• Reference
  • Title
    Agreement between B.C.C. and Kingsbury Securities (Bedford) Ltd. of 19/21 Moorgate, London re the sale to the Company of the fee simple in possession of a parcel of land with the messuages and buildings erected thereon and known as 30-32 Bromham Road for £15,000, title to commence with a conveyance on sale dated 21 June 1901 between Albert Harry Allen and Charles Ernest Taylor of the first part, Francois Xavier Schoedelin of the second part and the School Board for Bedford Borough of the third
  • Date free text
    25 Apr 1972
  • Production date
    From: 1972 To: 1972
  • Scope and Content
    Includes covenants by the Company to (within a 4 year period) demolish certain existing buildings located behind the buildings fronting Bromham Road; not to demolish the existing buildings fronting the Road; to carry out a restoration scheme of the fabric of the same to their original style including roofs, chimneys, walls, doors, balconies, and external furnishings in accordance with plans and specifications submitted to and approved by B.C.C. and Bedford Corporation; to make good the elevations of the same buildings in a manner compatible with the restoration of the remainder of the buildings comprising Priory Terrace where the demolition will have taken place; not to use the property for any purpose other than for offices or residential purposes on completion of the work; to landscape the land in front of the restored buildings, on completion of the works, in accordance with an approved scheme and to reinstate all boundary walls and gates; to restore the gardens on the south side of the restored buildings except in so far as B.C.C. and Bedford Corporation may approve the erection of brick garages or hard standings for car parking purposes and not to erect buildings thereon except those previously approved in writing by the Council; properly to maintain and enclose by suitable brick walls the part of the property on the south side of the restored buildings; and to procure that any future transferee will enter into a deed of covenant with the Council to observe and perform the covenants etc herein.
  • Level of description