• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance (Bargain and sale with Feoffment) i) John Warner of Wilshamsted, gent. Paul Luke of Wilshamsted, gent. Nicholas Cawne of Wilshamsted, yeoman William Palmer of the same, farmer ii) Edward Risley, clerk, John Warner, son of John Warner Senior, Thomas Warner, Nicholas Cawne Junior, George Edwards, Thomas Beeche Junior, John Foster, George Cooke, Henry Doggatt, George Purser, Mathew Rivere, John Bigge, son of Thomas Bigge, George Keyte, George Tompson, Lodovico Albone and William Beeche and their heirs.
  • Date free text
    30 December 15 Chas. I [1639]
  • Production date
    From: 1639 To: 1639
  • Scope and Content
    Grant by i) to ii) of:- - all that parcel of land in Wilshamsted between the pightle or close of Peter Taylor, late of Francis Clerke on the South, and the pightle or land of Nicholas Cawne on the North and East, and abutting on the land of Peter Taylor and on the western part on Roger ... - all that messuage ... in Wilshamsted aforesaid, called the Churc House, with 3a. 3r. of arable land - ½a. of arable land on Harrowden Hill ... the headland there abutting west on the King's Highway - 2 rods of land in the fields of Wilshamsted called Clayside, between the land of John Warner on the ... west, and the headland abutting south on Eastway Common [?] - 1 rod of land lying on Mar... between the land of John Braye, late of Richard Compton, on the East, and abutting South on Edewaye [?] - ½a. land lying on ... on the east, and land late of John Edwards - ... lying in Dane field, on Long Brache ... on the East, and land of John Ki... Appointment of attorney to deliver seizin to ii) Endorsed: Livery of Seizin Sigs: John Warner, Paul Luke, mark of Nicholas Cawne, William Palmer Schedule attached: "This Cedule indented in the thirtieth day of December in the fiftenth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord the kinges Matie that nowe is Doth sett foorth Lymite appointe and declare to what uses purposes and intents the feoffmt indented herewth annexed made by the said John Warner the elder Nicholas Cawne the elder and William Palmer unto Edward Risley and to his Cofeoffes named in the said feoffment of the premises therein menconed and have the Rentes yssues and profittes cominge thereof shalbe used bestowed and ymployed from hencefoorth for ever, Viz, firste that the same rentes yssues and profittes comeinge and growing of the same premisses shalbe converted bestowed and ymployed uppon the necessarie Reparacons of the bodye of the parishe Churche of Wilshamsted aforesaide and uppon the messuage or Tenement theire Called the Church house named in the same Feoffment from tyme to tyme as often as neede shall require By the saide Feoffees or the more part of them or by the heyres of the survivour or survivors of them with the good advise counsell and assent of the Churchwardens theire for the tyme beinge, And also that it shalbe lawful to and for the Minister or parishe Clerke theire for the tyme being or other inhabita theire meete for that purposse with the like Consent to teache & bring upp yonge Children in vertuous discipline educacon and manners within the said house called the Church House, And farther That it shalbe law full to and for the parochiane theire for ever to have the use of the same howse for their poor bridalles Churchalles and other lawfull assemblies and meetings at all lawfull & convenient tyme & tymes, 1639"
  • Physical description
  • Level of description