hereby granted and enfeoffed with their appurtenances into and to the use of the said David Willis his Heirs and Assigns forever according to the true purport intent and meaning there presents And also that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said David Willis his heirs and Assigns from time to time and at all times forever hereinafter peaceably and Quietly to enter into have hold use occupy and enjoy the said piece or parcel of land Hereditaments and premises hereby granted and enfeoffed with their Appurtenances and receive and take the rents houses and profits thereof from the 5th ________ day of April ____________ last past to and for his and their own use and Benefit without any lawful Lit suit XXXXXXXX Interruption or disturbance whatsoever of from or by the said Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild and Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild or any or either of them or any or other person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim from by or under them or any of them or from by or under their ancestors AND THAT free and clear and freely and clearly and absolutely acquitted exonerated and discharged or otherwise well and sufficiently by the said Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild or their respective Heir Executor Administrator saved defended kept harmless and indemnified of from and against all former and other Gifts Grants Bargains Sales Leases Mortgages Jointures Settlements Dowers right and title of Dower uses Trusts Wills entails Statutes Recognizances Judgements extents executions rights Changes and Encumbrances whatsoever at any time heretofore made done Committed or executed or wittingly or willingly permitted or suffered by the said Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild or any or either or them or their ancestors or by their or any of their acts means deeds procurement consent or privity AND MOREOVER that they the said Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild and their heirs and all and every other person and persons whomsoever having or lawfully claiming or who shall or may hear after claim any estate right title or Interest or in to or out of the said piece or parcel of arable land Hereditaments and premises hereby granted and enfcoffed by from or under them or by from through or under their Ancestors shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter upon the reasonable request and at the costs and charges of the said David Willis his heir or assigns or make do acknowledge suffer and execute or cause and Procure to be made done acknowledged levied suffered and executed all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable Act and Acts thing and things releases conveyances and assurances in the Law Whatsoever for the further better more perfect and absolute granting conveying and assuring the said piece or parcel of land hereditaments and premises hereby granted and enfeoffed or so intended to Be with their appurtenances unto and to the use of the said David Willis his heirs and assigns or his and their Council learned in the law shall be reasonably divised or advised and required AND WHEREAS a certain indenture or Feoffment bearing date 29th day of May which was in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and fourteen and made between John Deane and Helen Deane of the one part and Thomas Baskerfeild of the other part also a certain Indenture of release bearing date the sixth day of July which was in the year or our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty one and made between Thomas Baskerfeild eldest son and heir of Robert Baskerfeild of the one part and Abraham Baskerfeild brother of the said Thomas Baskerfeild of the other part And also made between the said Abraham Baskerfeild of the first part Catherine Oswald Spinster of the second part and Edmund Bridges and William Roberts gentleman of the third part concern not only the title of the said piece or parcel of land hereditaments and premises hereinbefore mentioned and intended to be granted and enfeoffed but to divers other Lands Hereditaments and premises late of the said Abraham Baskerfeild and now purchased by the said James Dell and John Collins Millard And it hath been agreed that the said indenture of Feoffment of the said twenty ninth day of May one thousand seven hundred and fourteen should be delivered to the said James Dell and the other Indenture of release of the said Sixth day of July one thousand seven hundred and fifty one and the said Indenture of Lease and release (?) of the ninth and tenth days of July one thousand seven hundred and fifty one should be delivered to the said John Collins Millard and that they said James Dell and John Collins Millard should severally Covenant to produce them at the expense of the said David Willis his heirs and Assigns in manner hereinafter mentioned Now this indenture further Witnesseth and the said James Dell and John Collins Millard do hereby for themselves severally and to and for their several and respective Heirs Executors and administrators covenant promise and agree it and with the said David Willis his heirs and Assigns in manner following that is to say that the said James Dell his heirs executors and administrators shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter upon every reasonable request and at any Trial or hearing in any Court of Law or equity or otherwise as occasion shall be and require the said Indenture of Feoffment of the 29th day of May one thousand seven hundred and fourteen for the better maintaining proving and depending the Title of the said David Willis his Heirs and afsigns of in and to the said piece or parcel of land and Hereditaments so conveyed to him as aforesaid and also that he the said John Collins Millard his heirs executors and Administrators shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter upon every reasonable request and at the proper costs and charges of the said David Willis his heirs and afsigns (unless hindered or prevented by fire or other insatiable xxxxx) produce and show forth or cause to be produced and shown forth unto the said David Willis his heirs or assigns or his or their Council attornies agents or solicitors or otherwise as occasion may require the said Indenture of release of the said sixth day of July one thousand seven hundred and fifty one and the said Indenture of Lease and release of the said ninth and tenth days of July one thousand seven hundred and fifty one for the better maintaining proving and defending the Title of the said David Willis his Heirs and assigns of in and to the said premises so conveyed to him as aforesaid and also that they the said James Dell and John Collins Millard and their respective Heirs and Assigns shall and will at all times hereafter at the like request costs and charges permit and suffer copies to be made and taken by person or persons whomsoever of the said respective deeds hereinbefore mentioned for the better maintaining moving and defending the Title of the said David Willis his heirs and afsigns in and to xxx and Heredits and premises so conveyed to him as aforesaid or any part or parcel thereof And also shall and will in the meantime keep and preserve the saidrespective Deeds save undefaced unobliterated and uncancelled And Lastly they the said Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild have and each of them Hath Ordained Constituted and Appointed and by these presents Do and each and every of them Doth make ordain constitute and appoint Thomas Deverell of Leighton Bussard Gentlemantheir true and lawful Attorney for them and in their Names into and upon the piece or parcel of land Hereditament and premises hereby granted and ordain constitute and appoint Thomas Deverell of Leighton Bussard Gentlemantheir true and lawful Attorney for them and in their Names into and upon the piece or parcel of land Hereditament and premises hereby granted and enfeoffed or mentioned or intended so to be to enter and full and peaceably possession and seisin thereof for them and in their names to take and have and after such pofsefsion and seisin thereof taken and had the like Possession and seisin thereof unto the said David Willis to give and to deliver To hold to him the said David Willis his heirs and Assigns forever according to the purport true intent and meaning of those present hereby giving and granting to their said Attorney full power and Authority in the premises hereby ratifying and allowing all whatsoever he shall do or cause to be done in the premises by virtue of these present IN WITNESS whereoff the said parties to those present have hereunto severally set their hands and Seals the day and year first above. Written J.H. Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild James Dell, John Collins Millard, J Stone [SEALS] Dorse: Back of Page 2 has four sections; Top left, Top middle, Top right and middle. op left Receiv’d on the date of the within written Indenture by me the Within named Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild of and from the within named David Willis the sum of Thirty pounds being the full Consideration Money within Mentioned to be by him paid to and received by us we say received the same Witness to the signature by Thomas Baskerfeild ; James Guion Witnesses to the signatures by Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild: John Cooper & Thos Marriott Sealed and Delivered by the within named Thomas Baskerfeild and Ann his wife being first duly Stamped in the presence of XXXX XXXXX James Guion Sealed and delivered by the within named Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild being first duly stamped in the presence of John Cooper, Thomas Marriott Be it remembered that on the fourth day of December in the Year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and Ninety five the within named Thomas Deverall in the name of the within named Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild and as their attorney did enter into and upon the piece of land Within granted and enfeoffed and possession and seisin thereof did take for and in the Name and stead Of them the said Thomas Baskerfeild Robert Baskerfeild Ann Baskerfeild Mary Margaret Baskerfeild and Catherine Baskerfeild and after such entry made and possession taken Did deliver full and peaceable possession and seisin thereof unto the within named David Willis to hold XXX XXX the Same unto the said David Willis his heirs and Assigns forever according to the XXX –Form tenor effect and purport and true meaning of the within written Indenture as Winmess my hand -//-Thomas Deverall iddle Feoffment of a piece of Meadow Land called the Clossett in the Parish of Leighton Buzzard Beds Mr Thomas Baskerfeild and wife and others to Mr David Willis Dated 31st of October 1795
  • Level of description