• Reference
  • Title
    Appointment of new trustees, by lease and release
  • Date free text
    8/10 Oct 1794
  • Production date
    From: 1794 To: 1794
  • Scope and Content
    (i) John Stewardson of St. Peter Martin, whitesmith, only surviving feoffee in trust for lands in the said parish. (ii) Rev. John Pemberton, clerk, rector; John Parker, doctor of Physic; Thomas Warr, porkseller; Thomas Carver, baker; John Whitehouse, schoolmaster; Jon. Baxter, victaller; John Kenworthy, carpenter. All parishioners, newly elected by the chief inhabitants. A cottage and strip of ground, heretofore in the occupation of Joseph Taylor, now of Mary Sherman, widow, abutting N. on common street, E. on a tenement formerly of Thomas Margetts, now of Susan Negus, widow, in the occupation of John Newell, S. on an orchard of Susan Negus in the occupation of Thomas Smith. Six tenements adjoining, late three tenements, built on the above strip of ground; late in the occupation of Robert Sinfield, John Day, William Sherman; now of Job Smith, Martha Snow, Hannah Whittamore, James Slater, Thomas Course, and John Byaway. Two messuages, late one messuage, heretofore in the occupation of Edward Allison, now of Elizabeth Taylor and William Mays, abutting N. on the common street, S. on the said orchard, E. on a tenement of Mary Sherman, W. on a tenement of William Brown called the White Hart. A cottage and backside heretofore in the occupation of John Rose, now of Richard Leach, abutting S. on a tenement of Thomas Carver, E. on the common green. A backside heretofore in the occupation of John Rose, now of Richard Leach. A stable and gateway, whereon a messuage formerly stood, heretofore in the occuaption of John Hill esq., now of Phillip Beach esq.; abutting N. on Berry Close, S. on the common street, E. on a tenement formerly of Mrs. Lee, now of the Society of Moravians, W. on a tenement of Phillip Beach. A cottage and pightle, heretofore in the occupation of Simon Covington, now of Edward Covington, abutting N. on Sparrow close, S. on a close of the Society of Moravians, formerly a tenement of Elizabeth Gadsden, widow, E. on Oak Lane, W. on Berry close. Witnesses. Theed Pearse, Sus. R. Pearse.
  • Level of description