• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of Title Number 2 of Thomas Sworder to a brewery, public houses and premises situate in the counties of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire
  • Date free text
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    From: 1816 To: 1897
  • Scope and Content
    Abstract of Title Number 2 of Thomas Sworder to a brewery, public houses and premises situate in the counties of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire being: - The Brewery and stonemason's yard; - The Railway Hotel, Houghton Regis; - The Saracens Head Hotel, Dunstable; - The White Horse, Dunstable; - The Red Lion, Stanbridge; - The Crown & Anchor, Luton; - The Volunteer Canteen, Luton; - The Red Lion, Toddington; - The Ewe & Lamb, Dunstable; - The Unicorn, Dunstable; - The Foresters Arms, Dunstable; - The Melson Arms, Luton; - The Antelope, Luton; - The Globe, Luton; - The Bedford Arms, Luton; - The Woolpack, Luton; - The Waggon & Horses, Barton-le-Cley; - The Cock & Magpie, Luton; - The Spread Eagle, Dunstable; - The Green Man, Chalk Hill; - The Railway Hotel, Leighton Buzzard (I) Mortgage of 3 Feb 1852 Parties: (i) Thomas Sworder of Luton, brewer; Robert Sworder of Luton, brewer; (ii) William Nanson Lettsom of Charles Street, West Westbourne Terrace [Middlesex], esquire Reciting: - conveyance of 18 Mar 1851 from (1) Rev.James Gould and Matthew Gutteridge, (2) Susan Masters and (3) Benjamin Bennett to (4) Thomas and Robert Sworder of (a); - conveyance of 2 Feb 1852 from (1) William Twidell and John Twidell, (2) Francis Wilkins, (3) George Mellor, Joseph Osborn and William Robinson, (4) Mary Buckmaster and (5) Benjamin Bennett to (6) Thomas Sworder and Robert Sworder of (b)-(q); Operative Part: - (i) borrowed £2,000 from (ii) secured on (a)-(q) Property: (a) land of 0a 1r 13p in Houghton Regis forming part of a meadow in occupation of Samuel Collis and abutting: N on London & North Western Railway Company premises; S on premises of Thomas and Robert Sworder called Railway Hotel; E on turnpike road from Dunstable to Hockliffe; W on remaining part of the meadow; (b) messuage in South Street, Dunstable, "for several years past" used as a public house called Saracens Head, formerly in occupation of John Cumberland, then John Loudon, then Hannah Cooke, then James Cooke, then Thomas Cooke, then John Holmes, since James Burgess, then John Pratly now William Cooke abutting in front on Watling Street Road and W on a spot "where a pond called Fryars Pond then formerly was"; [(c) - crossed out in the abstract - messuage formerly in occupation of Thomas Sharman, then Thomas Keene adjoining (b) and sometime since built on the site of part of the stabling belonging to it and formerly a malting]; (d) a former orchard then used as a garden belonging to (b) near South Street with a close called The Priory to the E; (e) toft of ground where a tiled barn formerly stood which now also formed part of the garden of (b); (f) garden lying to the rear of where the barn in (e) once stood; (g) farmyard adjoining (b) with agricultural buildings; (h) small stable and piece of ground from the corner of the well house on N side of the yard leading from High Street South to the agricultural buildings in (g) "in a straight line up the gateway" formerly in occupation of Joseph Farr; (i) six cottages built "on part of the ground or formed out of part of the outbuildings belonging to the said thereinbefore mentioned hereditaments with right of way for cottage of Sarah Cooke over the ground to and from Watling Street; [(j) - crossed out in abstract - land in Luton of 45 feet breadth and 56 feet length bounded NW by public highway from Luton to Hitchin]; [(k) - crossed out in abstract - messuage sometime since built on (j) formerly in occupation of William Haydon, then Elizabeth Haydon, his wife, then Thomas Cox called Waggon & Horses]; [(l) - crossed out in abstract - three cottages, the late two cottages, adjoining (k); (m) White Horse, formerly Kings Head, with cottage at rear, formerly part thereof, with barn, stable , outbuildings and yard, in Church Street, Dunstable, formerly in occupation of John Mead, William Impey and Susan [blank] then John Franklin and James Duncomb; bounded W by Red Lion, E by tenement formerly of William Fossey, then Edward Appleford, then James Castleton, then John Mellor; (n) two cottages in Houghton Regis formerly in occupation of John Fox and Charles [blank], the Benjamin Toefield and Joseph Groom with part wall dividing them from cottage in occupation of Richard Gosbell and belonging to John Duncomb, the two cottages "were some time since converted into stables or other outbuildings"; [(o) - crossed out in abstract - four cottages built on ground adjoining (n) on a piece of ground 25 feet broad SW-NE and 70 feet long SE-NW bounded SW by yard of John Duncomb; NE by estate formerly of George Mellor, since Benjamin Bennett and estate formerly of Widow Toefield, then Joseph Toefield; with right of way to and from a well; (p) Red Lion, Stanbridge with stabling, sheds and outbuildings; (q) garden at rear and yard and ground in front of (p) containing, on N side next to the meadow of Thomas Eames, plait dealer, 66 feet, on E side next of meadow in occupation of William Cooper 118 feet, on part of S next to premises of Joseph Stott 48 feet, on part of S next to the road 24 feet, on part of W next to a cottage of Joseph Stott 18 feet and part of W next to a garden of Joseph Stott 80 feet. (II) Transfer of Mortgage of 5 Feb 1866 Parties: (i) Thomas Hunt of 11 Manchester Square [Middlesex], esquire, Martin Farquhar Tupper of Albury, Guildford [Surrey], esquire and Rev.Harry Charrington Fisher of Walton-on-the-Naze [Essex]; (ii) Elizabeth Swannell of Hertford [Hertfordshire], widow Reciting: - (I) above; - will of William Nanson Lettsom of 16 Jan 1865 devising all real estate to (i) upon trust; - death of William Nanson Lettsom on 3 Sep 1865 and proof of his will, with codicil, in PPR on 18 Sep 1865; - £2,000 remained owing but all interest had been paid Operative Part: - (i) transferred the security to (ii) in return for £2,000 (III) Mortgage of 4 Aug 1875 Parties: (i) John Poles of Alwalton [Huntingdonshire], farmer; Valentine Francis Quelch of Hertford, accountant; James Freshfield of Godmanchester [Huntingdonshire], retired miller; (ii) William Cozens of Hoddesdonbury [Hertfordshire], farmer Reciting: - (I) above; - will of William Nanson Lettsom; - (II) above; - will of Elizabeth Swannell of 25 May 1867 bequeathing residue of her estate to (i) as her executors; - death of Elizabeth Swannell on 18 Feb 1873 and proof of her will and codicil in PPR on 5 Apr 1873; - £2,000 remained outstanding; - (ii) had agreed to lend a further £500 to John Poles Operative Part: - John Poles, with the consent of the other two executors, borrowed £500 from (ii) on security of £2,000 mortgage in (II) above (IV) Reconveyance of £2,000 mortgage by William Cozens to John Poles, Valentine Francis Quelch and James Freshfield on redemption of the £500 mortgage on 26 Jul 1884 (V) Reconveyance of (a)-(q) in (I) above on repayment of £2,000 mortgage by Thomas Sworder to John Poles, Valentine Francis Quelch and James Freshfield on 4 Aug 1884 (VI) Mortgage of 3 Jun 1887 Parties: (i) Thomas Sworder; (ii) Elizabeth Jones of The Hall, Bishop's Castle [Shropshire], widow Operative Part: - (i) borrowed £2,000 from (ii) secured on (a)-(o) Property: (a) land in Houghton Regis abutting NE on occupation land next to London & North Western Railway Company, S on premises of Thomas Sworder called Railway Hotel, E on turnpike road from Dunstable to Hockliffe, W on meadow in occupation of George Olney; (b) Saracens Head Inn, High Street, Dunstable; (c) large paved yard with back entrance with a wash-house, urinal and stable with two loose boxes with a loft over and building used as a skittle ground, open stable and coal yard and garden at rear of (b) formerly in occupation of Mark Rest, then Saunders; [(d) - struck out in abstract - dwellinghouse with slaughterhouse behind adjoining (b), formerly part of it, in occupation of Harris]; [(e) - struck out in abstract - small yard at end of slaughterhouse in (d) with a well and windlass]; (f) six cottages adjoining (e); (g) dung pit and garden at end of (f) with weather-boarded and thatched stable opposite; with right of way for cottage of Sarah Cooke to and from High Street [(h) - struck out in abstract - land in Luton of 45 feet breadth and 56 feet length bounded NW by public highway from Luton to Hitchin]; [(i) - crossed out in abstract - messuage sometime since built on (j) formerly in occupation of William Haydon, then Elizabeth Haydon, his wife, then [blank] formerly called Waggon & Horses but then converted into a private dwellinghouse and shop]; [(j)- crossed out in abstract - coal store and stable erected on (i)]; [(k) - crossed out in abstract - cottage, formerly three cottages, adjoining (j); (l) White Horse, formerly Kings Head, with cottage at rear, formerly part thereof, with barn, stable , outbuildings and yard, in Church Street, Dunstable, formerly in occupations of John Franklin and James Deacon, then Elizabeth Franklin and [blank] Franklin; bounded W by Red Lion, E by tenement formerly of William Fossey, then Edward Appleford, then James Castleton, then John Mellor; (m) two cottages in Houghton Regis bounded in front on SE by highway through Houghton Regis, on SW by cottage of William Tompkins and on NE by Unicorn Public House of Thomas Sworder and partly by property of Michael Cook; cottages in occupation of Sanders and Bliss (n) Red Lion, Stanbridge with butcher's shop, barn andoutbuildings; (o) garden at rear and yard and ground in front of (p) containing, on N side next to the meadow of Thomas Eames, plait dealer, 66 feet, on E side next of meadow in occupation of William Cooper 118 feet, on part of S next to premises of Joseph Stott 48 feet, on part of S next to the road 24 feet, on part of W next to a cottage of Joseph Stott 18 feet and part of W next to a garden of Joseph Stott 80 feet. (VII) Deed of Acknowledgement to produce scheduled deeds of 3 Jun 1887 "As to Bedford Road Brewery" (VIII) Mortgage of 27 Jul 1853 Parties: (1) Thomas Sworder and Robert Sworder; (2) Thomas Sworder of Hertford Operative Part: - (1) borrowed £5,000 from (2) on security of (a)-(w) Property: (a) land in Luton bounded: NE by piece of land retained by John Gray; SE by highway from Luton to Horse Pool Bridges; W by new road from Luton to Barton-le-Cley; NE by SE bank of River Lea; (b) brewhouse, malthouse and other buildings erected on (a) by John Gray; (c) Crown & Anchor public house built by John Gray on another part of (a), in occupation of Joseph Everitt; (d) land fronting the turnpike road from Luton to Bedford being part of ground late the property of John Gray, recently purchased by (1) extending 44ft along the road with a depth of 120ft next to other property of Joseph Everitt, a breadth of 21ft next to River Lea and a depth of 132ft next to Crown & Anchor Brewery of (1); (e) 0a 1r 13p in Houghton Regis, lately forming part of a meadow in occupation of Samuel Collis and abutting: NE on premises of London & North Western Railway Company; S by premises of (1) called Railway Hotel; E on turnpike from Dunstable to Hockliffe; W on remaining part of meadow; (f) messuage in South Street, Dunstable for several years used as an inn called Saracens Head, formerly in occupation of John Cumberland, then John London, then Hannah Cooke, then James Cooke, then Thomas Cooke, then John Holmes, then James Burgess, then John Pratly abutting W on spot where Friars Pond formerly was; (g) tenement adjoining (f) in occupation of William Cooke; (h) shop formerly in occupation of Thomas Sharman, now Thomas Keene, adjoining (g) some time ago built out of stabling belonging to (f) and formerly a malting; (i) former orchard then used as a garden belonging to (f) with Priory Close to E; (j) toft on which a tiled barn formerly stood, part of (i); (k) garden lying at rear of (j); (l) farmyard near (f) with agricultural buildings standing thereon; (m) small stable and piece of ground from corner of well house on N side of yard from (f) to (l) "taken in a straight line up the gateway" formerly in occupation of Joseph Farr; (n) six cottages since built on part of site of (f); (o) land in Luton of 45ft width and 56ft length bounded on NW by highway from Luton to Hitchin; (p) Wagon & Horses, built on (o) and formerly in occupation of William Haydon, then Elizabeth Haydon, widow, now Thomas Cox; (q) stables, barn and wagon shed belonging to (p); (r) three cottages (lately two) adjoining (q); (s) White Horse, formerly Kings Head, with cottage at rear (formerly part of the barn, stable and outbuildings) in Church Street at E end of Dunstable formerly in occupation of John Mead then William Impey, then Susan Fensham, then John Franklin, then James Deacon bounded W by Red Lion, E by tenement formerly of William Fossey, since Edward Appleford, then James Gostelow, late John Mellor; (t) two cottages in Houghton Regis formerly in occupation of John Fox and Charles Duncomb, then Benjamin Tofield and Joseph Groom with party wall dividing them from cottage formerly in occupation of Richard Gosbell and belonging to John Duncomb; the two cottages since converted to stables; (u) four cottages built on yard adjoining (t) the yard being 25ft broad SW-NE, 70ft long SE-NW; bounded SW by yard and garden of John Duncomb; NE by estate formerly of George Mellor, since Benjamin Bennett in part and by estate formerly of William Tofield, then Joseph Tofield; (v) Red Lion, Stanbridge; (w) garden in front of (v) containing on N side next to meadow of Thomas Eames, plait dealer 66ft, on E side next to meadow in occupation of William Cooper 118ft, on N next to premises of Joseph Scott 48ft, on part S next to road 24ft, on part W next to a cottage of Joseph Scott 18ft, on part W next to a garden of Joseph Scott 80ft (IX) Mortgage of 20 Aug 1857 Parties: (i) Thomas Sworder of Luton; (ii) Thomas Sworder of Hertford; (iii) Thomas Foster of Luton; Henry Vyse of 76 Wood Street, London and Edmund Waller Vyse of Luton Reciting: - £5,000 remained owing to (ii) on (VIII) above but all interest had been paid Operative Part: - (iii) paid £4,500 to (i); - (i) and (ii) covenanted with (iii) for payment of principal and 5% interest; - (ii) assigned £5,000 mortgage and interest to (iii) as collateral (X) Transfer of Mortgage of 20 Feb 1873 Parties: (i) Thomas Foster, Henry Vyse and Edmund Waller Vyse; (ii) Matthew Skinner Longmore of Hertford Reciting: - £4,500 was still owing on (IX) above but all interest had been paid Operative Part: - (ii) paid £4,500 to (i); - (i) assigned £4,500 and interest to (ii) (XI) Transfer of Mortgage of 6 Jun 1877 Parties: (i) Matthew Skinner Longmore of Hertford; (ii) Helen Ann Tasker of Middleton Hall, Brentwood [Essex], spinster Reciting: - £4,500 was still owing on (IX) above but all interest had been paid Operative Part: - (ii) paid £4,500 to (i); - (i) assigned £4,500 and interest to (ii) (XII) Redemption of £4,500 mortgage by Thomas Sworder to Helen Ann Tasker on 16 May 1887 (XIII) Agreement of 18 Sep 1861 Parties: (i) Robert Sworder of Dowlais [Glamorgan], brewer; (ii) Thomas Sworder of Luton, brewer Reciting: - (i) and (ii) had been partners until the partnership was dissolved in 1854 and as part of the arrangements all property held as joint tenants or tenants in common should become sole property of (ii) Operative Part: - (i) released his share of all freehold property to (ii); - (i) covenanted to surrender to (ii) his share of all copyhold property (XIV) Transfer of Mortgage of 5 Jul 1889 Parties: (i) Thomas Sworder; (ii) Thomas Joseph Sworder and Charles Elton Longmore, both of Hertford, solicitors Reciting: - £5,000 was still outstanding on (VIII) above but all interest had been paid Operative Part: - (i) transferred mortgage debt to (ii) secured on the premises listed as (a)-(w) in (VIII) "As to Part of Bedford Road Brewery and Stonemason's yard" (XV) Mortgage of 1 Oct 1863 Parties: (i) Thomas Sworder; (ii) John Smitheman of Bryn Alt, Hertford [Hertfordshire], esquire Reciting: - (i) and Robert Sworder had deposited deeds to (a)-(d) and other property with (ii) as security for loans from him at various times; - Memorandum of Deposit of 3 Feb 1862, (i) having purchased Robert Sworder's half of properties formerly held in partnership, charged (a)-(c) and other property with repayment of £6,000 at 4.5% interest; - £5,655 remained outstanding and, to further secure his money, (ii) had requested a proper mortgage to be executed Operative Part: - (i), in consideration of £5,655 owed to (ii), released (a)-(e) below, as well as other property, subject to equity of redemption and covenanted to conditionally surrender (f)-(h) Property [inter alia]: (a) cottage, formerly two cottages and formerly a barn in Houghton Regis formerly in occupation of John Miller, then William Batchelor and lately used as a beerhouse called Nags Head, then a public house called Stags Head, formerly in occupation of William Oliver, then George Wilson, then William Scrivener; (b) land, formerly part of Crow Close, West Street, Dunstable fronting the highway towards N and the close S, ground formerly of Thomas Tasvey, formerly another part of the close, E; measuring 62 feet long by 18 feet broad; (c) land, formerly part of Crow Close, West Street, Dunstable, fronting the highway to N with road of George Hooper from West Street in a close on W, another part of the close S and (b) E; measuring 62 feet long by 18 feet broad; (d) messuage built thereon called Ewe & Lamb public house lately erected by Benjamin Bennett on (b)-(c); (e) land used as a garden in occupation of John Horton in Old Bedford Road, alias Bridge Street, Luton bounded S by Old Bedford Road and measuring 106 feet on E side by property of James Ellam, 56 feet on N and W sides by River Lea and containing 20 perches 17 yards; (f) messuage in Manor of Toddington formerly in occupation of John Parsons now converted into several dwellings in occupation of John Wildman, John Fowler, Stephen Bunker, Daniel Hart junior and others; (g) garden behind (f) "and all other the premises of him the said William Major and Elizabeth his wife" to which Elizabeth Major was admitted on 29 Jun 1816; (h) "houses, outhouses and buildings erected and then standing and being on the said plot of land or ground any or either of them" (XVI) Will of John Smitheman of 11 May 1875 appointing Sir Thomas Chambers and Thomas Young, as executors and trustees and, after bequeathing sundry specific legacies, devised and bequeathed the residue of his estate to Thomas Sworder, Charles Sworder, John Sworder and George Sworder, to be divided into 16 parts with Thomas receiving 8 parts, Charles 4 parts, John 3 parts and George 1 part. (XVII) Death of John Smitheman on 15 May 1875 (XVIII) Proof of will and codicil of John Smitheman in PPR on 13 Jul 1875 (XIX) of 13 Apr 1877 Parties: (i) Thomas Sworder; Charles Sworder of The Grange, Harbledown [Kent], gentleman; John Sworder of Westmill Bury [Hertfordshire], farmer; George Sworder of Gatehampton, Goring [Berkshire], farmer; (ii) Sir Thomas Chambers QC MP of 3 Pump Court, Temple [City of London]; Thomas Young of 29 Mark Lane [City of London], gentleman; (iii) Thomas Sworder Reciting: - (XVI) above; - £4,300 was owing under (XV) above Operative Part: - (i), with approbation of (ii), released and (a)-(h) in (XV) to (iii) in lieu of his share of John Smitheman's estate (XX) Enfranchisement of 14 Nov 1892 Parties: (i) William Cooper Cooper of Toddington, Lord of the Manor of Toddington; William Smith Cowper Cooper of 68 Chinton Road, Folkestone [Kent], esquire; (ii) Stephen Percy Groves of Moat House, Charing [Kent], esquire; Francis Frederick Richard Mansell Morgan of Plas Coed Mor, Llanfair Pwl Gwyngyll [Anglesey]; (iii) Thomas Sworder Reciting: - will of John Cooper, formerly of Highgate, esquire, deceased, proved in PCC on 24 Apr 1824 assuring Manor of Toddington to (ii) in trust; - in was lawful for (ii), at request of (i), to enfranchise any copyhold property of the Manor Operative Part: - (iii) paid £79/16/- to (ii); - (i) and (ii), by direction of (i), enfranchised (a) and other property to (iii) Property: (a) messuage in Manor of Toddington formerly in occupation of John Parsons now converted into several dwellings in occupation of John Wildman, John Fowler, Stephen Bunker, Daniel Hart junior and others, afterwards by Thomas Major, John Fowler, Stephen Bunker, Daniel Hart junior and John Odell, afterwards Thomas Major, Samuel Palmer, Mary Baxter and William Robinson with one unoccupied "As to The Melson Arms, Luton (XXI) Conveyance of 31 Dec 1863 Parties: (i) John Barritt Milson on New Hall Street, Birmingham [Warwickshire] MD; Rev.John Vanes, late of Gloucester, then of Carmarthen, Wesleyan minister [trustees and executors of will of John Waller, late of Luton, wool merchant, deceased]; (ii) Charles Lawford of Luton, builder Reciting: - Conveyance by Lease & Release of 17-18 Feb 1834 by (1) John Waller and Susannah Thompson of Luton, spinster and (2) Edmund Waller of Luton, gentleman as trustee, to (3) John Waller, of a kitchen garden and shrubbery or plantation and residue of a meadow containing 5a 3r 0p; - will and codicil of John Waller of 17 Mar 1858 appointing (i) as executors and trustees for sale of all his real estate; - death of John Waller on 24 Jan 1859 and proof of his will on 19 Mar 1859 in PPR Operative Part: - (i) conveyed (a) to (ii) for £130 Property [as shown on included plan]: (a) land at corner of Hitchin Road and John Street, Luton, lately laid out by John Barrit Milson and John Vanes with a depth on S side next to John Street of 45 feet, on N side abutting River Lea 53 feet, on W next to land sold to Edward Roe 61 feet and on E next to Hitchin Road 48 feet (XXII) Mortgage of 18 Jul 1864 Parties: (i) Charles Lawford; (ii) John Anstee of Lewsey Farm, farmer Operative Part: - (i) borrowed £500 at 5% interest from (ii) on security of (a)-(b) Property: (a) land at corner of Hitchin Road and John Street, Luton, lately laid out by John Barrit Milson and John Vanes with a depth on S side next to John Street of 45 feet, on N side abutting River Lea 53 feet, on W next to land sold to Edward Roe 61 feet and on E next to Hitchin Road 48 feet; (b) public house with stables and outbuildings lately erected by Charles Lawford on (a) (XXIII) Will of John Anstee of 20 Apr 1869 devising all real estate held by way of mortgage to William Anstee, Benjamin Bennett and John Kinder (XXIV) Death of John Anstee on 14 Aug 1870 (XXV) Proof of will of John Anstee in PPR on 21 Jan 1871 (XXVI) Conveyance of 11 Jun 1879 Parties: (i) Charles Lawford; (ii) Thomas Sworder Reciting: - (XXII) above; - £500 remained outstanding but all interest had been paid Operative Part: - (i) conveyed (a)-(b) to (ii) for £350 Property: (a) land at corner of Hitchin Road and John Street, Luton, lately laid out by John Barrit Milson and John Vanes with a depth on S side next to John Street of 45 feet, on N side abutting River Lea 53 feet, on W next to land sold to Edward Roe 61 feet and on E next to Hitchin Road 48 feet; (b) public house with stables and outbuildings lately erected by Charles Lawford on (a) and called Milson Arms Covenant by (ii) to redeem the £500 mortgage (XXVII) Mortgage of 12 Jun 1879 Parties: (i) Thomas Sworder; (ii) Charles Lawford Operative Part: - (i) borrowed £350 from (ii) at 5% interest secured on (a)-(b) in (XXVI) above subject to the £500 mortgage owing to William Anstee, Benjamin Bennett and John Kinder (XXVIII) Deed Poll of 13 Jun 1879 by Thomas Sworder acknowledging a further debt of £50 at 5% interest to Charles Lawford (XXIX) Transfer of Mortgage of 4 Jul 1889 Parties: (i) William Anstee of The Tithe Farm, Chalton, farmer; Benjamin Bennett of Cheverells Park, Dunstable, esquire; John Kinder of Church House, Harlington [Middlesex], esquire; (ii) Sir George Bourchier KCB of St.Margaret's, Twickenham [Middlesex], retired major-general; Charles Elton Longmore of Hertford, solicitor Reciting: - (XXII); - (XXIII); - (XXVI); - (XXVII); X95/333 - £500 was still outstanding but all interest had beenpaid Operative Part: - (i) transferred the mortgage to (ii)
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