The information of John Fairey of Harrold, farmer and innkeeper.
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15 October 1816
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From: 1816 To: 1816
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'The said John Fairey being duly sworn saith that he lives at Harrold & keeps the George Inn in that Town - that he likewise has settled his Daughters in a shop & house near his own dwelling. That in the course of Business he frequently applies to his said Daughters for money from the shop as Occasion requires. That in the evening of the 17th of September last, having a sum of money to pay to Mr Coles of Olney - he went with Mr Coles to his Daughters shop & asked her to fetch her down some money - which she did to the amount of 35£ all in notes - that he did not at the time take any notice of the different Banks which had issued the said notice - That in the evening of the following day viz the 18th Sept Mr Wm Rey shopkeeper at Harrold came to the House of this Deponent & said he had lost a Harbro' 10£ note out of a letter sent to the Post at Bozeat - & suspected Jane Harwell the Letter Carrier from Harrold to Bozeat had purloined the said note & that the number was 3164 - that he the said Wm Rey had been informed that the postwoman Jane Hartwell had changed a note of the same description with him this depoent & desired him to see whether he had such a note still by him. That no note of the number described was then in this deponents possession but recollecting that a short time before he had paid Mr Coles as aforesaid several notes He told Mr Rey that he should see Coles at Northampton Fair the next morning & would mention the circumstance to Him & enquire of him whether an Harbro note no 3164 was amongst the notes he had paid him on the 17th & still in his possession. That this deponent did accordingly meet Mr Coles at Northampton Fair on the 19th & on his relating the intension of his coming to him Mr Coles immediately examined all the notes he had brought with him & amongst the rest the Harbro' note in question No 3164 which Mr Coles immediately delivered up to him this deponent & this deponent delivered the same into the hands of the magistrate Revd Mr Hooper.'
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