• Reference
  • Title
    Charities of Ann Jolliffe and Anne Mead (Almshouses) Deed poll to establish Charitable Trusts (certified copy)
  • Date free text
    19 November 1736; copy n.d. [1815?]
  • Production date
    From: 1736 To: 1815
  • Scope and Content
    1) Anne Mead, wife of Richard Mead of the parish of St. George the Martyr, Doctor in Physick 2) Henry Pye of Farrendon [Faringdon] Berks., Esq., Rev. Benjamin Rogers, clerk, Rector of Carlton, and Alderman Thomas Day of Bedford - the Trustees Reciting: Indenture Tripartite of Bargain & Sale inrolled in Chancery, 8 July 1732 i) Sir Rowland Alston, Bart. ii) The said Richard Mead and Anne his wife iii) Joseph Taylor Esq. and Robert Meese, gent. and by fine levied in pursuance thereof, whereby (inter alia) - all the Rectory of Molast, Kent., with all rights, members and appurts., late the estate of Lord Crewe and by him given to Ann Jolliffe, widow, dec. - also all that close of pasture (7a.) known as Wellocks in the parish of Harrold were granted to iii) in trust for Anne Mead [as dower] Whereas 1) is minded to make provision for annual payments or benefactions hereinafter mentioned, being excited thereto not only by her own charitable disposition, but also from a desire to fulfil an intention of her deceased aunt, the said Ann Jolliffe, whom she believes might have had some thoughts of establishing such or the like Charities had not her last illness of which she died prevented her from carrying the same into effect NOW 1) directs and appoints etc. that out of the rents etc. of the said Rectory lands in Molast now let to John Collington, grocer, at the yearly rent of £55 there shall be paid to the Vicar of Harrold (where the said Ann Jolliffe died) and his successors by two equal half yearly payments at Lady Day and Michaelmas, the several annual payments hereinafter mentioned, viz: a) £20 to be kept by the Vicar for his own use on condition that he is to preach or cause to be preached a sermon every Sunday in the afternoon in the Parish Church of Harrold besides the sermon which is usually preached there every Sunday morning. In case of default by the Vicar, the sum to be paid to such person as the Bishop of Lincoln shall from time to time appoint to preach and who shall actually preach the said afternoon sermon in the manner before directed b) £10 8s.. to the Vicar and Churchwardens to be distributed weekly after the rate of 4s. a week in loaves of bread, each loaf to be of the value of 3d., among the poor of the parish of Harrold such as they shall think proper objects, save that the six poor widows living in Ann Jolliffe's Almshouses shall constantly partake of the said bread and each of them have every week one of the said loaves c) £3 to the Vicar to be laid out in fire-wood for the Almshouse widows d) 20s. to the Vicar and Churchwardens to be expended in the repair of the almshouses as oft as there shall be occasion, and the surplus to be laid up to increase the fund for repairs An account book to be kept in the church Vestry "wherein shall be from time to time entered in a fair and intelligible hand an account of the said repairs and of the laying out of the said 20s. a year to the end that it may appear how the said 20s. has been expended and what shall from time to time remain ... and to the end also that on the death or removal of any Vicar the person succeeding him may know what sum he has to demand and receive from his predecessor or representative on account of the said 20s. a year" Total £34 8s. per annum, to be paid by equal half yearly payments clear of all deductions for Parliamentary Taxes etc., and the firs payment to be at Lady Day next [1737] 1) appoints iii) to convey premises to 2) as Trustees, who are to pay £34 8s. to the Vicar each year, and to pay the residue to 1) for life, and after her death as directed by her in writing etc. FURTHER Recites will of Ann Jolliffe made 4 August 1723 devising her estat at Odell which she had purchased of Elizabeth Eastwick towards the sustenance of the widows to be placed in her Almshouses in Harrold - which if not built before her death she ordered her executrix to buy ground and build as many as would make those she should leave six, and did appoint 1) described in will as "her dear niece Mrs. Ann Alston daughter to the Ladt Wolstenholme" as sole executrix. Whereas the said Ann Jolliffe built only three of the Almshouses NOW in pursuance of the will of the said Ann Jolliffe and in order to provide ground whereon to build three other almshouses according to the said testatrix's direction, 1) hath further directed and appointed etc. that iii) shall convey and assure to 2): - all that piece of ground, part of Wellocks Close in Harrold, lying on the south side of the said close and abutting South towards the street, and being opposite to part of the grounds there called Willamots Farm which lies on the North side of the said street, which said ground has been lately staked out by 1) for the use of the Charity and contains in breadth on the front thereof next the said street and also on the back part thereof from East to West 51 feet, and in depth North to South at each end 40 feet And 1) has lately contracted with Richard Wootton, carpenter, and Thomas Morris, mason, both of Harrold for building 3 almshouses thereon to make up the three built by Ann Jolliffe in her lifetime to six To hold to 2) in trust that the land and almshouses should forever remain to the use and benefit of poor widows according to the intention and direction of the said Ann Jolliffe Note of acknowledgment of deed by 1) before Robt. Holford, and of inrollment in Chancery, 30 April 1737 Copy certified by W. Brereton and Thos. Williams n.d. [1815 on cover witnesses: Alexr Clayton, Ja. Clayton, both of the Middle Temple
  • Reference
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