• Reference
  • Title
    Daneswood Hospital
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1903 To: 1981
  • Admin/biog history
    The Daneswood Jewish Sanatorium for consumptives was opened on 25 June 1903. After 1946 it was called the Daneswood Sanatorium. Until 1949 the Home was owned and managed by the Trustees of "The Jewish Convalescent Home founded in memory of Judith Lady Montefiore". Judith Lady Montefiore died on 24 September 1862. She was a daughter of Levi Barent Cohen, an important Jewish businessman. Her sister Hannah, married Nathan Meyer Rothschild, the founder of the English branch of the family. Judith married into another wealthy Jewish family, that of Montefiore. Her husband Moses (1784-1885) was created a Baronet in 1876. They were childless. On Judith's death a meeting was called at the residence of the Chief Rabbi 'for the purpose of taking into consideration the amiable character and pious deeds of the lamented lady by means of some suitable memorial in harmony with the spirit that animated her life." (HOD6) It was decided to found a Jewish Convalescent Home in Judith's memory. A collateral intention of the trust was to provide training for Jewish servant girls. The Trust deed dated (HOD6) lists three trustees, H L Bischoffsheim, Sampson Lucas and Nathan Rothschild (Judith's Great nephew). The Committee of women who managed the trust on a day to day basis reads like a roll call of the leading ladies in British Jewry with Cohens, Rothschilds, Samuels, Lucas, and Sassoons all mentioned. The key figures in the trust were Henry Louis Bischoffsheim a Parisian Jew and his wife Clarisse E (nee Biedermann) of Vienna, who was Treasurer (1869-1892). When she became President, convalescent homes were established at Norwood and Brighton. At the turn of the Century, Norwood was closed and a search was made for a suitable property for a Jewish Convalescent Home for Consumptives. Minutes of the General Committee of 3 February 1901 recorded that Mr Bischoffsheim had entered into a contract to purchase Daneswood, Aspley Heath. He proposed to present it as a free gift for setting up a Convalescent Home for consumptives (HOD2). On 30 September 1901, it was recorded that Mr Bischoffsheim had presented the Committee with a cheque for _4,508 7s 0d. This money was used for the purchase of Daneswood. Alterations to the house were to be made in accordance with plans prepared by an architect called Philip at a cost of more than £8,000. Mr Bischoffsheim was again to foot the bill. The Convalescent Home was opened on 2 June 1903. On 5 July 1948 it was vested in the North Western Metropolitan Hospital Board. It was closed c. 1981. Two other convalescent homes were established in the area of Daneswood. Homewood (Bedfordshire County Hospital purchased 1919) and Edgebury (owned by Edmonton Board of Guardians, later London County Council (between 1928 and 1931).
  • Level of description