• Reference
  • Title
    Will of John Parrett of Potton, malster.
  • Date free text
    16 June 1602 proved October 1602
  • Production date
    From: 1602 To: 1602
  • Scope and Content
    'In the name of God Amen The Sixteenth day of June in the fouer and forty yeare of the reigne of our sovereigne Ladie Elizabethe by the grace of God Queene of England ffrance & Ireland defender of the faythe &c. I John Perrett of Potton in the countye of Bedford maltster being sicke in bodie But of good and perfect remembrance laude [?] & praise be therefore given unto almightie God do make & ordeine this my last will & testament in manner & forme followinge viz. Firste I commend my soule unto the handes of almighty God myne onelie maker & redeemer And my bodie to the earthe from whence it came. Item I give & bequeathe unto Margarett my wyfe & to her assignes all that my messuage or tenement wherein I now dwell in Horslow Streete in Potton aforesaide with the appurtenances To have and to houlde all the saide messuage or tenement with the appurtenances unto the said Margarett my wyfe & to her assignes for & during her naturall lyfe. The saide Margarett my wyfe or her assignes well and sufficientlie keepinge the same in repaire when & as often as neede shall requier duringe her naturall life. And after the decease of the saide Margarett my wyfe Then I give & bequeathe my saide messuage or tenement in Horslow Streete with the appurtenances unto Thomas Perrett my youngest sonne and to the heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten And for want of suche issue the remainder therefrom to my sonne Rychard Perrett and to his heires & assignes forever. The saide Rychard my sonne his heires executors administrators yealding & payeing then in consideracion thereof unto Katherine Perrett my daughter her executors administror or assignes the some of Tenn pounds of lawfull monie of England in manner & forme following viz: within one yeare next after the decease of my saide sonne Thomas the some of fyve pounds And within two yeares next after the decease of the said Thomas my sonne other fyve pounds. And further my will & meaninge is that whosoever shall have & enioye my saide messuage or tenement by vertue of this my last will & testement shall mainteine uphoulde continue & keepe the same from tyme to tyme at all tymes when & as often as neede shall requier in & by all manner necessarie reparows without making anye manner of waste. Item I give unto Rychard my sonne the somme of fifteene pounds of good & lawfull monie of England to be put forthe to the best use of the saide Rychard my sonne at his age of sixteene yeares, And to be paide unto him his executors adminstrator or assignes together with all the increase thereof amounting & growinge from the tyme of the putting the same forthe in manner & forme aforesaid by myne executor at his age of twenty & one years. Also I give morover unto Katherine my daughter Tenn pounds of lawfull Englishe monie to be put forthe to her best use at her age of Sixteene yeares, And to be paide unto her, her executors administrators or assignes, together with the increase thereof arysing & growinge from the tyme of the putting out of the same in manner & forme aforesaide by myne executor at her age of Twenty & one yeares or at her day of marriage or at which of the same shall first happon to be. All the residue of my goodes & chattells my funerall dischardged & my debts & legacies paide & performed I give & bequeathe unto Margarett my wyfe towards the bringing up of my children And I constitute and ordeine the said Margarett my wyfe my sole executor of this my present last will & testament. In witness whereof I have sett to my hand & seale. Witness the marke of Alice Farmer John Thomas also moodie Zonnie Tarrie the marke of Thomas Cornelis also Hankin.
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