• Reference
  • Title
    Churchwardens' account book (summary receipts and detailed disbursements)
  • Date free text
    1829 - 1936
  • Production date
    From: 1829 To: 1936
  • Scope and Content
    Little detail in the period 1850 to 1872, no expenditure on major items after the abolition of Church rates in 1868. Includes detailed receipts (names and amounts) from 1873. At front: Note on the Charity of Edward Pilsworth, Citizen and Clothworker, who by will dated 7 July 1603, gave £12 14s. per annum to the Churchwardens of Shillington to be disposed of as follows: 20s. to the Minister for four sermons; 16s. on the repair of the church; and £10 8s. to the poor to be distributed in manner specified [details given], extract n.d. [c.1870] Occasional expenditure: 1829 Repairs to the inside of the church by Mr. Stevens, £10, and other work 1830-5 Sundry repairs to the church - few details given 1830 Plaster work in the church by Mr. Stevens, £35 1832 Purchase of new wheelbarrow (£1) and shovel (3s. 6d.) from Mrs. Simkins 1834 Paid Ritch as per bill for new Hassocks & mending old ones, 18s. 6d. 1836 Bill for expences of coroner's inquests on Elizabeth Fossey and William Elliott Paid Mr. Squire for a Board for putting on Notices etc., 5s. 6d Paid David Simkins Senr. as per Bill for the Expences of trying the Fire Engine and beer to Ringers, 16s. 1837 Purchase of a new velvet pall (£2) and a dozen new basses (£1 7s. 6d.), and new surplice (£2 15s. 10d.) 1838 New Clarinet & reeds, £2 3s. 6d. 1840 Repairs to the roof of the church by Lot Richardson, £30 1841 Salary for winding the Clock [first mention], £1 1s. Received for an old ladder, 3s. 1844 Mr. Inskip Contract Cleaning Clock, 1s. 1d. 17 December. Paid Mr. Lovelidge for the Sequestration of the Vicarage, £3 8s. 6d. 1848 Payment to Lot Richardson for paving the church and repairs to pews etc., including Vestry Minute 27 April 1848 re payment of the bill 1860-1 Paid for examining the [Inclosure] Award at Bedford, 1s. 1861-2 Payments for organ blowing and insurance of organ 1863 Paid the Ringers at the Prince of Wales Wedding, £1 10s. 1877 Letters from the Bursar of Trinity College, Cambridge, concerning the stipend of the new Vicar, the Rev.J.A. Bonser, and Payments due to the previous incumbent etc.; Sequestration accounts also include payments for pastoral care during vacancy, and receipts during period. Subscription list for memorial window in the church to Rev. J.A.Frere 1898 Sequestration accounts on the death of the Rev. J.A. Bonser, 28 April 1898 Subscription list for memorial pulpit and lectern stand to the late Rev.J.A.Bonser, made by Rattee and Kett, Cambridge December 1898, at a cost of £84 13s. 5d. [No detailed abstract made after 1900, but accounts go on to 1936]
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