From: Edward Tewson
To: Thomas Sworder, Luton
Date free text
22 Feb 1897
Production date
From: 1897 To: 1897
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From: Edward Tewson?
To: Thomas Sworder, Luton
"I have had a meeting with Mr.Peyer to-day when after considerable discussion he told me he was authorised by Mr.Green to offer £85,000 for the Brewery and the Houses as described in proof particulars subject to a valuation of all articles mentioned in the proof particulars of which you have a copy. This offer to include "The Dew Drop" Mr.Green to take the putchase money and to arrange with the purchaser for a Lease of the house: also to include the insurance money in respect of "The Plough" at Caddington and to be subject to your completing the Stabling at "The Bell".
I understand the the [sic] Books Debts amount to about £5,000. If this be so the valuation would probably amount to some £14,000 or £15,000.
Mr.Peyer said that the offer is considerably beyond his valuation and that Mr.Green is not likely to make an increase. This however remains to be seen. My valuation of the whole amounts to a little over £95,000 subject to the valuations before mentioned.
I am sending a copy of this letter to Mr.T.J.Sworder of Hertford, and I am suggesting to him it might be desirable that he and you should meet me here in respect to it before I have another meeting with Mr.Peyer.
I can be here on Wedmesday morning up to 12-oclock but I have to leave at that time and shall not be in London again until Monday next. Will you be kind enough to send me a telegram to-morrow stating whether you can be here on Wedmesday morning about 10-30; or if not can you come on Monday next at about the same time.
I have suggested to Mr.Sworder of Hertford that he should wire to you early to-morrow morning stating whether he can come up on Wednesday next or on Monday next so that you will perhaps send your message to me after you have got one from him".
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