• Reference
  • Title
    From: William Medland, Dunstable; To: Thomas Sworder, Hertford
  • Date free text
    2 Jul 1858
  • Production date
    From: 1858 To: 1858
  • Scope and Content
    From: William Medland, Dunstable; To: Thomas Sworder, Hertford "I am sure your kind note will gratify Tom very much and I am truly sorry mine should have caused you to have felt so much upon the subject, but to tell you the truth, Benning said he should come over to you. I knew full well that you would rather be kept at Dunstable so I said to him leave the matter in my hands for a few days and I will write to Mr.Sworder, so consented. Certainly Burr's letter to him was very decisive & strong and of course Benning was obliged to let me know just how the matter stood between him & Burr, however Benning is from home now and will not return until Tuesday and I sincerely trust by that time Tom will have heard from the Gentleman you wrote about or rather Charles Young has written to, at any rate I will tell him the purpose of your note and let you know what arrangement I have made. I can assure you I feel as anxious for you both to get the matter off your minds as if it was my own business, as I shall always feel as much intent in Tom's affairs as himself. I have sent word over to him about the Partner. Strange to say I took him up to London only yesterday to introduce him to a party who I thought likely to put him in a way to get a partner. I quite feel the necessity of his having one & not an easy going one either, a man who will be master, if a fellow wants a lot of money to be spent upon a House just to suit his fancy to say no, I will not. Besides there ought to be one partner at home and another out always, this is my idea of the affair, right or wrong. I must leave. It is a first rate business and once matters are put straight all will go well. I mentioned to this gentleman I took Tom to yesterday to try and sell the Welch Brewery for him. Depend upon it I shall do all I can to push that matter on. I hope you will all come over to the Fete. I enclose you particulars, we expect to take £200 that day. It will be a beautiful sight so do come. Give my kind love to Tom and tell him I wish him many happy returns of the day. Can I send for you all to St.Albans or any other place. Oh dear me, I had nearly forgotten to tell you a most important piece of news & that is Tom had another little Girl arrive yesterday morning, so I laughed at him and told him he had got a Partner and no mistake, quite dreadful five kids this makes if people would be like ourselves and be satisfied with two…for the present I suppose. Well good bye with our united kind love trusting to see you all on the 9th".
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