• Reference
  • Title
    Lease. (i) Rev. Robt. Stackhouse of Hockliffe. (ii) Robt. Gilpin of Hockliffe, gent. and Rebecca Slingesby of Hockliffe, spins.Yearly rent & covenants. Rent: £35 p.a. (3 yearly terms to max. of 21 yrs)
  • Date free text
    6 Nov 1686
  • Production date
    From: 1686 To: 1686
  • Scope and Content
    (i) - Gilpin in trust for R. Slingesby: - Rectory or parsonage house of Hockliffe with appurtenances & all tithes except reserved to (i) lower room at E. end of Rectory called the parlour and the study "And alsoe all Crisomes Christenings Marriages Buryalls and Offerings belonging to the said Rectory." (Reb Slingesby to keep house & fences in repair and the Chancel, and fences of the Church and Churchyard. She to pay all taxes except first fruits and tenths. She to allow (i) "sufficient meat drinke washing and lodging"; he to abate rent £10 p.a. for this. If during term of lease (i) "be minded to take another liveing or live elsewhere...", he shall "within twenty dayes after his liveing out of the towne of Hockliffe" resign rectory to (ii) Seal of (i) applied on paper round tag. Witd: Edw Burr; Robt Slingsby, Wm. Iremonger.
  • Level of description