Probate copy (act of probate missing) of Will of Thomas Roberts of Millbrook, yeoman.
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Production date
From: 1753 To: 1753
Scope and Content
To eldest son Wm. Roberts, for life, ... mess. in Shitlington now or late in ten. Edw. Thrussell and closes, 6a. (excepting freehold cl. of pasture in Shitlington with commons pur. of Sarah Handscombe widow and John Handscombe) he to pay taxes and to be allowed to plash hedges in husbandlike manner, but not to have timber. Should he marry, his widow can take rents until eldest son 21 yrs. old, when he to have property to self and heirs. If only daus., then equally bet. them. In default of such heirs, reversion to testator's yngr s. Thos. and heirs.
To dau. Ann Cartwright £50, hanging press, callico bed quilt, great brass pan. She is to look after his bedstead with curtains and vallence that stands above stairs, the feather bed, a flock bolster, two feather pillows, three blankets, two pair of new sheets, until s. Wm. marry or settle in the world, when he is to have them.
To s. James copyhold cottage in Millbrook, pur. of Thos. and Abraham Crawley until James' s. Thos. attain age 21 yrs, when to Thos.
To granddau. Ann Cartwright and to granddau. Sarah Roberts, dau. of s. Jas., equally bet. them, 4½a. freehold arable land in Lidlington pur. of son in law Thos. Cartwright, trustees to be son Thos. Roberts and Wm. Ruffe of Millbrook, cordwainer, until girls reach age 21 or marry. If Ann or Sarah die under 21 without issue, then their shares to go to respective yngr sisters, Martha Cartwright and Mary Roberts.
To granddau. Ann Cartwright a silver spoon, best chest of drawers, chest with lock and key to it, brass hand irons and fender and fire tongs, copper coffee pot, and brass candlestick
To granddau. Sarah Roberts a silver spoon, an other chest of drawers, biggest brass sauce pan, biggest copper drinking pot, and brass morter
To youngest s. Thos. and heirs cl. of pasture called Thillands with appurts in Millbrook, his clock and case, oval folding table in kitchen, biggest pair of handirons, biggest brass pottage pot or biggest brass kettle, three pewter dishes, a dozen of best pewter plates.
To grandson Wm. Farr and heirs pightle with appurts. in Upper Shelton in Marston
To grandsons Joseph Cartwright and James Roberts the freehold cl. in Shillington, excepted above
To granddau. Eliz. Cartwright £5 at 21 or day of marriage
To dau-in-law Catherine ?w. of son Jas Roberts, best coverlet
To s. Thos. and to Wm. Ruffe a guinea a piece residue equally bet. dau. Ann Cartwright and s. Jas. Roberts, who are exors.
Witn. Thos & Sara Faser, Wm. Pedder, made 24 Apr 1753
Codicil: to younges s. Thos. biggest whole stack of hay in Home cl. 3 May 1753
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