• Reference
  • Title
    Churchwardens' account book (income and expenditure)
  • Date free text
    1764 - 1828
  • Production date
    From: 1764 To: 1828
  • Scope and Content
    Routine contents includes income from rates etc., and payments for visitations and confirmations, expenses of vestry meetings, constables' expenses, salary to parish clerk, payments for vermin, church repairs, cleaning, washing surplice, music, ringers, briefs, and beating the bounds etc. Also minutes re election of churchwardens and some payments on poor law business. Occasional business includes: 1766 New gudgeon for great Bell (Stewardson - 7s.) Making Land Tax and Window Tax returns 1767 Repairing the leads (Mr. Hawkins - _1.9.9) New Prayer Book (Mr.Hyat - _1.1.0) 1768 New pall (Mr. Webb - _1.16.0) 1773 "For the Kings Arms & Leading" (_7.6.0) "Pd the maseners for witen" (_1.19.10) 1773-4 "Pd Mr.Bull for Bushes for the Church Yard hedge" (2s.) 1775 Bell clapper taken to Wootton for repair 1776 Tenor bell recast by William Emerton (_15.19.0), and clapper supplied by John Kilpin (_1.7.4) "Ped Stfen holaffer for moin the corch hard" 1785 Wm. Yarnton, glazier (_1.0.3) and John Champion, glazier "for mending the Leads & Windows" (_1.6.5) 1788 Delivering old lead to Bedford and fetching scaffolding (May) and taking scaffolding back to Bedford (July) and James Field for putting up the scaffold etc (8s.) 1788-9 Work at the church [new roof to steeple] by Stephen Oliver (_1.14.0), John Freshwater (_8.11.3) and Mr.Empy (leading the church steeple & casting the lead etc. - _21.15.0) and goods etc supplied by William Grant (beer - _4.14.6), Robert Goddard (ironwork - _2.17.10), Richard Leach (nails etc. - _1.4.10) and Watking & Theed (timber - _8.19.6); Mr.Skinner's Surveyors Bill (_3.13.0. and 13s.8d.) 1789 Receipt of John Cobb for _21 "for Erecting a Galleray in Renold Church", 16 Sept.1789 1789-90 Work at church by James Field (_1.2.0) and Mr. Freshwater (_1.5.9) 1791 "To Thos Coarse One Dozen and a half of Basses for the Church and two Coverd Mats" (_1.1.0) 1792 Robert Goddard "for a Casement for the Church Window" (14s.6d.) and Mr.Moody & Mr.Francis "for Doing the Church Window Curtin up" (1s.6d.) 1794 Mr.Smith for Binding the Books (16s.) 1795 "Paid for Advertisement for the feast" (6s.10d.) 1798 Mr.Empy's bills (_4.9.5 and _3.5.8) 1802 "Pd Arnold Hall for Singing Nine Weeks" (9s.) 1803 "Pd for Beer when we went Round the Bounds" (10s.) 1804 Purchase of register book from Mr.Smith (_1.15.0) Mr.Freshwater for making a curtain for the Church window (6s.9d.) 1807 Mr.Webb "for Binding a very large folio Bible in strong Ruff Calf (15s.6d.) W.Freshwater for work at the church (_2.2.7) and Mr.Baker for deals (_2.12.10) 1808 New surplice (_3) 1810 Paid Mr.Webb for a Book of Homilies (18s.) 1813 Purchase of "a Oiron Chest" from Mr.Leach (_2) and carriage (6d.) 1813-4 "Pd Wright for Teaching the Children to sing" (_4) and similar payments in 1815-21 - Mr.Norman in 1820-1 1814 "Pd Stephen Prior for Making a Cushion and Cleaning the Feathers" (5s.8d.) Payments to Wm.Freshwater (_3.13.11) and Mr.Hine (_11.16.6) for work at the church 1820 Mr.Pulley's bill for Cloth for the Church (_3.7.2å) "Pd Thos Bandey Attending Cooper's Funeral & being Clark 6 week" (13s.) 1821 Field's bill "for ceiling the Church" (_8.10.6) and Hinde's bill for church repairs (_19.3.10) 1822-8 Summary accounts only - some pages torn from the volume
  • Level of description