Land at Meppershall known as 'Sugar Loaf': Deed of Exchange (Photocopy) i) Alec Millard, 15 Crackle Hill, Meppershall ii) Frederick Jenkins, Nun Wood, Shefford Road, Meppershall iii) Polehanger Farms Ltd An exchange of lands between i), ii) and iii) has been agreed Sigs of i) to iii) with seal of iii) Various wits
Date free text
17 December 1979
Production date
From: 1979 To: 1979
Scope and Content
Now i) conveys to ii)
Plot of land at Meppershall having a frontage of 398 ft to the main road leading from Meppershall to Shefford (as on plan attached)
i) conveys to iii)
Two plots of land known as Wood Close and Millards Field and having a frontage to main road from Meppershall to Shefford (as on plan attached)
ii) conveys to iii)
Plot of land at Meppershall forming part of field no 151 on O S revision map of 1939 (as on plan attached) subject to all rights of way and easements affecting the property and in particular any rights of the Coal Commission and to an unapportioned rent charge of £41 20p per annum affecting whole of property of Rectory of Meppershall but with benefit of a declaration in a conveyance of 31 October 1944 made between a) the Rev. Martin Pierce b) St John's College, Cambridge c) The Ecclesiastical Commissioners d) Kenneth Parrish (being a conveyance of the land concerned) whereby it was declared that as between a) and d) the glebe lands etc should stand exclusively charged with said rent charge in exoneration of said land conveyed by the Conveyance.
iii) conveys to i)
Two plots of land lying to the rear of the Village Hall and other buildings fronting to High Street, Meppershall, and known as the Sugar Loaf (as shown on plan) together with right for i) in connection with use and enjoyment of said plots to pass and repass over roadway shown on plan but subject to payment by i) of proportion of cost of keeping roadway in repair.
Nevertheless with the benefit of
1) as regards field called Punch, the rights granted in agreement dated 28 August 1946 between William Knight and First Garden City Ltd and in agreement of 19 September 1934 between William Ransom and Sons Ltd and First Garden City Ltd.
2) as regards the roadway then subject to easements etc granted in deeds of 18 October 1960 made between Michael Henry Foster and the Eastern Gas Board and of 26 April 1974 between iii) and British Gas Corporation
Also iii) release to ii)
All rights of way which they may have over his land with intent that land should be freed from any such rights
ii) and iii) covenant regarding Wood Close, Millard Close and plot adjoining, that if any building development (not being development for purposes for agriculture etc) shall take place on any part of land fronting to the main road from Shefford to Meppershall with in a distance of 150 feet from Westerly boundary, or if any access road is constructed within 10 years from 25 March 1975 then ii) or iii) as appropriate, will pay to i) 1/3rd of developmental value of said land and will keep i) fully indemnified against all costs of such future development
Also ii) and iii) covenant with each other that if within 80 years one gives the other 3 months notice then that party may erect stockproof fences against certain boundaries.
Similar covenant regarding boundary fences
Mutual covenants to produce deeds, as in schedules
First Schedules
Deeds retained by Mr Millard [Wood Close, Millards Field and one other piece of land]
25 March 1902 Conveyance Isaac Lightfoot and James Pepper with William Millard
26 March 1902 Mortgage William Millard and John Ell
19 March 1918 Transfer of mortgage, John Hare and William Ell, William Millard, George Cooper
2 June 1931 Transfer of mortgage, Arthur and George Cooper, Florence Elizabeth Cooper and Ellen Jane Cooper
1 April 1942 Statutory Receipt
11 October 1948 Deed of Gift, William Millard with Arthur William Cecil Millard and Frederick Charles Millard
8 November 1950 Legal Charge, A W C Millard and F C Millard, with Barclays Bank Ltd
28 July 1960 Statutory Receipt
28 March 1960 Appointment of new trustee, F C Millard and Amy Millard
2 May 1967 Conveyance, F C Millard and Amy Millard, with Alec Millard
Second Schedule
Deeds retained by Mr Jenkins [land south of Harrietts, adjoining Nun Wood]
26 January 1959 Conveyance, Kenneth Parrish, Lloyds Bank, and Mr Jenkins
11 May 1959 Legal Charge, Mr Jenkins and Barclays Bank
7 October 1974 Vacating Receipt
Third Schedule
Deeds retained by Polehanger Farms Ltd [Punch, Sugar Loaf and plot adjoining]
As to part of Punch
4 June 1951 Conveyance, William Knight, Evelyn Millard Knight and Elsie Mary Knight and Hubert Harris
4 June 1952 Mortgage, same parties
5 February 1958 Vacating receipt
3 April 1963 Conveyance, E M Knight, Elsie Mary Reynolds and Hubert William Harris with Michael Henry Foster
As to another part of Punch
3 April 1963 Conveyance, E M Knight, E M Reynolds and H W Harris, with Kenneth William Lawrence
3 April 1963 Legal Charge, K W Lawrence and M H Foster
16 August 1966 Duplicate deed of exchange, Annie Harris, K W Lawrence with M H Foster
19 January 1977 Vacating receipt
As to Sugar Loaf and remainder of Punch
31 March 1948 Conveyance between Arthur Stanley Foster and M H Foster
As to the whole
1 July 1970 Conveyance between M H Foster and Polehanger Farms Ltd
As to rights to which property is subject
19 September 1934, 28 August 1946, 18 October 1960, 26 April 1974 Duplicate of agreements
Level of description