• Reference
  • Title
    Minute book,
  • Date free text
    1863 -1907
  • Production date
    From: 1863 To: 1907
  • Scope and Content
    Includes: p.7, letter to Charity Commissioners, 1863 asking for a 'considerable portion of our surplus' to be used for educational purposes, 'because we share the opinion now so generally held, that education is of much more importance to the poor than alms'. The letter goes on to state there are five Sunday Schools 'sustained' by Bunyan Meeting, containing 600 children 'who are diligently taught, by about ninety gratuitous and intelligent teachers'. One school is in the town the others in neighbouring villages, and connected with the latter are weekday schools 'for teaching girls to sew, or both boys and girls to write and cipher'. To use part of the surplus for this purpose the trustees believe to be in the 'true spirit of the donors, whose desire it evidently was, to promote in the most effectual way possible the well-being not only of the needy, but also of the ignorant'. p.15 Resolution that £20 be appropriated for educational purposes. p.23 By the will of late Jn Joyce the schoolroom at Kempston offered to Trustees for £30. It was agreed to purchase the building and appurtenances. It was also agreed that if the Messrs Joyce wished to purchase the property from the Trustees it should be offered to them at a valuation to be made by Mr Usher, provided a suitable piece of ground could be procured for another chapel. pp.28 - 33 Letters to the Charity Commissioners regarding money left for widows of Minister - could this be paid to the widow of an assistant Minister? p.34 Reply from Commissioners - assistant Ministers widow not entitled to receive the income, 1865. p.36 Resolution unanimously adopted 'That the Trustees of Bunyan Meeting feeling the importance of rendering the worship at the Sabbath services as attractive and efficient as possible, do strongly recommend the Church and Congregation to take into serious consideration the propriety of erecting an organ in the Chapel'. p.44 Letter from Adam Merrie on behalf of the School building Committee - prepared to accept the tender of £2050 for building the schools under the architect, John Usher, 1866. Members of the congregation have promised £1200 in monthly subscriptions in ensuing three years, and also hope to realise the full amount in five years. p.56 Expression of sympathy to widow and family of late pastor, Rev. J. Jukes. p.70 Request from Finance Committee that the 'Bude light' be replaced by a 'large star pendant' - 'the Revd J. Brown was requested to explain that one important object of the Bude Light was to secure proper ventilation of the Building and recommend that enquiries be made respecting it', 1868. p.94 Purchase of site for new Kempston chapel, 1871. p.122 Attested statement on the presentation of John Bunyan's jug and cabinet to the Trustees, as to their authenticity, 1873. p.156 Cost incurred in purchasing 'certain portraits of Bunyan, prints, sketches and books, collected by the late Mr R. Waugh' be sanctioned by the Trustees, 1877. p.167 'As there appears no probability of a new chapel being erected' at Elstow, the money in a fund for this purpose should be used in restoring the Moot Hall - this building being 'fully adequate to the require ments of Elstow for Nonconformist worship and Sunday School Teaching', 1878. p.203 Memorandum re offer of pastorate at Oxford to Rev. Jn Brown, and his letter to Trustees stating his intention of staying at Bunyan Meeting, p.207 Rev. Jn Brown's 'Life of Bunyan' then being prepared, the cost of publication should be borne by Trustees, 1882. Additional note by Jn Brown '... in 1885 the Publishers took all responsibilities.' p.216 Resolution to purchase Howard House, Mill Street, 1883." p371 Minutes re site for new Bedford post office including press notice of 1896, offer of £5,500 from post office for whole of manse and grounds apparently accepted.
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