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  • Title
    Will of Arthur Wichalse, Ampthill, gent. (copy)
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1687 To: 1687
  • Scope and Content
    To trustees (Thos. Earl of Aylesbury, the Hons. Robt & Jas. Bruce, esqrs., his brothers, Sir Anthony Chester and Sir Villiers Chernock barts., Sir Jas. Astrey kt., Thos. Docwra of Putteridge esq., John Chester esq. s. and h. ap. or Sir Anthony, Pincent Chernock esq. s. and h. ap. of Sir Villiers, Simon Urlin of Ampthill gent.) ... £700 to purchase an estate in trust, the income to be paid to the churchwardens and overseers of Ampthill, Maulden, Milbrook and Ridgmont, for placing out of poor children to trades. Trustees to make one of their own number treasuer; to make up own numbers from gentry in neighbourhood; four copies of will and title deeds to be made and kept in chests (directions re. locks) in parishes, originals at Ampthill. To each of trustees a gold ring of 20s. "with this Posie Engraven therein (Esto Fidus)" To 20 friends and acquaintances a gold ring of 10s.; To Dorothy w. of Thos. Docwra esq. £100; To w. of Capt. Edw. Coney of Luffenham, Rutlandshire, £50; To w. of Mr. Barbor parson of Chicheley, Bucks., £10; To Margt. w. of Wm. Atherton £5; To his nurse's dau. whose maiden name was Kath. Willet of Feckham, Surrey, £40; To godson Robt. Varnell £20; To Anne w. of Rich. Miller of Colney, Herts., all monies due to testator from her husband; To John Simpson junr. cottage with appurts in occ. widow Quait; To Wm. Scarburgh for life cottage with appurts in Eversholt, Beds., in own occ., rem. to testators servt. Ambrose Whittamore and heirs; His goshawk to his friend Sir Anthony Chester; To St. John Tompson, esq., £50; To Simon Urlin his best horse; To Mrs. Elianor Spencer £20; To loving sister Anne, the wife of Brian Holloway gent. 10 broad pieces of gold; Exors. Rich. Stone of Ridgmont and cousin Edw. Bellew of Barnet. Made 14 Oct 1687, witn. W. Barnwell, Tho. Clarke, Simon Urlin, Hodeskins. Note of proving P.C.C. Attestation of true copy 15 Feb 1688 T. Arnald, Thos. Brace.
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