• Reference
  • Title
    PCC correspondence, largely involving finance
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1963 To: 1969
  • Scope and Content
    including: - letter from Rev.Burman to Flitton Parish Council regarding inconvenience due to delays by the Parish Council in dealing with business particularly: money owed to Greenfield School for letting; seven years arrears of rent for Flitton Church Hall; disposal certificates for bodies and receipts for cemetery fees paid. The letter notes “…it is therefore a great disappointment to me to see Parish Councils ineffective and a continual laughing stock with parishioners…” [1963]; - details of proceeds of fetes and bazaars including amounts for and names of people running each stall [1963-1969]; - statement of church funds [1964-1966]; - attendance by English Folk Dance & Song Society, Luton Group, at church fete [1965]; - appeal for money to build a Village Hall with names and addresses of Flitton Church Hall Committee [1967]; - letter regarding churchwarden needing to take oath of admission in the presence of Bishop of Bedford [1967]; - letter of resignation from PCC by Rosemary Marshall [1967]; - St.Albans Diocesan Standing Conference questionnaire “A Diocese Looks Forward” with answers by Flitton PCC [1968]; - Flitton PCC votes on issues of government by Synod [1967]; - Christmas greetings and gifts sent by younger parishioners to those in the parish over 70 [1967]; - PCC resolutions regarding: removal of rotten wood and its replacement by red and black quarry tiles in the chancel floor; removal of a dilapidated dresser from the tower and its replacement by a fitted cupboard [1967-1968]; - Vicar & Churchwardens’ Accounts [1967]; - Flitton Church Hall Improvement Fund account [1968]; - recalculation of church tower debt [1968]; - right of PCC to appoint a member of Flitton Village Hall Management Committee [1968]; - Tower restoration account [1968]; - need for insurance against theft of lead, with calculations of area of lead to be thus protected [1968]; - votes by members of Flitton electoral roll on proposals for national Anglican-Methodist union [1968]; - possible sale of brass eagle lectern to USAF Chicksands [1969]; - comments on proposed deanery reorganisation [1969]; - opening of Church Bazaar by K.Newton-Wright of Westoning MacIntyre School [1969]
  • Level of description