Charity Commission Order in respect of The Church and Poor's Land Charity, Wootton. Printed.
Loan for repair of Parish Church. 1 Sep 1877 Recitals
Scheme for regulation and management of the Charity established by Order of the Board of the Charity Commissioners whereby directions were given that the net annual income of the Charity should be divided into 2 equal parts- 1 to be applied in or towards the repair of the parish church (and if in any year the whole of this part be not required for such purpose the residue should be accumulated so as to form a fund for the extraordinary reparation or improvement of the said church).
That the fund accumulated under the authority of the Scheme now amounts to £100.
That the Trustees of the Charity have submitted to the Board a statement and application reporting that for the completion of certain necessary repairs of a portion of the roof of the church £310 is required, towards meeting which the Trustees have in hand the £100 leaving a balance of £210 now to be provided for, and requiring the sanction and authority of the Board for borrowing the sum of £200 and apply the same towards the payment of such balance.
Operative part
Order by the Board (having considered and inquired into the premises and being of the opinion that the proposed expenditure is proper and for the benefit of the charity) that the Trustees of the Charity shall be at liberty within one year of this date to borrow or raise any sum not exceeding £200 upon the security if necessary of all or any portion of the Charity Estate (but so that no such security shall empower the holder thereof to sell the hereditaments or any part thereof) at any rate of interest not exceeding £5% p.a. and to expend and apply the same, together with the 100, towards the payment and discharge of the costs of the said repairs of the church; that the trustees of the Charity shall by and out of a moiety of the rents and income thereof applicable, under the provisions of the said Scheme, to the maintenance and repair of the church, pay and keep down the interest on the principal sum which shall be so borrowed and raised; that the full amount of the principal shall be repaid by the Trustees within 10 years by annual instalments amounting to not less than £20 p.a. to be reserved and paid by the Trustees out of the moiety of the annual income of the Charity, applicable as aforesaid to the maintenance and repair of the church, and the first of such instalments shall be so reserved or paid on or before 1 Jan 1879.
Date free text
2 November 1869
Production date
From: 1869 To: 1869
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